
November 21, 2011

new addition(s)

8 to be exact
My parent's dog had puppies!
I wish we could be there to see them,
but we can't.
So my sister sent me this little clip instead

aren't they just so cute?

November 15, 2011

Just one of those days

this is what our morning day looked liked
until about noon today. Ryan went to class
this morning and then came home and got back 
into bed. We spent a large portion of last night packing,
so we're exhausted.
And I had a mini-meltdown last night.
I hate being stressed.
We have a little more than one month before Ryan
graduates and we have to be totally out of our apartment.
 Two more dental school interviews to go.
The suspense of not knowing where we are going is
starting to get to me a little bit.
December 1st can't come soon enough!

November 10, 2011

nada mucho

not much to report lately
sorry, we're lame
mostly just trying to start packing
I HATE packing. It's the worst ever.

Trying to start thinking about Christmas gifts.
I will totally admit I am the worst ever at trying to
guess what people want.
No joke- I would rather you give me a list.
is that terrible?
Pinterest has enabled me to keep a list for myself
so when people ask me what I want I can
actually remember instead of telling them the
first dumb idea that pops into my head

Anyways...I can't believe it's November.
Where has the year gone?
Hopefully in December we will start hearing back from dental schools,
Ryan will graduate, we will move and then it will be Christmas.
Busy, busy.

Some of my favorite Christmas ideas so far...







November 01, 2011

halloween crazy

have you seen this video?

I love the holidays and all, but I mean 
really where do people get the idea/time/money to do this stuff?

count down is on

we're just about finished sending off Ryan's
graduation announcements
which means...
 the semester is almost over.
 Only 6 weeks left in Rexburg.
I can't really believe it is happening.
We have been here for so long
it's kind of scary to think we will be 
going somewhere else!
in the time we have left we have:
3 more dental school interviews
4 more trips to Utah
1 apartment to pack up...
(read: countless hours of packing & cleaning)
1 wedding reception to go to 
lots of friends to say goodbye to.
I don't think I'm ready