Showing posts with label Games Workshop. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games Workshop. Show all posts

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Soulblight Gravelords

Ennis Curse Born and Prince Duvalle of the Crimson Court

Recently finished up my Undead for Warcry,  after picking up the new Tome of Champions 2021 for the game its seems my Sepulchral Guard  fall under the Soulblight Gravelords faction and so does the Crimson Court, so I added these two Vampires for a full 1000 point Warband.  Again these guy where painted with mix of arcylic and oil paints and I am happy with the result..

I have yet to play and still needs to paint up another faction and finish the Terrain from the Red Harvest box set...I am about 70 ish percent done..having all the Sluice / Trenches and the Pit Dredger totally complete and everything else but the two large platforms base coated. should be done soon enough
that we will get a game in the near future.

my Sepluchral Guard

Quick look at my Pit Dredger, nothing fancy going on here other than some weathering I took the paint scheme from right out of the book with just slight variation in colors.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Legions of Nagash


Following up on the last post, I spent the last 3 weeks or so looking into Warcry by Games Workshop. after purchasing the Red Harvest set, I have been spending some time assembling the terrain and watching videos on the game and how its played. I mentioned I probably had a enough models around where I could build a couple other Warbands.  I really didnt without just proxying everything, which I was ok with except I could not find the remains of my old box of Skeleton Warriors circa 2010-2011.

I had a post back then venting about what a pain in the butt they where to build, I must of really not liked them because they have disappeared expect for the two models on the far left . I might have just thrown them in when I sold a bunch off my Vampire Counts stuff way back.

I didnt want to just dig into the models in Red Harvest because , there are numerous build options and I want to figure out the game first, plus I figure my revist to the Games Workshop hobby after a decade away, I could work on upping my painting game.

Like alot of you I'm sure I spend some free time surfing You Tube and have good dozen hobby channels I check out.  I have wanted to get into trying out Oil paints, specifically Oil washes for awhile now

If you've  followed the blog at all, you also might notice I had sworn off metallics a very long time ago, in fact any metallic paints I have are at least 10 years old. I have seen such wonderful work done with metallics and inks and oil washes, I want to experiment with all three, none of which I've ever used or havent used in a very long time. In fact I havent owned any inks since Chestnut Brown Ink was a GW product and that was the old hex shaped pots....

 Skeletons are great for new techniques, they are very forgiving and since I seemed lack any GW style Skeletons I picked the "push fit" Sepulchral Guard for $20 something dollars and oh boy has assembly of GW models got light years easier (lol).

 The standard GW Necromancer is very old, I picked him up a painted him when he was first released. he's here just for the photo op,  The Necromancer here is the Mummy figure which is proxy as its made by Gale Force 9, from the Tomb of Horrors resin box, from way was a good excuse to paint him , he and all the skeletons where batch painted. I used a handful of Reaper Paints,  a couple bright reds, some browns,  Bone, and some greys and greens ., Inks used were from Liquitex- white to zenithal prime, ( priming with ink? wtf right? but I used an air brush and it worked great. Black, Burnt Umber and a Pale Green for tinting my decade old GW Chainmail. Oil Washes are burnt umber over the bone and black for everything else.  There is bit of Vallejo Vergidis for some metal effects and some sparse mithril silver highlights and thats it.

For 10 painted models , I got them done in record time ...I like them , and liked the techniques through I need much more practice with this  new mediums, I am not sold on rebuying metallic paints a few here or there are a great accent but I want to try a batch of models with my standard NMM style with the oils and that will be next..

As far as Legions of Nagash goes, I dont think these 10 guys even make a 1000 point warband or close enough,  I'll still need a few more models.  The new Warcry update just got released so I will see when the book shows up, I cant believe GW is taking my money again, LOL

Oh and I sold my Stegadon, he had his crew, are travelling to their new owner in sunny New Mexico much for fitting for Lizards...

Monday, January 24, 2022

All but Dead, The resurrection comes around..


Kind of fell of the planet with the blog and as far as any hobbying goes, but I've been talking about the downward spiral of my hobby and gaming actitivies for years now and yet somehow it just keeps on having life pumped back into it, whether its gaming with my oldest daughter or just picking up an unfinished model of the shelf , like the Stegadon here and deciding to just finish it.

So believe it or not I started this model wayyyyyy back in 2010!!.. When I still holding on to the idea that a new army would help with the incoming aprehension of WFB 8th edition., Inevitably The Empire rules kept my interest initially and I never did much more on the Lizard Army, and just played Empire until my eventual dissatisfaction with 8th Edition finally pushed me out of game completely  somewhere in late 2011.

This model is currently on ebay   listed at $225.00  I had originally planned on less but there are numerous models I saw priced above it at near or above $ I didnt want it to undersell myself in comparision it is listed at best offer thou and I happy to take any reasonable offer for this..considering I sold my original open box one awhile back for damn near close to some retail prices on the new ones. and I of course have a ton of hours into this as its a fiddly difficult model to assemble and paint.

Now of course speaking about todays Warhammer Fantasy, I have had zero interest in the Age of Sigmar, the game , however , a couple recent releases by GW reignited some old interest with me based on the strength of the models alone. GW models of the last decades ostentatiousness is very often in conflict with my minimalist old school tendencies, however recent release seem to have stuck a chord with me. Those being the models in Warhammer Quests Cursed City and many of the current Warcry releases. While I passed on Cursed City the 1st time around (apparently I didnt have a choice as it soldout in a day?) recent news of it release has me interested and I did pull the trigger on this:

Purchased on my interest in the Darkoath Savagers models alone, I do like the Spider brood and the terrain as well..its my first GW purchase in about a decade. and I look forward to building and painting it up.  Interesting enough the game seems pretty appealling to me as well..I have been watching a bunch of videos on playing it.  If anyone who plays it is reading this, appreciate your comments on the game.

I sold almost all my WFB stuff a long time ago, I find it kind of humorous I am interested again and what I do have left is some Lizards and Undead its enough to make a couple extra Warcry warbands. Building and painting all this is a quite a project thou, its going to take some time but who knows you might see some Warcry Battle Reports here sometime this summer or fall, wouldnt that be something?

Friday, September 13, 2013

Another one bites the dust...

