Showing posts with label Burning Light Campaign. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Burning Light Campaign. Show all posts

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Rangers of Shadow Deep, Mission : Burning Light, Scenario I, The Final Showdown.

Here we are finally at the end of the road, this was a long campaign, I and I only played 5 of 8 missions before this Final episode.  I should have finished back in early September, best laid plans and all that more comments at the end, lets get on with it!
Regrouping after your search, you suddenly feel a crushing despair descend upon the convent. With a trembling horror, you realize that your time is up, and that your activities have been discovered. Grabbing up your equipment, and all your finds, you race out to the courtyard. There, standing in the shadows of the gateway, is a giant, demonic shape. Black wings stretch out from its back, and it stares at you with baleful eyes. Around the corners of the courtyard, gnolls take up fighting positions. It is time to decide: do you make your stand here or do you run and hope to lose them in the darkness of the Shadow Deep?

Blackwulf’s Report-  “ The library was a challenge, Calistra almost died, again..her need to throw herself headlong at any enemy demands respect but we need her to escape this alive. I have found the Decanter, but the Shadow Deep, knows and its coming..If you find this log on my dusty bones, know we tried”

Pre Game Notes
Three ways out, 5 man teams (3 soldiers an Archer and a Wolf) on the left and right,  Terror Wing (TW) in the middle…we are starting 3” out from Center of far table edge, near the herb store where we found the Decanter
This scenario last for nine turns.
This scenario features no points of interest.
The Target Point for this scenario is whichever exit is closest to the evil creature.
In my games Gnolls and subbed out for Orcs with all the exact gnoll’s statistics from the rules.
The scenario reads If we get the Decanter out  one of the exits the scenario ends , so I am giving it to Gord ,our Rogue since he is the fastest.. BUT I am playing everyone must exit the boards to end the game otherwise we keep playing, meaning Blackwulf stays on the battlefield until all enemies are slain his companions flee or he falls…THIS IS THE WAY.
Special Rules

Event Deck- Special Deck for this Scenario no more shadow deep cards.
Official New Rules Update
Challenge Level – two additional Orc Fighters have been added to each group.
Russian Roulette is in play with the mighty Thorvald (a killing machine of late) leading the death race at -4

The Plan..Blackwulf has a plan….delay Gord while he and the fighters engage the groups luring the creatures away from the exit….Blackwulf will challenge the Terror Wing head on sending fighters to engage the groups while Skuti give Ranged support..Should Gord escape , They’ll all start clearing out while they can.




“Regrouping after your search, you suddenly feel a crushing despair descend upon the convent. With a trembling horror, you realize that your time is up, and that your activities have been discovered. Grabbing up your equipment, and all your finds, you race out to the courtyard. There, standing in the shadows of the gateway, is a giant, demonic shape. Black wings stretch out from its back, and it stares at you with baleful eyes. Around the corners of the courtyard, Orcs take up fighting positions. It is time to decide: do you make your stand here or do you run and hope to lose them in the darkness of the Shadow Deep?”



Blackwulf activates Skuti and Thorvald for the Ranger Phase

Blackwulf fires an Arrow at the Terror Wing in the front of the gatehouse…we want to let him know we are coming for him, and Blackwulf will use his “Steady Aim” ability 1st thing…making his +2 a, +7 the roll Terror Wing is a large target for and the statue of St Emilia is intervening for  a net -1 to the TW’s roll its fight is +5 so we have +7 vs +4 (17,16) boom big roll right of the bat, almost an 18 where I could have used “deadly shot” oh well..he wins 24 to20 for a big 10 damage on the Terror Wing it howls in pain

Skuti Fires and arrow at the Orc Archer on the left (west) group of Orcs..(14,15) at +3 vs +2 it’s a tie 17 to 17 so a miss…bummer

Thorvald moves to counter the initial mob of Orcs on the left


Because we got lucky the Terror Wing will move later after all the unwounded orcs
Orcs are number 1-8 Left to Ring a d8 gives an order of 7,6 1,4,8,2, 5 ,3

7. Orc Archer…Closest target is Thorvald, there is intervening terrain the roll (10,6) is just a miss
6 Orc fighter – double move toward heroes
1 Orc fighter – double Move engages Thorvald they don’t fight this phase
4 Orc fighter – double move toward heroes
8 Orc fighter – double move toward heroes
2 Orc fighter - double Move also engages Thorvald they don’t fight this phase
5 Orc fighter -double move toward heroes
3 Orc Archer has clear shot at Sigurd at 22” he fires  (14,5) Sigurds +4 vs the Orcs +2  18 to 7 the Orcs arrow goes far over head

Randomly rolling on remaining creatures

Wolf (east) double move toward heroes
Wolf (west) double move toward heroes
Terror Wing double move toward heroes (flying, landing with a Boom!)


Sigurd moves and engages the Wolf (east) and slays it easily (17,12)  21 vs Armor 10 Wolf health is 6…

Calistra moves into Orc 8 to challenge him in Single Combat (18,1) we are on a roll…she tooo cuts the Orc down with ease

Gord (carrying the Decanter Charges and Orc 7 to pull him off Thorvald, they fight even dice at +2 each..
(20,7) Ridiculous! This wont continue I am sure…Gord and his trusty dagger kill Orc 1, even at -1 Damage more then enough against 10 health with the Critical

Gord with the first critical of the game...Orc 1 bites the dust

Olenandra, casts her heal spell on Blackwulf bringing him to his full 20 health.he will need it (he started the game wounded post Library)



 Place a wolf in front of a Random exit, I roll the left exit….another Wolf Joins the party
new Wolf, W3

end of T1



Blackwulf activates Gord and Thorvald for the Ranger Phase

Gord sprints off with Decanter toward the left (west) exit..his 7 inch move x 2 put him into base contact with the Wolf that just arrived…if luck continues here he can easily escape next turn!

