Showing posts with label Santa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Santa. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Meeting Santa and Trimming the Tree

Saturday we went to meet Santa at my husband's work place. Alex did so much better this year. He actually liked Santa. I could only get him to look up if Daddy sat next to him though. Santa's beard poked him in the eye and he didn't want to look up after that. When Santa went to leave Alex ran over to him and gave him a hug. It was so cute.

Last night we finally decorated our tree. We always get a real tree from our local farm. We don't really do a theme, its just a collection of ornaments that have been collected over the years. There is a lot or Scandinavian ornaments as I am from Finnish descent, a lot of ocean and beach related ornaments. We live right next to the ocean and we love it. Most have a sentimental meaning to them and I love the look of the vintage ornaments that my mom still has.

Here is a closer look at some of my favorite and most meaningful ornaments.
My Dad passed away in 2004, he was a lobster man and this was a mini replica of his buoys

We got this for our wedding in 2005

This was made by my Great Grandmother "Mummu" she made the tatting on it. Its over 40 years old.

This little angle was on my Mom's baby shower cake when she was expecting me

Just a cute little vintage deer

This bird has had a little nest in our Christmas trees ever since I can remember

Love this little Santa, not sure why
A Scandinavian Gnome

Friday, December 10, 2010

Santa and Ice Decorations

Today we read  Jolly Old Santa Claus by Alice Leedy Mason and George Hinke
This is the condensed board book version but it still features some of the beautiful oil paintings by George Hinke. The story line seems a bit cut up in this version though. Alex enjoyed looking at the pictures and pointing out details that he thought were interesting. We do have a paper back version too, but Alex's attention span isn't that long to listen to the whole story.

After reading about Santa we made a hand print Santa. I helped Alex put white paint on his hand and then stamp it on a piece of blue paper. We then added a face and hat out of construction paper, some googly eyes and cotton balls. We added a couple of craft foam snowflakes to the background. It came out very cute.

A few days ago I saw this post by the Artful Parent and have been wanting to try making natural ice wreath and ornaments. The idea is very easy just add water and some colorful berries or leaves into a containers, add a string for hanging and freeze. It was about 20 degrees today so it was plenty cold enough. We bundled up and went out around our yard to find some colorful leaves and berries. It was cold!!! We quickly found some stuff to use, we put them together inside because it was so cold.

He was cold and was giving me the evil eye

leaves and berries we found

Alex making the wreath

working on the ornaments

I added strings to each one and put them outside to freeze

A preview
Its dark out now, so I will post pictures of them all frozen and hanging up tomorrow.

I'm linking up to Kids Get Crafty and the Play Academy

Friday, December 3, 2010

A message from Santa

I found this while surfing the web. It is so cute and its free! So I'd thought I'd share.

This is the one I made for Alex:

Alex's Message from Santa

Go to to make one for your child or loved one

Hope you all enjoy!!! Merry Christmas!