So strolling thru Oak Park,IL today to catch a matinee of the new Riddick movie, I walked by the old stomping grounds of Games Workshop, Oak Park, and noticed the big sign in the window they are  closing on 9.22.13 . A textbook lesson  on how to "Kamikazee a great retail location with constant foot traffic and a huge public High School and Library within walking distance. "GWOP" as we used to call it went from gaming mecha and after hours club hangout with never less than a dozen people in the store and three employees at all one man store run by super fan and awesome guy, who was really reaching out to the kids. to generic one man  red shirt, tumble weeds and crickets chirping. Maybe my pal Jeff who used to run it will muse how he made that place a kick ass gaming store from 2007 to 2009.  Anyway the writings been on wall for sometime well see what happens to GW overall, I read they want to sell it off . Games Workshop , Oak Park 2007-2013..I'd say I'd miss you but I think I have been in there 2 times in the last 3 years, maybe something useful will take over that location.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Alternative LotR figures

When Elrond gives you the facepalm you know things have gone off the rails!

Well the new The Hobbit releases from Games Workshop are to date, pretty hit and miss. The game somehow survived limping along with a diehard fan base long enough to secure the new license for the new Hobbit films and we got some new Army books and a good new rule set in the last 2 years.

The host of new models on the other hand and the starter set have been average to disappointing in my opinion. The killer sculpts of the Perry Brothers are sorely missed in conjunction with the inevitable lack of quality that is going to occur with going all plastic and what will, in the end be responsible for Games Workshop eventual demise if they dont change it, their Finecast line.

I'm not sure what exactly is going on in the GW studio these days and who is even doing the sculpting as I cannot find credits given like they used to be. I am well aware they are limited creatively by the imagery of the films that New Line is providing, but it all just seems kind of half assed...while some of the new sculpts of classic characters are indeed great, much of the stuff is not. The new dwarves are entirely unappealing and "undwarf"  like, No Azog figure, but some other guy we havent seen yet who kind of looks like him, wearing some armor straight out of Dune and then Blog looking like the main zombie from the "Cabin in the woods".Most disappointing are the new Men of Dale that I had such high hopes for, looking like an ostentatious line of Mongols or Huns instead of the tight Nordic looking men they should.

Again this falls back on what the hell happened with Jackson production team. That got everything right for the first three films imagery and vibe wise and everything seems so wrong with "The Hobbit" as far its inclusion of anything new. Everything from the dwarves, the Sci fi- ish look of Erebor to Laketown looking like its doubling as set in the Game of Thrones TV series..(Pentos or whatnot) I dont know what the hell is going on there, bit obviously this is trickling down to the Games Workshop line.

Adding insult to injury , all the best GW new models are done in flipping Finecast, other wise known as Failcast or Finecrap depending on your view point. Horribly overpriced resin thats often deformed, or miscast for 5 times the price of what could be a near flawless metal figure. Granted I am aware that finecast quality has improved but that doesnt change the price, the odds of still getting a bad one and do I really want to pay 20+ dollars for a single figure I have to worry about breaking, cleaning, blowing away indoors because its basically weightless...hell no. No sculpt is worth the grief of the worst idea Games Workshop ever had.

I'm painting a pretty grim picture, I love Lord of the Rings and collect all kinds of models...I have a great collection of Citadel figures from its best days in the mid 1980's. But fear not they're other great sculpts out there from other manufactures and they're metal!  I'd like to mention two I have been eyeing for awhile now. First up is Mithril Miniatures. I have known about these guys for a long long time and they've been around a long long time..I had always assumed they were out of scale with Games Workshops figure but with GW's scale creep leaving them all over the the plastic men of gondor box to the Rangers box if you want a laugh.  Scale Creep over the years at Mithril as well currently gives us alot of options

One of the many amazing Dioramas Mithril sells, this is collectors stuff and its not cheap, but unlike Games Workshop here it appears you do get what you pay for.

Mithril sculpts and imagery are pre movies so there is alot of fantastic sculpts in a very classic sense and certainly things that would go brilliantly with your GW models if you choose correctly.
Mithril has a huge line going back decades so you need to sort thru it all but I have found great stuff I am picking up I will show you soon. Figures are priced based on rarity or series over there,  classic standard figs are around $6.50 a piece...again much cheaper than a standard hero model at GW in Finecast is $15..Mithril Aniversary series figs are around $27...but for that you get a killer metal figure that, get this.. is delivered factory cleaned and primed...all for slighty more than rolling the dice on the Finecast crap shoot.  Mithril is a collectors line, I'm a collector, but most certainly we will see soon how they translate to gaming.

Men of Dale?? Not a chance  Attilla the Hun's elite guard...Sure!
 Second up is Tom Meier's Thunderbolt Mountain.  Tom is a legend in the miniature sculpting business a was founder at Ral Partha back in the day. I have admired his Athurian line in true 25mm scale for sometime, but just recently I caught wind of his 30mm line of Elves, Men and Goblins and was blown away. The Tolkien motif is strong in these figures . The immediately struck me as timed with the current re popularity of Middle Earth. To me these figures look like jumped right out of book as I envisioned them as a boy.  great prices too...I can by 10 crappy plastic Men of Dale from Games Workshop for $35 or 20 metal killer metal sculpts from Tom Meier for $50..its not even a contest.

Or Men of Dale?? Hell yes....

You want to do a Battle of the Five Armies game you want your Goblins to look like this!

Cool Troll too.

In closing, I'm glad to see some new horizons opening up for potential LotR gaming.  I still want to run my huge Battle of the 5 Armies games at some I can see finding the proper figures to do in the style it should, I will get my Laketown Army, just not from Games Workshop. With Games Workshop shuttling all its Battle Bunkers in the USA 2013 (sans memphis?)  and ties to tournament support will have sighed their last gasp. "GW only" model policy is going to be a thing of the past sooner than later in organized gaming, I for one am glad to see the hobby become "the hobby" without the brand ID being such a requirement.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Games Workshop apparently owns "Science Fiction".

Or at least they well if their legal team as anything to say about it. I was alerted to this by my blog roll this morning from Greyhawk Grognard, GG is an RPG blog so I wanted to point this out to miniatures hobbyists who dont have any cross reference.

In the future, All Space Marines will be Warhammer 40K Space Marines. Is a blog post by writer M.C.A Hogarth who recently had his novel  "Spots the Space Marine" pulled from Amazon for trademark infringement.  Really GW?? you own the term "Space Marine" a term being used in Science Fiction from as far back as the 1930's?. I'll save you treatise on it's literary use and needless to say the genre of "Science Fiction" owns this term.  While true that if you play with toy soldiers and you hear the term Space Marine surely images of big blue robot like guys flying in space churches, fighting with chainsaws comes to mind, but when some one who has never heard of Games Workshop, (and yes there are many believe it or not) hears the term "Space Marine", they go uhhh.."Starship Troopers?,  "The bad guys in Star Wars? let alone if you have any sort of literary Science Fiction pedigree. In short this is massive over reach by GW legal. We have seen this before.

