
February 22, 2012

hawaiian adventures

a pretty rainbow as we went through the pineapple fields

waiting outside Matsumoto's for our favorite
shave ice on the north shore

Ryan with my parent's lab, Lucky, that thinks
she is a lap dog

Fumis- our favorite shrimp

February 19, 2012

adventures in Hawaii

we're just hanging out
on the North Shore of Oahu
not a whole lot going on

sorry I haven't posted much
our life has been pretty uneventful
other than coming to Hawaii
to see my family

February 10, 2012

a night in San Fran

We went last night to my first concert 
it was definitely an experience
for the most part we had fun
except for the guy that spilled his beer all over me
and the Asian girl that stood in front of me most
of the concert that practically gave me a lap dance

heading into San Francisco

The Fillmore

January 28, 2012

Young the Giant

we are one month down on our stay in CA
before we head out to Michigan.
We already received an email from
a current dental student saying to 
do something fun before school starts
so in two weeks we are...
we're going to my first concert!
(well my first real concert)
I'm so excited!

we're going to see Young the Giant in San Francisco

It's not my first because I haven't had any
interest, but every time perviously I had
tried to go things didn't work out. 
We first heard of these guys from the indie/alternative
radio station in Utah The End
and then we started listening to them on pandora
so we're anxious to see them live

January 19, 2012

it's been a while

sorry I have been gone so long
it seems like I fell off the face of the earth

a lot has happened since I last wrote and
at the same time not a lot has happened

we moved out of Rexburg
paid a deposit at University of Michigan
found where we are going to live (yay! I was stressing about this)
worked, worked and worked so more
ran errands
started new year's resolutions

so kind of a lot, kind of not

I had lots of people ask me at the end of this last year
if I was pregnant. Nope I just got fat. Thanks for noticing.
Must have been all of those trips down to Utah for
Ryan's dental school interviews and countless hours sitting
on our butts and eating fast food. 
So... we started exercising when we got back to California
I'm down about 7 pounds, which is exciting
 it gives me a whole new appreciation for 
people that lose tremendous amounts of weight

I've been looking at this page a lot for inspiration

and remember this: