
May 31, 2011

June 1st

tomorrow is the BIG day...the day that dental school applications open
and I'm nervous, very nervous
wouldn't you be?
all I know is this is going to be a long week

May 29, 2011

pretty party

I've been sick and so I have watched lots of things on 
Netflix and spent far too much time surfing the internet. 
I was looking at The Beauty Department website and they had this picture

and an article that talked about getting your friends
together and having a product exchange called
a pretty party
for make up or hair stuff or whatever that you
didn't love, but maybe someone else will.
I said to Ryan, "I should do that"
he said, "what, have a bunch of girls have a sleepover in our bed?"
silly Ryan

May 26, 2011

we're growing a garden

a salsa garden to be exact
there is a plot in our ward for people to keep a garden
we signed up with some friends and are trying to grow stuff
to make salsa (and a few other things)

I'm pretty excited about it
hopefully we will get some sunshine
so everything will grow

Ryan let me buy this yesterday

I'm so excited!!
it's supposed to be here next Friday

I need some help deciding on what shoes to wear
to my brother's wedding
between these. I asked
Ryan and he said they all look
the same to him. So...
please vote and help me decide






May 25, 2011

funny story

tooth paste makes my mouth dry, so...every night after I brush my teeth I get a glass of water and will sip it while I read a chapter out of my book.

I also talk in my sleep at night sometimes and some times I sleep walk (I know, everything you ever wanted to know about me, right?) but only usually when I'm stressed. Well... last night during the middle of the night I guess I dumped my left over water on Ryan in my sleep. Whoops! Good thing he likes me ;)  I have no recollection of this and woke up to him telling me that I got him all wet

I love getting good deals. 
I try to never pay full price for anything I can get away with.
I got this for 
one penny
yes you read that right. 1 penny.
Sam's club was liquidating them but didn't have a sign
we noticed when the total was far less than we expected

Ryan took my pictures last night for P90X and while I have lost
quite a bit of weight, I still have a long way to go.
It's incredible how weight can sneak up on you and
you finally realize what you really look like
and then all of a sudden you need to make huge changes.
I thought about posting the pictures, but I think
I'll wait until a little bit further along
but I will say this...
I'm down 15 pounds since last September

May 22, 2011


Sorry to leave on such a sour note with my last post
but I just had to let that one out.
As a result I will be screening comments. Sorry if you find that annoying.
I find bloggers trying to solicit their own blog annoying. my soapbox now

This weekend we went to a ward activity that was carnival themed

so Ryan painted my face

we made a really good recipe from Cook This Not That

Ryan's parents sent us some pictures of our puppies at home

this picture makes me wish we were back in CA sittin by the pool

One of my good friends just got the Canon 5D Mark II and is taking 
pictures for her Bachelor's of Fine Arts (BFA) project
and I modeled for her on Saturday
maybe she'll send me some pictures I can show you

About a month ago I went to a party for the Daybook with some friends.
It was so much fun. They put some of the pictures from the party online.
We're on this page on the top row. 
Let's just say I can very much see the results from P90X
since these pictures were taken.

unfortunately Ryan had to take a test on Saturday and has a lot more
due this week, so it was a very homework weekend

May 20, 2011

blogging pet peeve

I don't usually vent on here but I feel so frustrated about this.

I started blogging last October, mostly because I was getting sick of Facebook. For the most part I have blogged about what is going on with us, school, good recipes, and other interesting tidbits from our lives. I originally had it set as private, but changed it to public. However as of late I've had a slew of bloggers trying to advertise their own blogs to me. I'm not going to lie, I'm a little annoyed. Considering changing it back to private. Any thoughts?

May 18, 2011


a few weeks ago Ryan applied to go with a group of dentists 
that do humanitarian dental work in central America. 
Well yesterday he got a phone call and they said he had been selected
 to go with them to Panama!
Lucky guy!

last time we were in Panama it looked a little like this

only this time when he goes it will be a little more work

only a few more weeks until applications for dental school are accepted

May 17, 2011

It's official

I got something really exciting today in the mail
and it means that I am completely done with my bachelors!

I'm so excited for when Ryan will be done and we will have
two diplomas in that frame!

I am trying to do some spring cleaning
I have some things that a family member gave me that
I really have no interest in keeping
I know as soon as I give it away or throw it away
they will ask about it

Also I am trying to find some white shoes 
to wear to my brother's wedding next month
any ideas?

May 15, 2011

this weekend...

This weekend the sun was shining. It was beautiful. 
We wore sandals.

and took our bikes out and went for a ride.
We went to Gator Jack's for some burgers. 

and of course because we thought that it wasn't going to rain
we washed the cars. Today what did it do? rain, of course.