Once again an example of financial intimidation.  This is a legal tactic often practiced that forces you to court (most often far from where you live) even thou you'll most likely win but because you cant afford the legal fees, you lose. Games Workshop has nasty habit of this despicable practice, and as we all know has a history of suing its fans, or anyone else in a gigantic net they throw out to look for IP infringement. something that wasn't lost on our friends at Battlefoam until they actually sued a guy that was a lawyer and could defend himself for free.  This is not the case here, the author has no financial means to challenge this. It's been brought up in the comments this guy needs to crowd source fund his legal fees as this challenge will surely lose in court.

So whether you're a GW fan boy or not, whether you buy and like their products or not do think this is ok? Can GW work its way to eventually buying "Science Fiction" if you're like me and love Science Fiction buy don't find GW Sci Fi universe particularly enjoyable, you wont let this slip by as this is the slippery of slippery slopes..not defending this type of challenges only re-inforces future GW legal actions. How much would you kick in to help this guy defend this challenge in a crowd sourcing effort? with all the dough I've thrown at Kickstarter and Indiegogo in the last year for toys for myself, I being embarrassed at anything less than $50.00, you?

Monday, December 10, 2012

More on Escape from Goblin Town.

Seems like my "review" of the new Hobbit Starter set has generated some interest. with almost 700 views in the last few days, people are interested. Mainly thanks to a link over The Miniatures Page
Based on this I gave the review a bit editing and some clarity based on comments. so feel free to give it another read if you're so inclined.
If you recall I didn't post any pics of Radagast whom I assembled this weekend. I didn't use the included base as I wanted consistently with my other models..but he is clearly the best model in the set. The single character sprue is a great idea by GW..I wish all models where this way instead of this finecast nonsense if they were moving away from metals. For whatever reason the plastic/ detail
seems a different quality than the other sprues..that could rightly be my imagination but for whatever reason it just looks better.
I also thought Gandalf's hat was too short compared to previous sculpts so I extended it with some green stuff to where I think its right compared to my other models. I put him on a wooden plank, "goblin town" style base and he is now definitely the second best model in the set.
go wizards!..I am going to paint these guys up with an older Saurman Model I have very soon.

I am also doing some research on dwarf models, the will scale in with this Gandalf model. we all know there is no shortage of Dwarf Models out there, however finding the proper ones for Thorins company is surprisingly tough..The Old Citadel Imperial Dwarf line is perfect with the exception that the models go for like $20 each and I think they are too large, reaper has a bunch of great dwarfs..but again I a fear they are too big...I'll have to check the Bob Olley sculpts (probably my favorite old school sculptor after the Perry's) as his reapers are sometimes smaller...anyway Any ideas I be obliged.

Monday, August 13, 2012

"The Hobbit"- rampant speculation?, not really.

Lord of the Rings fans everywhere have been following the development of the upcoming Hobbit films since long before their official announcement.  Like us few and proud fans of the Games Workshop miniatures game, its difficult to observe the creation of such a thing,  that is the deeply rooted canon to so many, without adopting a Sauron-like cynical eye. An eye that scans the land for something as small as two hobbits or in this case, umbrage of too much meddling in the Professors beloved work.

When I recently read that the upcoming Hobbit movies, were growing into another cash creating trilogy, from the originally proposed two films, I wasnt really much surprised. When I read the third film was "greenlit" by New Line with no budget or even a script, I wasn't that particularly thrown either.  (although one has to wonder *what* exactly is going to translate at best a 300 page story into 7-9 hours of blockbuster cinema) However, when I saw the leaked release schedule for 2013/2014 for Games Workshop's Hobbit film miniature releases, I about soiled my trousers.

First appearing on the  Dakka Dakka wargaming forums. The release leak was immediately latched onto for discussion of its 40K material. Trying to get information about the Lord of the Rings miniatures game in a 40K thread is akin to wearing a pork chop necklace to a dogfight. Despite cries
of un-authenticity from 40K players over this that or the other thing, one only had to look at the Hobbit releases to confirm the documents legitimacy (Something I that found strangely overlooked in what I could handle reading in the thread) First of all while strange people in 40K and even WFB world have occasionally made up false rumors to gain some kind of attention to themselves or some personal agenda. (I for one was accused of this when I posted some of the first pictures of the GW's plastic Valkyrie that fell into my lap from an early release of  the Feb 09 White Dwarf)

Noone in the tiny universe of us LotR players is going bother to manufacture such an elaborate list of models from the Hobbit, especially since much of it isnt even in "the Hobbit" is clearly created fiction based on the source material by the filmmakers. If you followed the film you have seen some of these things mentioned from the Beornings, to the Werebeast, to things that are acutally Pre-hobbit material like the start of the War between the Dwarves and Orcs, and the ousting of the Dwarves at Erebor.

Despite the last years new rules falling flat, mainly due to the new lists invalidating old armies competitively. ( something GW has been doing forever to its other games.)  That and general antipathy toward GW over the lack of support for the game and it crazy price hikes, really kicked a game that was down,  down even further. Despite the initial splash and positive reaction and even  some milestone tournament turnouts, by the time we reached Adepticon this year the "new and shiny" luster had burned out and despite a better showing than the previous year and some new players, several notable national events have since been cancelled due to, either lack of support from GW, low player turnout or both.

If the face of this customer negativity  Games Workshop fought hard to win a renewed license to produce Hobbit miniatures from New Line Cinema for the films after their confirmation early last year. The cries of "Nooooo" from the premier games fanbase were plainly ignored. GW accounting feels they sell enough models to justify the lines expenses, enough to throw down a gigantic investment to go back for seconds. The list I am posting here is next year and beyond and doesnt even cover the initial releases we will see this fall. We are talking over 100 releases posted here. Most notable, and I think one thing that bring this game new life are the titles called "Adventure" which are coded with various box sizes.My hope is these are similar to old GW scenario packs from the mid eighties Things like the "The Tragedy of McDeath" or similar which were self contained campaign style games with miniatures, These will be great shot in the arm to many LotR players, as getting off the tournament roller coaster and just some having some fun with your models is something I think alot of players have forgotten.It something I think could make many enjoy the hobby again.

Anyway here is the list of models and some of the corresponding packaging codes for you to make sense of., use some common sense here...if you see an Adventure Box with the *a18 Medium single vehicle (rhino size) code* assume it contains some sort of terrain and models etc.  In short
Games Workshop is going whole hog, crazy with the Hobbit, the investment in plastic molds alone is staggering, they are planning on pumping these films for the next decade like they have done with initial Trilogy, while I move farther and father away from GW material in my Hobby pursuits, this is certainly the kind of stuff that can keep me and my money around.

