Well I dragged myself to the quack, and the diagnosis? Non specific viral infection, probably a case of swine flu, but no point in doing swabs given the pre-existing diagnosis for my daughter.
Anyway she (the quack) says I am not to go back to work for five days in case it is the aforementioned disease. So this morning it was frantic phoning around to make sure my 2IC at work has all the information he needs to keep the whole place muddling along until I can return.
So what to do for five days?
Obviously, bed rest I am after all sick. (don’t forget I am a man, and men are fragile creatures greatly afflicted by minor ailments such as colds, let alone the dread porcine peril.)
Writing… maybe, see how the brain goes.
Reading… some, but see above.
Watching TV… am I the only one who wants to throw something at the screen when daytime TV is on?
Watching DVDs … more promising, but I’ve watched most of our collection, and visiting the library is problematic (don’t want to pass on the dread disease to some bored, but probably innocent, teenager.)
Sorting through my old photos and scanning them…Ack, the thought makes me sick, I only went digital about two years ago. Even contemplating where to start gives me a headache. No wait, that is the flu.
Surf the net… maybe but it’s not really resting? Is it?
Just to finish up a couple of photos (because I can’t help myself).
This little guy is a young white faced heron.

And this guy is an Australian pelican.

If anyone has read Colin Thiele’s Storm Boy, Mr Percival was an Australian pelican.