Well all good things must come to an end.
Unfortunately our holiday fitted into that category.
On our last morning the early cloud didn’t burn off as it had on every other morning. Through the morning the weather alternated between windy and grey and windy, grey and wet.
We elected to meander along The Great Ocean Road in the direction of home.
We have travelled this piece of road on a number of occasions. The scenery is so spectacular we just can’t seem to get enough of it.
In spite of coming along here before we managed to find spots we hadn’t caught before.
Like this spectacular cove at the end of a little track,

and from the same point turning about 90 degrees to the right.

The sea was of course reflecting the sky and instead of deep blue it was grey and green.
At one point along the cliffs I found these fellows: Long Beaked Corellas, an Oz cockatoo.

These guys are normally associated more with the dry inland than the coast. They usually nest in hollow trees. I would have guessed they were looking for possible nesting hollows along the cliffs, except they don’t begin nesting until mid-winter (July down this end of the world).
A little further on was this feature,

called strangely enough “The Arch”

Near Loch Ard Gorge the sun briefly poked out from between the clouds.
We elected not to stop at the famous “Twelve Apostles, because we have seen them before and with the holiday they were simply unpleasantly crowded.
Just to the East of the Apostles are “Gibson’s Steps”.

Deb waited at the top and snapped a few photos.

This is Deb’s isn’t the look of the sea a total contrast compared to just a few days before?

Then as she waited a slightly portly, amateur photographer with pretensions to publushing came into sight at the base of the cliff.

It was so cool I had pulled a woollen jumper over my T-shirt.
While I was going down the stairs and from the beach I captured these piccies of the cliffs.

Then it was a matter of climbing back up the stairs to see if Deb had blown away.

Now that is it, my protracted description of our holiday has come to an end.
Next time: an odd word