500061211470209 Dwarves: Kili & Fili & Longbeard Archers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
500062630170206 Dwarves: Bombur with Kettle RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
504018730770200 Wargs: Dire Warg RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
505007311470201 Dol Guldur: Leaping Spiders / Shiverfang Spiders PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
505007630170202 Dol Guldur: Spiderlings RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500063330170206 Dwarves: Drogo Baggins & The Tavern Maid RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507012730970209 White Council: Mounted Rivendell Nobles RE b09 Sou_A 02 cc
505000112070298 Adventure: Gandalf's Quest PL a20 Sou_A 02 507060412070297
507060412070297 Adventure: Gandalf's Quest PL a20 Sou_A 02 505000112070298
507017730170208 White Council: Lindir the Harper RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500071011870291 Adventure: The Battle at the East Gate PL a18 Sou_A 02 501100211870295
501100211870295 Adventure: The Battle at the East Gate PL a18 Sou_A 02 500071011870291
500071411470206 Dwarves: Dáin & Iron Hill Berserkers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
500071511470205 Dwarves: King Thráin & Longbeard Vanguard PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
500071711470203 Dwarves: Young Thorin & Longbeard Mattockguard PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
500072030170201 Dwarves: King Thrór RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
501061111470209 Mountain Orcs: Azog & Orc Needlers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
501063230170206 Mountain Orcs: Azog (Wounded) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
506005530170208 Men of Esgaroth: King Girion RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
504019211470206 Wargs: Grinnah & Mirkwood Werewolves PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
508000011570292 Adventure: The Fall of Dale PL a15 Sou_A 02 506000111570293
506000111570293 Adventure: The Fall of Dale PL a15 Sou_A 02 508000011570292
508000811570201 Grey Mountain Dragons: Fire-wyrms PL a15 Sou_A 02 cc
503024630170201 Beornings: Woodmen Healer RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
503025130170203 Beornings: Fair Daughter RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507020230170203 White Council: Arwen & Estel RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507021430170208 White Council: Galadriel (Barrel) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
506000112070297 Adventure: The Belltower PL a20 Sou_A 02 508020112070293
508020112070293 Adventure: The Belltower PL a20 Sou_A 02 506000112070297
508008011870299 Adventure: A Thief in the Night PL a18 Sou_A 02 500100511870293
500100511870293 Adventure: A Thief in the Night PL a18 Sou_A 02 508008011870299
506006230170208 Men of Esgaroth: Fram the Watchman RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
506004130170205 Men of Esgaroth: The Master of Lake-Town RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
508009912070207 Smaug the Golden PL a20 Sou_A 02 cc
508008211470206 Grey Mountain Dragons: Braga & Goldscale Worshippers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
508008730170205 Grey Mountain Dragons: Venomblade Assassin RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
508008930170203 Grey Mountain Dragons: Goldscale Priest RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
503024411570206 Beornings: Meneldor & Swiftbeak Flock PL a15 Sou_A 02 cc
506007411470209 Men of Esgaroth: Bard & Greystreak Bowmen PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
506003211470203 Men of Esgaroth: Bain & Quickstrings Gang / Trout Guild Militia PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
508000611570296 Adventure: Assault on the Aerie PL a15 Sou_A 02 503030111570293
503030111570293 Adventure: Assault on the Aerie PL a15 Sou_A 02 508000611570296
508000730770201 Grey Mountain Dragons: Bofur on Cold-Drake RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
508009130170208 Grey Mountain Dragons: Dragon Thrall RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
502065111470299 Adventure: The Clearing of Foul Roots PL a14 Sou_A 02 505040111470293
505040111470293 Adventure: The Clearing of Foul Roots PL a14 Sou_A 02 502065111470299
505016330970203 Dol Guldur: The Willowhags RE b09 Sou_A 02 cc
507010912070297 Adventure: Assault on the Barrows PL a20 Sou_A 02 505040712070298
505040712070298 Adventure: Assault on the Barrows PL a20 Sou_A 02 507010912070297
502054111470200 Silvan Elves: Legolas & Mirkwood Fire Archers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
503025511470205 Beornings: Gorm & Woodmen Axethrowers / Skin-Changers PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
503025711870201 Beornings: Whisperbark / Gnarlfir PL a18 Sou_A 02 cc
504017811870297 Adventure: Clash of the Beasts PL a18 Sou_A 02 503030711870298
503030711870298 Adventure: Clash of the Beasts PL a18 Sou_A 02 504017811870297
505017830770201 Dol Guldur: Bloodwraiths RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
505017930170277 Dol Guldur: Gwethil RE c01 Sou_A 02 li
503023811570205 Beornings: Black Bear Pack PL a15 Sou_A 02 cc
504017211470202 Wargs: Feral Wolf Pack PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
504018111870208 Wargs: The Werebeast PL a18 Sou_A 02 cc
501084411870296 Adventure: Raid on the Wizard Hut PL a18 Sou_A 02 504030111870293
504030111870293 Adventure: Raid on the Wizard Hut PL a18 Sou_A 02 501084411870296
504016311470204 Wargs: Lagdush & Orc Wolfcloak Warriors PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
504018211470209 Wargs: Narzug & Orc Warg-Riders PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
504018430770203 Wargs: Dol Guldur Orc Overlords RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
507013330170204 White Council: Radagast with Roäc & Swoop RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507015330170208 White Council: Galadriel (Water Steed) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
504018530770202 Wargs: Orc Chieftain on Warg RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
504018930770208 Wargs: Orc Wolfbone Shaman RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507013130770208 White Council: The War Council RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
507021730170205 Gandalf (Dual Sword) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500075811470293 Adventure: The Last Stand PL a14 Sou_A 02 501100511470294
501100511470294 Adventure: The Last Stand PL a14 Sou_A 02 500075811470293
500076330970202 Dwarves: Dragon Mithril Company of Dwarves RE b09 Sou_A 02 cc
502074211470290 Adventure: The Raven Hill PL a14 Sou_A 02 501100811470291
501100811470291 Adventure: The Raven Hill PL a14 Sou_A 02 502074211470290
503026230970205 Beornings: Enraged Beorn RE b09 Sou_A 02 cc
506006311470296 Adventure: Thorin's Folly PL a14 Sou_A 02 500100411470296
500100411470296 Adventure: Thorin's Folly PL a14 Sou_A 02 506006311470296
506005811470294 Adventure: The Battle of Five Armies PL a14 Sou_A 02 502090111470291
502090111470291 Adventure: The Battle of Five Armies PL a14 Sou_A 02 506005811470294
500076111870295 Adventure: Breaking the Siege PL a18 Sou_A 02 508020711870294
508020711870294 Adventure: Breaking the Siege PL a18 Sou_A 02 500076111870295
500075611470202 Dwarves: Dáin Ironfoot & Iron Hill Boar Riders PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
500075611470202 Dwarves: Dáin Ironfoot & Iron Hill Boar Riders PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
501085611470200 Adventure: Revenge of the Goblin King PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
501085711470209 Mountain Orcs: Bolg & Great Goblin Bodyguard PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
502074530770200 Silvan Elves: Mirkwood Warhost RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
506002311470205 Men of Esgaroth: Alfrid & Loyal Town Guard PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
506007711470206 Men of Esgaroth: Garf & Footsoldiers of the Dale PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
504017611470291 Adventure: Blacksoil Slope PL a14 Sou_A 02 500100111470299
500100111470299 Adventure: Blacksoil Slope PL a14 Sou_A 02 504017611470291
504019411470204 Adventure: The Final Onslaught PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
508008411470204 Grey Mountain Dragons: Money Bags & Hired Knives PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
501087411470206 Mountain Orcs: Armoured Hill-Trolls / Frenzied Trolls PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
501085930170201 Mountain Orcs: Orc Stone Thrower RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
502055430170208 Silvan Elves: King Thranduil (Battle Garb) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
502055630170206 Silvan Elves: Tauriel (Mounted) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
502055930170203 Silvan Elves: Castellan Amroth RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
503026411870201 Adventure: The Clouds Burst PL a18 Sou_A 02 cc
505025011470208 Adventure: The Ritual PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
505025111870205 Dol Guldur: The Necromancer / Flesh Avatar PL a18 Sou_A 02 cc
505024830770209 Dol Guldur: Narzug & Orc Summoner Coven RE b07 Sou_A 02 cc
505014611470206 Dol Guldur: Tomb Wights PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
505015211470207 Dol Guldur: Mounted Tomb Wights PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
507011511470204 White Council: Galadriel & Lórien Drumhooves PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
507012511270207 White Council: Chief Aravir & Dúnedain Rangers PL a12 Sou_A 02 cc
507021630170206 White Council: Dúnedain Runecaster RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
505026311470202 Dol Guldur: Saruman & The Ringwraiths PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
505024611470205 Dol Guldur: Vampire Bat Swarms PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
507010211470293 Adventure: The Haunted Tombs PL a14 Sou_A 02 502090611470296
502090611470296 Adventure: The Haunted Tombs PL a14 Sou_A 02 507010211470293
507011811470201 White Council: Elrond & Rivendell Spearguard PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
507012011470206 White Council: Elros & Rivendell Outriders PL a14 Sou_A 02 cc
503023512070295 Adventure: The Blight Breach PL a20 Sou_A 02 505040312070291
505040312070291 Adventure: The Blight Breach PL a20 Sou_A 02 503023512070295
503025030170204 Beornings: Grimbeorn (Greataxe) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
507012111070207 White Council: Radagast's Chariot / Spellfire Cart PL a10 Sou_A 02 cc
508012330170206 Grey Mountain Dragons: Fell Hatchlings RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500076630170203 Dwarves: Dís, Mother of Kili and Fili RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500076830170201 Dwarves: Gimli (Stubble) RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc
500077230170204 Dwarves: Samwise Gamgee (Red Book) RE c01 Sou_A 02 c
507010611470299 Adventure: Gollum's Escape PL a14 Sou_A 02 505040611470298
505040611470298 Adventure: Gollum's Escape PL a14 Sou_A 02 507010611470299
507020530170200 White Council: Cirdan the Shipwright RE c01 Sou_A 02 cc

