Some were way off, some pretty close and one basically right on the money.
Susan guessed: “Hmmm, a close-up of some flowering vines growing on a rock?”
Sorry Susan that is way off beam.
Marcy guessed: “I was going to say a close up of some animal's skin...?”
It is a close up of an animal’s skin. I can award that 75%.
Lisa Guessed: “I thought animal hide but the purple is throwing me off.”
Well hide probably earns 75% too.
Guessed, “My first thought was the skin of some animal. Hmm. Not sure what
kind, though. Some sort of reptile? “
It is an
animal and it is skin, but the reptile guess loses you points so 50%
Kristen M
(a zoologist) guessed “It looks like maybe an animal nose?”
I guess I
have to pay that guess 100%. It is indeed a nose.
So what is the critter in question?
Recently we have had some work done on our track out to civilization.
Along the edges where the soil has been disturbed the Blue-Gums are doing what
they do best, taking over.
In many spots the disturbed ground is being covered by seedlings already competing to race for the sky.
Blue-gums are one of the favoured foods of a much loved Oz icon.
One night coming home just after dark I spotted this guy to one side
taking advantage of the tender new growth.
Perhaps it was dazzled by my car headlights, but whatever the reason it let me get out and get really close.
A less charitable idea is that it didn't quite understand what was happening. Average Oz marsupials are intellectual midgets. Many deal with a low energy environment by having very small brains (brains are energy hungry ours account for about 20% of our calorie use).
The bulk of Oz has poor soils and dry conditions, meaning little plant food available to form the basis of local food-chains. Koalas are almost literally "empty-headed" when compared to their closet living relative the wombats.
Of course where Deb and I live is unusual being a rainforest area.
I had a Deb’s pocket camera with me so I had to use the flash (it was
really dark in the forest) hence the odd appearance of the eyes.
Despite the flash going off in its eyes it continued eating, letting me
get off a few more shots
Then it had enough, turned
and shot up a nearby tree.
A real treat.
Usually you never see much of koalas in the bush. At best
they are usually a furry lump right up near the top of a 200 foot high tree.
Now to the sad part of the post.
Although in areas like where we live koala populations are undisturbed
and strong. In much of Oz, particularly South East Queensland, the spread of
suburbia and farming has destroyed much koala habitat.
Some conservationists argue koalas are becoming endangered. A sad truth
is around 4,000 are killed each year from being hit by cars or being attacked
by people’s pet dogs.