I have thought about a lot of posts I would like to make. Long thoughtful ones where I go on and on about things that matter and sound like I know what I am talking about.
But when I think of 2010 and how I labeled it my year for change, some of it is hard to think about and is just sad, although it WAS change!!!
I am ending 2010 feeling, for the first time in 42 years, that I actually accomplished what I set out to do. It wasn’t a silly list of I won’t do this anymore or even a list of I need to do this. It was me changing and growing into a person I really LIKE! I am in a life situation I am very happy with.
In the scheme of things I lost very little when I see others loose so much, but there were great and wonderful times this year. New family members, serious illnesses being overcome, me releasing control over things that were making me crazy to try to control. Stresses being let go.
So I will leave you with a wish that you all, if you did not already, have the most rewarding, peaceful, and happy of new years. One like I did in 2010.
I look at 2011 as the second year in my new life and look forward to see how it can bring me more of the contentment I have found in my life. This is my Decade to shine!