Packaging Codes.
PL- plastic

RE- Resin (finecast)
a10 upgrade pack - sprue in a plastic wrapper? Both resin and plastic codes.
a12 Plastic Small single vehicle (buggy/vyper size)
a14 standard squad size box
a15 Plastic Vehicle squadron boxes (bikes etc)
a18 Medium single vehicle (rhino size)
a20 Large single vehicle/building (building/land raider size)
a23 Huge building box (Astartes battle fortress)
b07 Resin blister/clamshell
b09 bigger resin blister/clamshell?
c01 Resin character packs  

I also have just noticed this is my 400th post on the blog...crazy.!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Brilliant Business Strategy

Despite the strong showing at this years Adepticon and its continued strong fanbase despite the total lack of support. Warhammer Historical has now had its last throes and is dead. I wont bother too much with jumping in on the  public flogging over  the epic stupidity of no longer officially supporting WAB, The post title says it all..(.I just wish I had a font that bled sarcasm.)  Needless to say, Warlord Games certainly thanks you. I guess its cool we move all the Historical events  at Adepticon over the Hail Caesar rules since The rule system is in print and well supported. That just makes good business sense.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Killing me softly

Well the love affair had to end sometime, I saved you all my complaints about the Games Workshop total ripoff masked as  "painting improvements" by redoing there entire paint line. Adding some base or some white to the core color and repackaging and renaming it as a new color. while this is clear money grab aimed that those who dont know any better..did you really have to change all the paint names?  so now if I need some Bubonic Brown , I have to go find *Zamesi Desert* and add something to it, because its not exactly the same because as you added a shade to the full color step??
More colors doesnt make for a better Paint line, especially at almost 4 dollars an ounce. I personally was quite happy with the Foundation/ Core/ and Wash setup they had going..I remember them dialing back the amount of colors they offered not 2 years ago, and agreeing it was a good idea and now?. Regardless I have barely cracked mega paint set from last year that will last me quite sometime with my mix of Reaper and Vallejo paints I use. Just another thing from GW, I dont need to buy. Ok. -I just lied about saving you my complaints about the paints. Sorry.

The new Empire models, what can I say? other than I hate them. The book cover looks an outtake from something you'd see in Malifaux. all he's missing is the clown makeup. I am see a couple of single figures I might like (if they aren't finecast)  but overall GW has taken this ostentatious, over the top, left turn with their art and modeling since 8th edition. Every single model is so overdone with totally unnecessary crap, over-armored or over embellished, with  graffti-like iconography, Its like a bad ren-fair on acid. I assume I am in the minority here because on our local forums, good folks I know are drooling over these, and I just dont get it. We couldn't even get a new Knight kit, we had to get Demi Gryph knights so they could be on 40 mm bases because every single WFB army now absolutely must have monstrous cavalry. I must also mention how much I am not into two headed griffons or Wizards wielding steam punk style laser guns? WTF?.  How I long for the days and look of early dark and spooky style 7th edition.

