
All the Horror: Film Platypus

It's hard to grow up surrounded by at least 7 historic cemeteries and not be a "fraidy cat". In college, I set myself the task of tackling my fears by committing to watching X Files with the guys every Sunday for a year or two. It worked -a little. At some point, I discovered H.P. Lovecraft, Charles Williams, and Hellboy, and that helped more. I turned to writing my own supernatural thrillers for a number of years until a nervous breakdown and subsequent medication derailed my writing efforts. In an attempt to get re-started, my wife bought me a copy of "Save the Cat". So began my trek into Horror films as I attempted to master the ins and outs of the genre and its subfields. I've generally tried to avoid any obvious drek and keep only to the highlights. After a couple years, here are my favorites in no particular order: Alien - I saw this re-released in the theater during college and it still made me jump. More important is the way it uses the genre to hi...

Envelope Fun: Creative Platypus


Ancient Renderings: Creative Platypus


Tree and Leaf: Creative Platypus


Pickman: Creative Platypus

Schematic drawing found in the apartment of Pickman the artist. Lately of Boston.

Hill House Fan Art: Creative Platypus


Academic Platypus

My discussion of ancient witches over at Eidos has reached its 10th post. Here is the link . The post contains the links to all of my prior posts on the subject and my series on shields and world-pictures. Even though I've only gotten one interaction (on the Shield of Achilles) because of the blog's no comment policy, it's still been fun to put my thoughts out their in a non-academic setting.