Sunday, May 26, 2013
LPL7- Round 7. Re-Run.
Round 7 has begun over at the LAF for Lead Painters League Season 7
Above is my 6 round entry, "Red Devils". Which is my very first painted Bolt Action figures. The rest of my 1000 point BA army is based, primed, basecoated and ready to go..but no additional paint on these guys is happening until I finish my tight schedule for the LPL.
This week due to again time crisis/holiday weekend plans, I ended up re running my round 1 entry
my recently painted Rohirim who lost in Round 1 against one the current fellows at the top of the Leaderboard. This week they got matched up against another great painter with a great entry, but I am glad to say they are winning so far, but please go ahead and check them out and go vote if you are participating in this!
Having to paint 5 figures (and photograph them in a good scene) week to week is a tough, tough challenge especially if you've got way too much going to begin with, the thing to do is really have everything done when the thing begins ,except rounds 5 and 10 (the big bonus rounds) and spend your time working on those. Right now I have a month to paint 3 more entries...and 10 is the big one.
pretty sure I have it covered but its going to be tight...hindsight is all well and good but let what I get done this week!
Posted by JPL at 9:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: Bolt Action, Lead Painters League, Painting Challenge, Red Devils
Sunday, May 19, 2013
LPL 7- Round 6 -Getting back on track.
Round 6 has begun over at the LAF for Lead Painters League Season 7
Above is my 5 round entry, "Warwick_WotR. Which was supposed to be "Warwick", a.k.a "The Kingmaker" or Richard Neville, the 16th Earl of Warwick staring down both York and Lancastrian troops in a scene from Englands War of the Roses. If you remember anything about the man, he switches sides about half way through the war. So I had planned about 7-10 troops on each side starring each other down with him in the middle, it being not obvious to which side. This was also the big bonus point round. In the comedy of errors that went on that week, not only was I totally slammed for time, only completing a small portion of the planned entry, but my regular camera broke, I had to rush the photos with my unfamiliar back up camera I hadn't touched in years, then I go a typo the guys name as "Warrick" instead of "Warwick", and don't notice all week, then to further the comedy of the whole episode, I win by a 3 to 1 margin, with what was to me, my worst entry of the contest. all the way from my paint to photograph.
Sucking up this embarrassment, I had just come off a great time learning, playing and building my British Airborne "Red Devils" for Warlords Games Bolt Action game. I was jacked up to paint these guys and had a week to paint 5 models which was doable, with some crisis management on my real life work project well in hand, I got my entry submitted no problem on friday morning with a re-submit later in the day when my wife pointed out that while she really liked the photo and minatures there was big ol' screwdriver on the table in the background that I didnt ever notice..(Ooofff)
Anyway I am happy with the way these guys came out and am really digging painting some WW2 in 28mm, I am going to bang out the whole army this summer which is only about 40 models with 3 vehicles and some heavy weapons. So check out my Red Devils this week and go vote, I am holding a comfortable lead as I type this so I am hoping I can still salvage this thing with strong entries the next four rounds.
Next week, back to some generic fantasy stuff...should be fun to paint!
Posted by JPL at 11:42 PM 2 comments
Labels: Bolt Action, Lead Painters League, Painting Challenge, Red Devils
Sunday, May 12, 2013
LPL 7- Round 5, I barely make it!
Round 5 has begun over at the LAF for Lead Painters League Season 7
Above is my 4 round entry, "Red Devils 15mm" Which again, lost. I briefly talked about 15mm having a tough time in this thing in my last LPL post, and a combo of that and I guess the photo not being good enough did it in. .
This round was a disaster for me..first of all my good camera broke (older Canon G9, apparently suffers for an internal short circuit) No idea when I'll get that fixed but pictures with my back up are definitely tougher to do. Then this project I am working on for work spiraled out of control
and I went from planning 15 figure for the Historical Civil War bonus round, to 10, to 7
finally settling on one team of 5, and they're pretty mediocre to boot, I just didn't have the time to do them justice and then had to rush photos to meet the deadline I couldn't get the right lighting with my old camera.