Warhammer has totally *jumped the shark* kids, and if you aren't realizing that its because you have so much invested in it, you cant accept that it now looks like tasteless, gaudy, uber-expensive crap and plays like it too, because every army is basically now the same.

I am going to rebuild a Human army that can double as historical or fantasy army out the excellent Perry Bros.  War of the Roses Plastics with select metal figures from various manufacturers. I'll hold on to some select GW figures but I am selling off the majority of my Empire army, Yep, you read that right I am selling if off and done. I dont even need to see the new rules. Hoping that next edition would be any better just isn't realistic. There are too many other good games out there. and what better time to sell off your multiple best appearance winning Warhammer army,  than when a new Army book comes out.?

I am still in Games Workshop hobby for the Lord of the Rings, but really wonder how long it can last. The last releases for LotR were overall, decent, but odds are not in my favor that it can continue. The company has made an obvious change in direction of whom there target customer is and its certainly not people like me.  I am hanging by my fingernails because I've met so many good folks in hobby I'd still like to game with, but Games Workshop seriously makes it hard.

Ahh , The Empire, how did I *use to* love thee?, let me count the ways.


Friday, January 27, 2012

Lord the Rings SBG New Releases

 The Gorgoroth, if your recall this is what's pulling the Grond Ram in Return of the King

The cat's out of the bag more of less as the Feburary White Dwarf hits the stands in the different parts of the world. I wanted to this collected information up before GW sends out it's February releases email tonight or tomorrow morning. I spoke to my pal who runs our local one man store in my area and he was absolutely clueless about any of this. I quote " they dont tell us anything", "I'll see on the 4th like the rest of you" Leave it to us to hype Games Workshops products for them for free right?

The New Codes

Global Pack Code Complete Barcode Short Sales Code Product Name Contents D Release R/T Release USD CAD Route to Market Product Status Life Span Range Action Type
60041499029 978190796436-7 05-01-60 LoTR: The Free Peoples (English) 64pp Army Book 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $24.75 $29.75 RTD New - Active Book
60041499033 978190796460-2 08-01-60 LoTR: Mordor (English) 48pp Army Book 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $24.75 $29.75 RTD New - Active Book
60041499031 978190796450-3 09-01-60 LoTR: The Fallen Realms (English) 48pp Army Book 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $24.75 $29.75 RTD New - Active Book
60041499032 978190796455-8 11-01-60 LoTR: Moria & Angmar (English) 48pp Army Book 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $24.75 $29.75 RTD New - Active Book
99121464007 501192102290 8 09-07 Easterling Kataphrakts 6 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $36.25 $43.50 RTD New - Active Plastic
99801464015 501192102611-1 09-62 Amdûr, Lord of Blades 2 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $33.00 $39.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99801464016 501192102730-9 09-63 Easterling Dragon Knight 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $23.00 $27.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99801464018 501192102732-3 09-64 Easterling War Priest 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $23.00 $27.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99811499008 501192103248-8 - Lord of The Rings Casualties 8 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 - $29.75 $35.75 D New - Active Resin
99811499006 501192102947-1 11-41 The Watcher in the Water 1 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $71.00 $85.25 RTD New - Active Resin
99801499008 501192102949-5 11-62 Warg Marauder 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $24.75 $29.75 RTD New - Active Resin
99811466005 501192102952-5 11-42 Dweller in the Dark 1 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $41.25 $49.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99801462009 501192102951-8 11-60 Grôblog, King of the Deeps 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $15.25 $19.00 RTD New - Active Resin
99801462008 501192102950-1 11-61 Ashrâk, the Spiderkin 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $13.25 $16.00 RTD New - Active Resin
99811499007 501192102948-8 08-44 Great Beast of Gorgoroth 1 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $71.00 $85.25 RTD New - Active Resin
99811464020 501192102954-9 04-41 Gondor Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99811464021 501192102961-7 04-42 Rohan Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99811463004 501192102953-2 05-40 Galadhrim Elf Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99811465005 501192102959-4 05-41 Dwarf Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Active Resin

RE-PACKAGED PRODUCTS Infantry boxes will phase in Global Pack Code Complete Barcode Short Sales Code Product Name Contents D Release R/T Release USD CAD Current RTM Current Status Range Action Range Action Date Type
99121499025 501192102983-9 11-08 Wild Wargs 6 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $16.50 $19.75 D Active RTMC - RTD 4-Feb-12 Plastic
99121464012 501192102971-6 04-08 Warriors of Minas Tirith 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121464011 501192102966-2 04-09 Rangers of Middle-earth 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121466006 501192102969-3 04-10 Warriors of the Dead 10 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121464013 501192102972-3 04-11 Warriors of Rohan 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121463004 501192102981 5 05-09 Galadhrim Warriors 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121463003 501192102976-1 05-10 Wood Elf Warriors 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121499024 501192102970-9 05-15 Warriors of the Last Alliance 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121465004 501192102968 6 05-11 Dwarf Warriors 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121465003 501192102967-9 05-13 Dwarf Rangers 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121462003 501192102975-4 08-07 Mordor Orcs 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121462006 501192102977-8 08-08 Morannon Orcs 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121462005 501192102974-7 10-07 Uruk-hai Warriors 10 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121462002 501192102973 0 10-08 Uruk-hai Scouts 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121462004 501192102978-5 11-07 Moria Goblin Warriors 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121464008 501192102979-2 09-08 Haradrim Warriors 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121464010 501192102982-2 09-09 Corsairs of Umbar 12 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99121464009 501192102980-8 09-10 Easterling Warriors 10 Fig Box 14-Jan-12 4-Feb-12 $22.25 $26.75 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Plastic
99801464017 501192102731-6 09-61 Khamûl The Easterling (Ringwraith) 2 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $33.00 $39.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99811464019 501192102733-0 09-40 Easterling Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99811462013 501192102958-7 08-45 Mordor Orc Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99811462012 501192102957-0 08-46 Morannon Orc Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99811462011 501192102956-3 10-41 Isengard Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Active Resin
99811462010 501192102955-6 11-43 Moria Goblin Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $33.00 $39.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99811464022 501192102960-0 09-41 Haradrim Commanders 4 Fig Box 4-Feb-12 4-Feb-12 $39.50 $47.50 RTD New - Repackaged - Active Resin
99801462015 501192103249-5 - Mordor Orc Shaman 1 Fig Clampack 4-Feb-12 - $15.25 $19.00 D New - Repackaged - Active Resin

There a 5 Source books at $24.50 USD each book is going to overwrite the current force organization specified by The Legions of Middle Earth book. (code for the Kingdoms of Men book is missing above, I'm assuming a C/P error)

New Models...I've posted pics of sum, all plastic and Finecast, the prices, yes. Outrageous. 



