
June 23, 2011

garden growth

The weather in Rexburg is sometimes pretty extreme. So when Ryan told me he wanted to plant a garden I though, "why so I can be disappointed when nothing grows?"  Fortunately though he was right and I was wrong and we have had little baby plants spring up while I was in Zions.




I'm pretty excited

June 20, 2011

catching up

sorry I haven't posted in a while. Ryan told me it doesn't matter though because there are only about 5 people who read our blog. Anyways for all 5 of you that read our blog, things have been busy. I got stomach flu twice in about a week and a half (how does that happen?) and went to a family reunion. Got the first round of Ryan's dental school applications in (YES!!!!)  and went to my brother's wedding. might take me a couple posts to catch up. These are some of my pictures.

cousins yogaing


my little brother likes bacon a lot
my mom found this for him

June 19, 2011

to my dad

I was so excited that I got to spend Father's Day with my dad. 
I hadn't been able to do that in a long time. 
I've always been a daddy's girl so it meant a lot to me. 

June 07, 2011

why I don't tan

I've always been made fun of for being pale, but what people don't know is
that if/when I get precancerous cells I will be the 3rd generation in my family
so this video really hit home for me

also I don't want to look like this

so go ahead...make fun of me cause I'm pale, but I'm not interested in dying of melanoma


would you believe how much work there is to do in filling out
applications for dental school?
I feel like that is all we do lately
Ryan sent in the standard application
but lots of schools have secondary applications
kind of annoying....just a little

I haven't talked about P90X in a while
I got the stomach flu two weekends ago
and have yet to find my motivation to get back into it
I usually have a pair of jeans hanging where I can 
see them that are my "goal" jeans
well....I already hit my goal jeans, so I had to get some 
smaller ones

 and they're a size 27, which I have 
not fit into in a long time
I had requests for my before and after pictures
but...I don't think I'm quite ready for that yet

a few weeks ago my friend K took some portraits
for her BFA project that I modeled for

they are good pictures, but they
made me realize I still have quite a ways to go

tomorrow I am leaving for a family
reunion in Zions. This with be my 
first trip sans the hubs. I'm excited to go,
but sad to leave him at the same time

June 03, 2011

today was a good day

aside from it being Friday (which honestly how bad could a Friday be?)
it was a pretty good day

a couple weeks ago my cousin Jason had
a nasty accident where he fell from the 
second story of a building
today we found out that he was
up and walking a little bit
which is really, really good

my new lens came
I was so excited to open it!!
pictures to come

Ryan submitted his dental application today!
well at least the standard application that goes out to all the schools
a lot of the schools also have their own application
that you have to fill out in addition, which we are working on
we went and got ice cream to celebrate

June 01, 2011

picnic in the park

Isn't is kind of sad that we live somewhere that is takes
until almost June for everything to bloom?

It hailed here on Memorial Day
so much for the "unofficial start to summer."
I told Ryan my one request for
where we go to dental school is I don't
want to be able to wear my peacoat 
or see my breath when I'm outside on Memorial Day
both of which I did this year


Well we survived the day
Ryan got about 90% of his dental application
filled out, which feels good
just waiting on a few loose ends
and then it will be in
...and we wait

Since it finally was nice outside
we went to the park and had dinner there. 
We had sandwiches from Millhollow,
 which I will miss when we
leave this barren tundra of nothingness

hold it....

did I just say I would miss something from Rexburg ...out loud?

ok, so maybe I will

but seriously these are some of the best sandwiches ever
one of the few true jems in Rexburg if you ask me