Shall I tell you what these things mean? Kassandra, captive, stands beside the altar, in Argos, Kanawake, in Babylon or wherever you may please. Her wasted face, tear-marked cheek, shines Pre-Raphaelite, almost maudlin, but, but her eyes are shining star light in the summer of the soul. Traveler, will you stop to listen? Do so quickly, for her time is nearly out. There is a hope that sits upon your shoulder like a little bird, the pastor’s daughter. She’s singing (you can’t hear it), but she and I forgive you. I will go to die (for I must die) singing like that little bird because she and I know what you can’t believe, or don’t have strength to believe. What? Believe what? Courage, good master Ridley: All will be well, and all manner of things shall be well, And in the End, even the fall will be made Well. That is all she ever says, poor girl. If your travels lead you, stranger, by way of Holy Ida, th...