We took my measurements after doing my second week of P90X
and my results were:

waist: -1/2"
hips: -1"
thighs: -1/2"
calves: -1/2"

not too shabby considering that I am not really following the program's diet

May 13, 2011

Fast approaching deadline

June 1st is the first day that dental school applications are being accepted. 
Kind of a big day... well for us anyways.
It's kind of making me nervous.
I'm not really sure. 
Applying to dental school is the hurry up and wait game.
Ryan will apply in June and then the schools
call back people for interviews in the fall
and hopefully we'll know by Christmas time or New Year's
where he got in.
That seems so far away. It seems like it just was Christmas.

anyways...P90X is going great except for the smashed finger. Which I'm 
wondering how can you tell if it will fall off or just grow out? Oh well.
I might post something about my week to week results. 
But, it's a beautiful day outside so I think I'm going to go for a run

lost post

I lost my post from Wednesday's due to Blogger "maintenance." Did anyone else loose theirs?

Anyways...I don't remember/want to write it all out again but this I think was about the gist

dental applications open up on June 1st. ScArY! I'm excited, but applying for dental school is very much a hurry up and then wait game. We won't know anything until the fall. Keep you fingers crossed for us!

The weather is finally getting better. I'm excited because next month my brother is getting married and there is a family reunion in Zion's. Bring on the heat!

P90X is going well. Starting to see some results with my measurements. Yay! I better after this. Maybe when I get some time later I will tell you more about it. But I'm off to do some cleaning and I think we are going to go fishing tonight.

Have a good weekend!!

May 10, 2011

rain, rain go away

don't come again another day

I got some super cute shoes that I am dying to wear

I can't wait to wear these with a fun sundress

it has been raining so much though it kind of makes me wish I had bought

some of these



this instead.

In other news...

yesterday I got a phone call for a job interview

that's right I said a job interview

and it's for a real job!

I am a little bit very excited!

May 09, 2011


This last weekend it was our friend Rhett's birthday. We usually hang out with Rhett and Jen quite frequently and this usually involves going out to dinner and watching a movie. Yes we are always that exciting ;). Since they had their little girl, Jolie, we have had to do more hanging out at their house so Jolie can go to bed. After Jolie went to bed we had cake

now let me tell you I'm not usually a huge fan of chocolate cake
but this cake was...

I think I even had two slices (so much for being good)

afterwards we played this game called Just Dance on the Wii


and we had so much fun just being ridiculous

May 05, 2011

9 fingered yoga?

Well since I have not found a job yet I have taken up doing P90X again. Yesterday I was doing this exercise

and when I went to put down the weights this happened

I'm supposed to do yoga today, but considering that anytime anything
touches that finger it kills I'm pretty sure that downward dog is out of
the question. And really what would yoga be without a good downward dog?

May 04, 2011

would you like some fries with that?

All of my life I have been told go to college and get an education so you won't have to work in fast food indefinitely. Well here I am. I graduated college. Now it appears that all the jobs available in this little town of ours are just, well, not that great. I know I live in a small college town and that doesn't help, but I'm beginning to wonder if all of those people knew what they were talking about. All I have to say is....

photo via

would you like some fries with that?

May 01, 2011

Oh the places you'll go

A friend recently gave me this book

I have been slowly working my 
way through it and thinking about all the places
we have been. We have been pretty fortunate and have 
already been to quite a few from this never ending list. Such as: 

The Grand Canyon
The Getty Center
Monterey Peninsula

me at the Monterey Aquarium

Pacific Coast Highway
Hotel Del Coronado
San Francisco
Sun Valley
Las Vegas strip
the Bellagio
Mackinac Island Grand Hotel
Park City
Mormon Tabernacle Choir
Zion National Park
Grand Teton National Park
Acapulco Bay
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico
Panama Canal

coming out on the Atlantic side of the Panama Canal
I think I got the worst sun burn in Panama I've ever had

I was really surprised about some of the places the we had been that were not in this book


it did get me excited to be done with school and to be able to travel.
There are so many places I want to go such as:

UK, specifically- London, Stonehenge, Hadrian's Wall, Dover, the Lake District, Bath, Oxford and Cambridge, Warwick Castle, Balmoral Castle, Loch Ness (monster or not), Manchester, Leeds, Tate museum
Ireland- Dublin, Waterford
Austria- Salzburg, Vienna
France- Normandy D-Day beaches, Paris
India- Taj Mahal, Golden Temple in Amristar
Australia- great barrier reef, Sydney

well I could go on and on. I guess after living in Rexburg so long I am just itching to get out. Any other good suggestions for my list of places to go?