Showing posts with label Bark the Vote. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bark the Vote. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Historic Day

HM had chills watching today - and we are not even American. But what a day! Can't wait to see who the the First Dog will be - Portuguese Water Dog or Labradoodle!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

US Pups: Don't Forget To Vote!

If it were up to me, my pal Gibbon (aka Gibby Butt) would be on the ballot for this election! Some pup pals and I joked around and had little posters done up for him!


We'd all be better if this Min Pin was in the White House - more off leash parks - no more Breed Specific Legislation - less work hours so all the pawrents could spend more time with us!!! BOL!

But in this historic day in the US, humans...make your voice heard - get out and VOTE!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bark the Vote!

Schmitty, the Real New Yorkie is launching his campaign for us pups to Bark the Vote! He's looking to encourage our humans to get out there, no matter who you vote for..but to just exercise your right to vote! Go get 'em Schmitty!!

We dig his platform! Plus he has a great link to a site that helps dogs in need! Check out his site and upload your pic to become a patriotic pooch!