The kicker is, so I hastily enter my mediocre entry and I am kicking myself how this just isnt my year for this thing and then I go to vote and see I am winning by over 100 votes?? my biggest margin yet! Sometimes I can't figure out peoples tastes in this thing, for instance my Red Devils above should have been a way tighter margin in round 4, than margin I currently have in round 5, your guess is as good as mine.
I still managed to get half the bonus points..I am going to really need to knock it out the last 5 rounds if I want to even stand a chance and beating my score last year. So check out my Historical Entry
Warwick_WotR and check out this weeks entries some really cool stuff in there.
Next up Bolt Action , Red Devils 28mm WIP, and Painted for round 6...
Posted by JPL at 11:25 PM 3 comments
Labels: 15mm., Flames of War, Lead Painters League, Painting Challenge, Red Devils
Sunday, April 14, 2013
LPL7 Round 1 commences!
I awoke this morning to find my round 1 entry "For the Riddermark" up against one of my favorite painters on the whole LAF, user "Blackwolf". whose stunning realistic tones against soft lighting are always pleasure. Please go check it out and you can see a preview of Rohan army for Adepticon this year. Now that this has begun I'll post some different shots of the whole set up on Wednesday.
With only 30 contestants this year there are whole of big guns absent from this years LPL, while I'll certainly miss the eye candy, it bodes well for my own performance, unless I continue to draw the top painters every week., not sure how I feel about that...
Do yourself a favor go check out all the entries and vote!
Posted by JPL at 9:30 AM 0 comments
Labels: Lead Painters League, LotR, Painting, Painting Challenge
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Painting Challenge- Round 3
1/6 @ Games Workshop, Oak Park
We wrapped up our painting challenge last night with the 1500 point round. Our next campaign starts 1/20 and thanks to this everyone will pretty much have painted armies to at least a tabletop standard. No one (of course) got as much done over the holidays as planned but we still had a repsectable showing. Andre and Chris had to miss round 3, but Joe was back in with new Warriors of Chaos. Scenario was Battlefield Supremacy, right out of the Warhammer rulebook, the only extra thing added was keeping track of VP do decided the extra point (all the games are worth 5 points max) We got in 1 game tonight, mine was particullary tight against Billys Skaven. Even thou my Daemons ate up every single rat on the table..he almost eliminated every scoring unit I had..if I had take 1 more causalty I wouldn't have been able to score at all!..great game. Below are final scores, I will update the gallery with new pics ASAP.
Bill- Wood Elves
Completion Score 2
Game 1 vs Lizardmen 2 Table Quarters held, 1 point for most VP
Round 1 Score -13
Round 2 Score-12
Round 3 Score- 5
Total Points 30
John - Daemons of Chaos
Completion Score 2
Game 1 - VS Skaven 1 Table Quarter Held, 1 points for VP
Round 1 Score -10
Round 2 Score- 8
Round 3 Score- 4
Total Points 22
Billy- Skaven
Completion Score 2
Game 1 - Vs Daemons. No Table Quarters held
Round 1 Score- 13
Round 2 Score- 5
Round 3 Score- 2
Total Points 20
Chris- Bretonnians
Game 1 - Loss to Daemons of Chaos
Game 2- Solid Victory vs Skaven
Round 1 Score- 11
Round 2- 8
Total Points 19
Bob- Ogres
Completion Score 3
Game 1 - Vs Warriors of Chaos, 2 Table Quarters Held
Round 1 Score - 4
Round 2 Score-9
Round 3 Score- 5
Total Points 18
Andre- Beasts of Chaos
Game 1- Massacre vs Ogres
Game 2- Loss to Orcs (Ringer)
Round 1 Score 3
Round 2 Score 7
Total Points 10
Joe- Warriors of Chaos
Completion Score- 2
Game 1 VS Ogres, 2 Table Quarters held, 1 point for VP
Round 3
Total Points 5
Nate- Lizardmen
Completion Score 2
Game 1- VS Wood Elves
Round 2 Score 3
Round 2 Score 2
Total Points 5
Points can be spent on campaign bonuses for your empire at the start of round 1 of the campaign
Bonuses and costs are as follows
Resources ( 1 Empire Point) = 10 points
Knowledge ( GM will secretly reveal the contents of a bordering hex to your Empire)= 5 points
Luck ( Re-Roll on Campaign Events table.) = 2 points.
