Showing posts with label roasted sweet chilli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label roasted sweet chilli. Show all posts

Monday, January 28, 2013

Did I just graduate?

Did I just graduate? Recently my friend Chef Ryan asked me to assist with a promotion at Carrefour of a brand of acqua culture prawn. The plan was to demonstrate preparing the prawn near the seafood department. I agreed as it sounded like fun, and a new experience. Arriving early at Carrefour Subang Jaya last Sunday, I met up with Chef Ryan to make sure the demonstration was set up. It was then that he said I had to wear a chef’s uniform for the cooking demo. “Me? I am not a chef" I said. To which he replied “Yes you are.”  Okay, if you said so. So I rise into the hallowed halls of "chefdom" and suddenly I think, "its my graduation day"! LOL! But I don't think so. To truly be a chef means considerably more, and of course, I know that. But GOSH it was fun to wear the whites, and prattle on as if I knew something. I think the next step should be a white smock with "Quay Po Cooks" embroidered on the front panel...what do you think?

The supermarket was busy with lots of passersby busily going about their shopping. But all it took was the fragrance of the first prawn dish, lemon grass prawn, cooking, and people slowed down.  Many stop and tasted the dish and commented favorably on the quality of the “Pelago” prawns. Several proceeded to buy a box to take home. If you want to know more about “Pelago” prawns, hop over to there website.

I will be doing another cooking demo next Sunday, 3rd February between 2pm to 4pm at Carrefour Subang Jaya. So if you would like to taste the “Pelago” prawns, do drop by and you will be pleased. The taste and texture comes closer to lobster but its best for you to be the judge.  Oh and see me in action which is also free for now. That way you can catch me before I am hauled away by the food network in the sky to become the next Anna Olsen LOL! (Tell me, should I get one of those tall chef hats?)

Actually after tasting "Pelago" prawns last Sunday, I became convinced that fresh frozen prawns can be as tasty as fresh prawns, something my hubby and I have argued about. He says that fresh frozen processors can deliver better quality because the time between harvesting and processing is so short. So I bought a 700g packet home yesterday. It cost RM29.90. I think the price is very reasonable for premium quality prawns. I used some of them to bake a puff pastry for lunch. It was delicious and, as promised, its time to share with my friends. So here goes:

Roasted pepper, basil, ginger prawn puff round


Ingredient for sauce:

Juice of a medium orange
zest of the orange
1 medium shallot, finely minced
1 tsp finely minced ginger
12 medium basil leaves, chopped coarsely
1/4 tsp light soy sauce 
1 teaspoon sesame oil
1 tsp ground cayenne pepper

Whisk together all the ingredients and add prawns to marinate for 15 minutes.

1 puff pastry block of your favorite brand

The filling:
1 cup of orange, basil, ginger sauce (see recipe above)
12 marinated "Pelago" prawns, remove shells and devein
1 large sweet pepper, roasted
1 lemon cut into 4 wedges
4 or 5 medium whole leaves basil'
4 cups mozarella cheese, shredded


Lay pepper pieces on a baking sheet, drizzle lightly with olive oil and roast for approx. 15 minutes until just tender at 200 degrees C. Let it cool and remove the skin. Cut roasted pepper into 2 inches wide strips.

Cut pastry into 4 even quarters, roll out each to a disc approx 6 inches in diameter. Lay the pastry rounds on a lined baking sheet, spread centre with sauce, leaving ¾ in border all round. Top with cheese, roasted peppers, basil leaves and raw prawns. Brush puff pastry with beaten egg. Bake in a pre-heated oven at 190 degrees for 15 to 18 minutes or until prawn is cooked and pastry is golden brown.