The Watcher in the Water no has legs and gets mobile!

Another Ghulvar type Demon (above) and the coolest of the new models this Easternling Cataphract sculpted by Alan Perry


What we know-

The Core Rules are not changing, The big book is being re-released by the page count is the same and the sample pages are the same. People are concluding the book has not changed.

The new Core books feature new Force organization rules and other new rules.

Basic rules revolve around 1 Hero Commands 12 Figures, so armies are built around that concept.
Wisdom suggests The Boromir of the White would have command bonuses over say a regular Gondor Captain but what we dont know. Illustrations with bonus to statistics for Instance Khamul leading Easterling Cavalry is now F4, etc. exist.

 Points have seemed to have NOT Changed.

No word on Changes to Magic or incorporation of Monsters or Siege Weapons into the Hero +12 Command Structure. Following GW's lead in other games and big monster kits I expect monsters to more easily fieldable then they are now.

Alliance Rules gone, now just Good Vs Evil.

I expect many other unique Army rules to change in favor of a more streamline concept. as well as some Army lists.

War of the Ring is being shelved as specicalist game and this version of SGB is going to be e pushed the 3rd Flagship game at least thru the new films then it will slowly slide off into oblvion unless the fans keep it alive. This is surprising we thought War of the Ring would be the game the pushed but its just doest have the fanbase and the new troop box repackaging makes its price prohibitive to get into unless your filthy Rich or a long time collector, as the cost of 3 companies of stock troops went up from $30 to almost $50

I see alot of good here with the focus on Heroes and Command, the proof will be in its implementation, smaller warband and removal of alliance restrictions can be positive as you can run some different combos that dont really on a ton of models so Grey Company and Rohan Cav, etc., this freedom of design can also lead to some unrealistic or just bad combos in the name of gaming
so we are just going to have to see.

Overall, I am optimistic with what I see, but am of course skeptical as well because with everything
GW does the focus is on maximizing sales of over game quality. But they're going to get me for $125 next weekend as I get all 5 books....Big year for Lord of The Rings starting 11 months before the new movies..who would have guessed?

Photos, and information collected courtesy of  members of Dakka Dakka, and the One Ring UK.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

GW goes back to Middle Earth.

Looks like Games Workshop has pulled a bit of a surprise out its hat and much to the chagrin of 40K haters over at the various forums. Rumor has been bubbling for the last 6 weeks or so about a new skirmish ruleset for the SBG in Feburary. While the LotR SBG community is small it is dedicated and we've seen a big rise in player populace here in the midwest over the last year, either as a result of the exodus from other systems or as just an increase in curiosity from other player bases.  Last November's Bilbos Birthday Bash was the single biggest LotR tournament to date with attendance up 400% since its start in 2009. The tournament was as grand a *hobby* spectacle as you are going to see around these parts outside of Adepticon.

As the cover of this French version of February's White Dwarf confirms this is a reality. From the rumors that seem reasonable on a couple of reliable forums..It seems like they aren't changing the rules so much but tweaking unit values and command structures on how many models a particular hero model is capable of commanding. This is an awesome move that will shake the game up in a good way in my opinion because one the few problems with game on the tournament level is that players can spam models using only Captains or low costing generic command figures as leaders. This gamey disregard to *theme* allows you maximize model counts  and while its the best tactical game GW has managed to come up with, It is still very much a game of numbers. Also mentioned are a whole of bunch of new models this month..*what* I am not sure as releases for *The Hobbit* should still be pending probably late this fall to tie in with the new film. Whatever they do lets hope they dont mess with core rules and keep the Finecast to a minimum. Going by the standard info release schedules we should know the details this weekend.

In other LotR/ GW news not sure if anyone else noticed who doesnt play but GW recently, in typical fashion, repackaged the plastic troop boxes lowering the number of models in a box by 50% but lowering the price only about 25%,  This isnt something they would have invested money into if they were just trying to *blow out inventory* like I've read speculated. Considering GW fought like hell to even get the rights to do models for the new films, I think we can plan on a significant amount of attention on the game from GW over the next 24 months considering its the companies sizable investment. Sorry 40K dudes.

Monday, August 22, 2011

GW vs Mantic - Figure Comparisons

My Liche King with minor conversion and custom base and couple sprue freebies mantic gives you.

Oddly enough, I havent seen too many shots of Mantic Figures close up until I got my hands on some.The pictures on the website arent exactly the best at showing off the line, and I havent seen anyone do heads up figure comparison against GW with decent photos before- so here you go!. (disclaimer, I am sure someone "has" done it, I just havent seen it.)

The boxes I am comparing here are the GW Vampire Count Skeleton Warrior box at $24.75 USD vs Mantics Undead Liche King and Revenant Troop box listing at 14.99 GBP on the site
or 19.99 USD at the Warstore.

Let start out with the GW Skellys, First price, these guys are roughly $2.50 a piece, mine are on expense resin bases that are .75 each (not that you'd need to do that ) making a unit of twenty $65.00 and a horde unit of 40, $130.00 dollars, if I rebased on the normal bases they come with you be looking at $100 for that horde unit, the bases being $30.00

Here what you get for Mantics $20.00, The Lich Hero is $10 alone so these Revenants (elite Grave Guard in Mantics world) are $1.00 each and you get the dog and guy bursting up out of the ground for free. The Horde Regiment would cost you $40.00 vs $100.00, I should note you dont get the options without great hassle to mount Mantics figures on other bases, also the GW kit has two separate weapon options

Comparing Figure Quality. The GW model is clearly larger, and GW's over sized weapons in comparison to figures like just look weird. Both models have a great amount of detail, I like the head on the GW model a bit more, and GW shields are all removable while Mantics are cast on. There is no comparison in the shield category (GW wins hands down) but over all both figures are solid is quality and sculpt. I have to admit in last 6 months as I have moved away from GW I am finding it silly how over the top GW sculpts are, I think ostentatious is the right word. I am still a huge fan of many GW/ Citadel older models and if I go back and look at my older figures and then look at these...I am sorry the old stuff is just cooler from a low fantasy perspective..the new stuff is just too much. On Mantic's side these guys have a very cool vibe..I think roughly half the models are bit to 'fancy" to be undead...the other half are perfect..the proof will be in the paint.

This shot of the two Standard bearers is great for showing detail, I really like both figures however this particular Mantic sprue doesnt even come with a standard..thats an old glory spear pole and some bit from the bitz box. While the GW is pretty cool, again it could be dialed back a bit, I really like the trooper.