Posted by JPL at 5:41 PM 0 comments
Labels: Painting Challenge
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Painting Challenge- Round 2
12/9 @ Games Workshop, Oak Park
Round 2- 1000 points
Good showing tonight...everyone played 2, 1000 point games, scenario was "escort"
new photos of updated armies coming in the gallery as soon as I can resize and upload them.
With the Holidays coming we pushed the 1500 point round out to January lots of painting time between no and then..We lost two players and picked up one..thanks to Anthony for running the ringer army..the store orcs!
Bill- Wood Elves
Completion Score 4
Game 1 - Solid Victory vs Skaven
Game 2- Solid Victory vs Daemons of Chaos
Round 1 Score -13
Round 2 Score-12
Chris- Bretonnians
Completion Score 3
Game 1 - Loss to Daemons of Chaos
Game 2- Solid Victory vs Skaven
Round 1 Score- 11
Round 2- 8
Billy- Skaven
Completion Score 3
Game 1 - Loss to Wood Elves
Game 2- Loss to Bretonnians
Round 1 Score- 13
Round 2 Score- 5
John - Daemons of Chaos
Completion Score 2
Game 1 - Massacre vs Bretonnians
Game 2- Loss to Wood Elves
Round 1 Score -10
Round 2 Score- 8
Bob- Ogres
Completion Score 3
Game 1 - Loss to Beasts of Chaos
Game 2- Massacre Vs Lizards
Round 1 Score - 4
Round 2 Score-9
Andre- Beasts of Chaos
Completion Score 1
Game 1- Massacre vs Ogres
Game 2- Loss to Orcs (Ringer)
Round 1 Score 3
Round 2 Score 7
Nate- Lizardmen
Completion Score 1
Game 1- Loss to Orcs (ringer)
Game 2- Loss to Ogres
Round 2 Score 3
Posted by JPL at 12:24 AM 5 comments
Labels: Painting Challenge, WFB
Friday, November 28, 2008
The Painting Challenge, Part 2- Round 1
11/25@ Games Workshop, Oak Park
We completed round 1 of the painting challenge last tuesday, all in all it was great success. We had 7 of the 8 players attend as Joe ended up having to work late and unfortunately miss the round Pictures of all the all the armies can be found HERE or under "The Painting Challenge"
in the galleries sidebar. As Joe couldn't make it we had Nate stand in with the store lizardman army. We played two rounds of 500 points games, which were fast and furious many of them ending by round 3. Bonus point's were awarded in the style of "Mighty Empires" Empire Points to be used later in January.Each army was also judged on how they did this round and awarded 1 to 4 points based on completion to their "own" standard. combined these two rounds and the "completion score"
gave you your round totals.
ROUND 1- 500 points
Bill- Wood Elves
Completion Score 3
Game 1 - Massacre vs Beasts of Chaos
Game 2- Massacre vs High Elves
Round 1 Score -13
Billy- Skaven
Completion Score 3
Game 1 - Massacre vs Ogres
Game 2- Massacre vs Beasts of Chaos
Round 1 Score- 13
Chris- Bretonnians
Completion Score 1
Game 1 - Massacre vs Lizards
Game 2- Massacre vs Ogres
Round 1 Score- 11
John - Daemons of Chaos
Completion Score 2
Game 1 - Massacre vs High Elves
Game 2- Minor Victory vs Lizards
Round 1 Score -10
Bob- Ogres
Completion Score 2
Game 1 - Loss to Skaven
Game 2- Loss to Bretonnians
Round 1 Score - 4
Andre- Beasts of Chaos
Completion Score 1
Game 1- Loss to Wood Elves
Game 2- Loss to Skaven
Round 1 Score -3
Mike- High Elves
Completion Score 1
Game 1- Loss to Daemons
Game 2- Loss to Wood Elves
Round 1 Score -3
Next Round is 12/9..we'll have 9 players so far signed up...Joe will be back with his new Warriors of Chaos and Nate will bring his own Lizards and join the fun. 1000 points games...we will shoot for 2 rounds.
Posted by JPL at 1:08 AM 3 comments
Labels: Painting Challenge, WFB