"A" is the letter of the week and ants were today's theme. We also had speech therapy and Gymboree Music and Play so we didn't fit too much school work in.
So, the other day we received a package in the mail. Fedex pulled up and I grumbled at my husband "Now what did you order?" Haha...but it was a pleasent surprise a "Rainy Day Survival Kit" from Craftprojectideas.com I was contacted by them recently asking if I would be interested in receiving samples of their products and would possibly participate in future online forums and blog hops. Of course I agreed, who wouldn't want some free craft supplies!
The box was filled with melty beads, finger paints, pipe cleaners, pompoms, magnets, popsicle sticks, and colored cords. Thanks craftprojectideas.com, we have been looking forward to using them.
I printed out an ant magnet worksheet from 2teachingmommies and the magnets in this kit were perfect size to use with it. I think in the future I will paint them so they are different colors.
I taped the sheet to our fridge and Alex worked on applying the magnets.
I found a cute ant craft idea on Classified: Mom and we made our own version. It is made with a toilet paper roll cut into 3 pieces, some paint, pipe cleaners and googly eyes. We used the brown finger paint from our new kit to paint the ants body.
We also made "A" shaped anthill with fingerprint ants. We used the brown finger paint again for this. Alex said they looked like spiders when we were finished and I agree they kind of do. Oops.
We talked about what the ants might like to eat. We made them a little picnic plate with a variety of foods, sugar, maple syrup, ketchup, peanut butter, Cheerios, and a tomato.We took it outside and placed in where we knew some ants lived. Soon we saw a little ant was seen eating the maple syrup.
For Alex's snack I made him an "anthill" It was a slice of apple, spread with peanut butter, crumbled graham crackers as "dirt" and some raisin "ants." It was a hit except for the raisin, he's now decided he doesn't like raisins?
For books we read One Hundred Hungry Ants by Elinor J. Pinczes, it is about ants the are trying to make it to a picnic before all the food is gone.
And we read The Ants Go Marching by Ann Owen and Sandra D'Antonio. It is a cutely illustrated book of the traditional song.