Showing posts with label Port Melbourne. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Port Melbourne. Show all posts

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Somewhere in Europe?

Yesterday being a Saturday we got twitchy to be out and about.
Instead of following our usual path and driving out into the countryside we headed into the heart of Melbourne City. We drove into the city because as one of the few perks of working for a charity I have free access to a car parking space near the centre.

I am afraid I am putting my “Uncle Harry” tour guide hat on for the rest of the post.
Melbourne is by European (and even by American East Coast) standards a young city.
The first European settlement occurred here in 1835.
Initially the town grew slowly, but by 1847 Melbourne was declared a city by Queen Victoria.

Then the Victorian gold rushes of the 1850’s began. Immense wealth flooded into the city and the population exploded. By the 1880s Melbourne was the second largest city in the British Empire (after London) and the richest city in the world.

The wealth of the time is reflected in many grand (and also some grandiose) buildings that still survive in the CBD. Anyway we were in the city for about two hours and I took photos of sections of three streets.

A few blocks from where we parked is the “Old Treasury Building”. The building, on Spring Street, was completed in 1862. Its main function was to house the vaults that contained literally tonnes of precious metal that were flooding in from the goldfields. I like it what do you think?
Behind this statue of Adam Lindsay Gordon (a 19th Century bush poet of local renown) is the modern treasury building. Not a patch on the original in terms of style.
Across the road is the Windsor Hotel. The Windsor is the only surviving “Grand Hotel” of the 19th Century left in Oz. Again I think the Windsor is a quite tasteful piece of architecture. Some pretensions, but not too over the top.
I should say something about the tram. Melbourne unlike the rest of Australia’s major cities left its tram system intact in the 1960’s. This tram is of a 1950’s or 60’s vintage. A few of these old style trams are kept running in sections of the city where there are significant numbers of tourists.

Still on Spring Street, is the Victorian Parliament. Overall the building is, I think a bit grandiose. When you look at some of the decorative details it goes over the top. The lamps (originally gas) are simply gaudy.
While the friezes go the whole hog on the “Empire” theme. You’d think we were in Ancient Rome or something. Also what is really galling for me is that while the craftsmen who did this work were very technically competent, the art is simply a poor imitation of the classical period.
Across the road from Parliament is The Princess’ Theatre:
Which is so gaudy it is almost attractive:

In terms of feel, Melbourne is the most European city in Oz. Although the older sections of most Oz cities were trying to remind their inhabitants of what they still saw as home.

These few streetscapes complete with the next couple of generations of trams (1980s and 2000s) and deciduous trees complete the European look.
Then walking up through Parliament Gardens I got this shot of Saint Patrick’s Cathedral through a window of foliage.
Up on Albert Street is a what appears to be a Roman temple. VECCI is the Victorian Employers' Chamber of Commerce and Industry. I think the building is quite attractive but the architecture says “Rome” and “Empire” not “Australia”. Am I being too parochial?

Still on Albert is Saint Peter’s East Hill Anglican church. St Peter's is the oldest Anglican Church in Victoria. It has the interesting distinction that the letters patent of Queen Victoria declaring the city status of Melbourne were read here in 1848.

Finally St Patrick’s Catholic Cathedral. This building was clearly deigned to dominate the Melbourne Skyline and this perspective gives the impression that it still does. In reality the skyscrapers behind it tower over it and the rest of the 19th Century buildings of the city.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Good Samaritans

It was bitterly cold this morning. As I posted only a week or so ago, it has been unseasonably cold. At the breakfast shift this morning I saw one of those little moments that makes you feel good about being human.

One of our regulars (I’ll call him Tom) turned up for breakfast without shoes or socks and wearing nothing warmer than a summer t-shirt. He wouldn’t say what had happened, but presumably he had some kind of trouble in the night and had to abandon some squat in a hurry.

Immediately, some of the other guys responded. One took off his own coat and gave it to Tom, and another rummaged in his bag to find a clean pair of socks. A third organised Tom a hot coffee and buttered him some toast.

All these guys have next to nothing of their own. All of them live one day at a time in desperate conditions. Yet two of them recognised how much more Tom was in need and shared the little they had, while a third stepped up to do the bit he could.

Before anyone worries too much more about Tom and the other guy who gave up his coat, I was able to help both out later. Thanks to some emergency relief supplies we can get access to, the other guys coat was replaced within a couple of hours. As to Tom, thanks to the supplies (largely provided by Local Church Parishes and charities) we were able to make good most of what he had lost. So by this afternoon he had a whole new kit including new boots, good second hand clothes and a new swag.

Now some photos, these are from Port Melbourne. Port Melbourne is sited on Port Phillip Bay at the mouth of the Yarra. It is a funny mix. In the past it was largely industrial and what housing was there was essentially slums. Now it is in the process of being shifted upmarket so you find:
Harbour facilities and warehouses.
Multi million dollar flats (apartments in American English),
Derelict piers,
And expensive boutique shopping where millionaires park their boats.
Now that is enough for tonight.