
December 21, 2011


at least that is what Ryan calls it


I couldn't be more proud.

The night before was horrible. He got food poisoning and 
spent most of the night up.
I wasn't sure we were going to make it.
Fortunately though he felt well enough to 
walk in the ceremony.

We packed up our stuff and moved out of the 'burg.
It was a little anticlimactic. I thought I would feel
so liberated to move out. I might have cried a little.
It was weird. 

On a different note:
we paid a deposit at Michigan. 
It's official now.
We're heading to Ann Arbor.

December 15, 2011

giving is better than receiving

unless Jimmy Kimmel
tells you to give your kids a terrible
present early and tape them opening it
so he can put it on his show

disclaimer: the kid at the end says something inappropriate

in case you don't get it, this video kind of goes hand in hand with this video

December 07, 2011

pack pack pack, clean clean clean

I feel like this is all my life consists of lately.
Packing and cleaning.
The end of the semester is in sight however, 
which for us only means one thing...
moving time

as a result my living room looks like this

It is driving me just a little bit crazy.
Boxes everywhere. The never ending stack of things to pack.
Uh... well only 8 more days of it, hopefully.

And in more exciting news...

Ryan got another dental school acceptance.
This one to UNLV.
They do snail mail acceptances, so we didn't get a phone call.
We have been luckier (is that a word?) than we could have
ever imagined. We now have 4 options for dental school.
We feel so blessed.
It will be a great new adventure for us. 

T-minus 9 days to graduation!!

December 02, 2011

decision time

Ryan went to his last dental school interview
this last Wednesday. I'm excited to not have
to drive to Salt Lake every week now.
We did it! Made it through interviews.

On Thursday morning (December 1st the long awaited day)
we were supposed to wake up early 
to try and make it back to Rexburg
for Ryan's noon class. 
That didn't happen though, and we woke up late. We
were rushing to get out the door and get the car packed
when we got the first of several phone calls.

The first was from Georgia Health Sciences.
Accepting him to dental school.

Utah was having a terrible windstorm
(read: 100 mph wind and closing the I-15 to semi-trucks
because we saw 11 flipped over)
 and we were trying to drive through it
when calls from University of Michigan and
Roseman (South Jordan, UT) came through
accept Ryan.

I was so happy I cried.
All of our efforts have paid off.

We're leaning towards Michigan, but we'll let you know
as soon as we make a decision.