Here are the normal troopers. In this case the dynamic poses of Mantic guys wins hands down. I like the GW figs, again I think there over embelished..I think these GW skellys make better Grave Guard then alot of the VC Grave Guard do, as I find the current GG line just too ridiculous looking.

Anyway both figures are solid, unless you are committed GW tourney player, I cant see buying hordes of the GW figs, The GW figs do make excellent skirmish figures and If I need Skeletons for some other game that only needs a dozen of so figs, this is my go to Kit...but for a large format
Fantasy army game, Mantic all the way.

- Price, cant beat it
- Freebies, the extras are cool. good modular armor and weapon selection.
- Great low, dark Fantasy vibe.
- Scale, realistic 28mm scale with proper sized weapons.

- Cast Shields, lack of Shield Design and options.
- Cast bases, again lack of basing options.
- Less parts means less options, posing , etc.

Games Workshop
- Options, two distinct weapon options, with great shields and separate command options.
- Great detail

- Price, this is one of the cheaper boxes, and you'll need at least 4 of them.
- too many parts, these guys are separate legs, chests, arms, heads, armor.., every model is almost a dozen parts- it took me way too long to just assemble five of them...its literally what scared me off the army.
- Scale, " GW only" uber scale..doesnt fit with other stuff well.
- Vibe, again -Warhammer fans only

There you go...I'll try to do a Ghoul vs Ghoul and Zombie vs Zombie when I get around to building the rest of my Mantic stuff..

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Alternative Rules

So what to do if you're like me and own multiple Warhammer Fantasy Armies, but have fallen so out of love with Games Workshop's handling of the game's product and rules, that you can barely bring yourself to put your models on the table? The first knee jerk response is sell your stuff and move on to other game systems or genres..and I am doing so, (see my DoC For Sale)with my ventures into Warmachine and huge push with Historicals. However with the fantasy bug still quite alive and 5000 points of Empire on the shelf, all hope is not lost as I've spent some time reading other rules set and am quite pleased with what I find.

Most notable and not by any stretch below the radar is Mantic's Kings of War. Mantic cropped up a couple years back as an alternative miniature company making cheaper fantasy figures. They've been at Adepticon the last two years giving away gobs of promo sprues of their undead line and have rapidly expanded from elves, to undead, to dwarfs, to Abyssal dwarfs, to now Orcs, with rumors humans, goblins and something else not far away. With host of products they've quickly gone from an alternative miniature company to an alternative game company. Now I'd be lying if I said there was a great fervor about the figures, initial word on the elves were they were too slight scale wise to mix in with GW product and werent particularly attractive, the undead fair much better, and I like the promo figures I have..and every collected a bunch of freebie sprues from the guys that werent wanted for my various fiddlings. There are no shortage of manufacturers making Dwarfs and I didn't see or get the need there, the Chaos Dwarf knock offs were a great idea and look great too. Whats apparent to me now with Mantic, that was not early on is that they intended to compete directly with Games Workshop. Not as an alternative miniature supplier for GW but as a direct alternative altogether, hence the need for all the lines of figures.

Poaching pissed off former GW gamers doesn't immediately seem like the best business model, but I have to admit Mantics figures are a whole more attractive when, they cost half of what GW does, and their rules and army lists are free. What I wanted to talk about today isnt some GW vs Mantic debate, as there isnt really one. In real world dollar for dollar market share Mantic isnt even the stain on GW's radar screen compared to the growing blip Privateer Press is. I want to talk about rules, because I've spent some time reading Kings of War free rules and I have to say I like them, alot.

Its not lost on me, that they are written by Alessio Cavatore, who used to work for GW and wrote WFB 7th edition which for me, is my "game"..(remember many of us don't think its 7th ed rules that are "broke" it was the stupid army books by Matt Ward and Gav Thorpe that drove the car off the road).What we have with the Kings of War rules is a WFB 7th ed lite, without many of unnecessary abstractions written into the game to give specialty figures something to do, and without many of the those fiddly movement rules that drove us bonkers. The game is very basic, with smart use of unit stats, and maybe a dozen special rules. Combat revolves losses stacking up against a units "nerve" and making a break test against that nerve..a much better mechanic which similar in some ways to "Hail Caesar", it certainly isnt fighting every combat to the last man as WFB 8th edition is.

"Magic" the fun sucking black hole of 8th edition is relegated to minimal role taking place in the shooting phase as generic ranged attacks, breath weapons, or extra movement. For me -this is what I want from a magic phase, the flavor of magic, that adds to the theme and setting of the game, and does not shove it down your throat and out your rear end right along with your grand ideas of battlefield strategy and tactics.The simple place magic occupies in Kings of A-OK by me. Artillery is handled as basic mass shooting attacks basic on type, there are no artillery dice or wonky distance mechanics.

Characters are treated as individual units and operate as such and as far as I read cannot join units..they're independent operators leading your army..not deathstar creating unit additions, that overpower the game.

The one thing I take pause with is just like WFB it is a ful-on bucket of dice game...horde units are throwing 20 dice as an attack value, and I like the fact other games I am playing a moving away from that. Still that is the top end of the dice its really a half a bucket in comparision, because I had games in WFB 8th where my free company fully engaged was throwing 42 combat that's the proverbial bucket.

Overall I find the game system very interesting and am looking forward to putting the Empire on the field and giving it go...Human army lists are not released yet..I could easily make my own based whats published but I would just assume wait it out. Mantic supports use of other manufactures figures either with or without there own and their rules, being free are taking alot of user feedback into consideration. I find these types of policies very gamer friendly and worthy of your support.

So check out Mantics free KoW rules and give them a spin, I can already see a deeper tactical game due to sole fact there is ton less "random crap" (as I like to say) going on in the game (dice aside, there no "wheel of fortune" to spin either!). You never know, you may just like the game and realize what you are actually missing.

We over here at Xcom wargamers (short for "excommunicated"- as we were from our local GW shop in 2009, with my own nod to the greatest PC strategy game of all time.) all have Warhammer Fantasy armies so the KoW rules have come up before, with our current fondness of Hail Caesar there's talk of a hybrid rule set, (HC rules and profiles with KoW special "fantasy" rules) but before we go there I'd like to give the KoW core rules a try for sure I think they pretty damn good on their own.

There you go, the former figureheads of Games Workshop, who are no longer with company are now writing rules that I really like, for other companies. It should go without saying, (but I'll say it anyway) that we wargamers are all still in GW's shadow, its just how much of that shadow is blocking the sun in your little world that you have to reconcile..that is until Brian Nelson and Dave Andrews start working for either Mantic or Warlord..then will be looking at a full eclipse.


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