Sabriel (Cont.): The Platypus Reads Part CCCXXIII

It's a dark and stormy day here and that feels like a good background for discussing dark fantasy. So here we are at installment 6 of my read-through of Garth Nix's Sabriel . Earlier posts can be found by visiting the blog and scrolling down. Prior posts on Clariel can be found by following the Nix label on the blog and scrolling down. I will give you the ritual warning that I will be discussing details of the novel. If you want to avoid knowledge of a 23 year old book (please stop trying to set it up with that awkward cousin of yours, he's not misunderstood, just creepy) then do not keep reading. Ok, that said, today's drawing is on a bit of boarding pass I found (yep, I'm down to portions of boarding pass now) and features Touchstone imprisoned as the figurehead of a ship (the king is the figurehead of the ship of state? Nice one, Garth). We'll begin our analysis of the book at Chapter 13 where... Glory, Hallelujah, it's raining men! You know it! ...