Thorvald drops the big hammer on Orc 2, they Fight +4 vs +2  (14,20) Ooff turn about is fair play… Thorvald suffers a feint from the crafty orc and is gutted..he loses 22 to 18..Thorvalds 11 armor means he take 11 damage to his 13 health ..he’s still in the fight with a 2 health!

Blackwulf engages the other Wolf (14,3) and winning 18 to 4, the 8 damage kills it quick


6 Orcs at Full Health go first they Orcs 3, 7, 2,4,5, 6..they fight

Orc 4- closet target is Thorvald..he now fights in a 2 vs 1  Orc 4 is is +4 as Orc 2 is support its and even fight against our wounded Champion (12,5)  Thorvald wins 16 to 9, since it’s a two handed weapon that’s an 18 for damage purposes the Orc takes 7 damage…

Red dice are damage taken here Thorvald has 11 damage on him

Orc Archer the rules dictate that he would shoot here but considering the combat with Gord and Wolf is 1 inch away he get pulled in…Orc attacks Gord the Orc is +3 due to support vs Gords + 2 (15,14) at tie at 17! Oof  Gord takes 7 damage the Orc 6 damage..

Orc 2 attacks Thorvald trying to finish him he get +2 for support making it even roll with both combatants at +4 (5,17) ughh and with That Thorvald falls hard…going OoA,,,,10 damage

The tank of the last several scenarios finally meet his match..

Orc 6 charges Blackwulf as he closer than Sigurd and gets what coming to him as Blackwulf finishes him in  one move (17,15) 21 -11 armor exactly the 10 damage he needs to finish him.

Orc Archer 7 Shoots at Calistra (5,4) miss

Orc 5  engages Calistra (18,20) no crits for bad guys..Calistras +4 make it 22 to 22 tie….the Orc is wasted But Calistra takes a whopping 10 damage in the process.

Wolf at exit attacks Gord it has support of Archer so + 3 vs Gords +2  (20,11)  !!!!! Gord on fire second crit in 2 turns….he slays the wolf easily but is engaged still with the Archer..

Terror Wing . slams into Blackwulf they fight…+4 vs +5  (15,11)  Blackwulf wins 19 to 16 but the TW’s high armor keeps it alive for another round with 1 health remaining!!!

Terror Wing goes after Blackwulf and almost gets him.


Sigurd has a big decision..engage the TW or not he would have to make a will test against its “Horrific” trait but instead I choose to send him around combat carefully toward
The West exit and Gord in case Gord falls Sigurd can grab the decanter!

the door piece there is too be honest with movement and much Sigurd could stay 1 inch away from the TW while moving past him. we also Calistra here after eating 10 damage on her own killing blow with a TIE

Skuti puts and arrow into the wounded Orc 4 (9,11) loses 12 to 13….a miss…

Oleandra…not much I can have her do other than risk her to moving into combat with some of the Orcs..
And she’d ended engaged to both…I have her move to Calistra and use the Heal spell from the Spellbook she is carrying bringing Calistra up to 7 health

(here it looks like of forgot to move Calistra after the heal , pause for recovery....I guess)


If the terror wing is on the table, make a +5 elemental magic attack against a random hero. If the terror wing has been killed, ignore this card.

Blackwulf (3,13)  +5 Blackwulf loses to an 18 and takes 7 points of Magic Damage

“a lightning bolt blasts from the sky hitting Blackwulf as hes locked in mortal combat with the Terror Wing”



Blackwulf activates Gord and Calistra in the Ranger Phase

Blackwulf attempts to finish the Terror Wing, He Attacks (19,20) ughhh!  Blackwulf loses 23 to 25 BUT he can finally used his “Deadly Strike” ability making that 19 a “Critical 20” so he automatically wins and the Terror Wing is cut down..The first time in 12 games he got to do that and it came at a good time..without it , he’d have been OoA…St Emilia is pleased.
"Deadly Strike" wins the day here

A wounded Gord Battles the Orc Archer at the West Exit…(13,12) at +2 vs +1 Gord wins 15 to 13 the Orcs armor is 11 so its 3 damage due to the -1 dam for his Dagger..the Orc fights on with 1 Health left

Calistra makes a double move to engage the pair of remaining Orc fighters, She engages Orc 4 but Orc 2 will snap in.unfortunately this takes 2 actions so she wont fight this round

4 Orcs left…Orc 2 and 7 are full health so go first
Orc 7 fires a shot at Oleandra the closest target (15,14) unfortunately Oleandra is +0 so shes hit 16,15 as the Orc Archers skill is +2 ..she takes 6 damage
Orc 2 attacks Calistra, (4,19) Calistra loses 21 to 8 she takes 9 damage which despite the heal , puts her OUT OF ACTION

Orc 4 attacks Blackwulf (9,16) and he gets the better of Blackwulf exhausted from fighting the Terror Wing, 13 to 19…Blackwulf take 8 damage, looking dicey for our hero
Orc Archer 3 attacks Gord trying to finish him (5,3)  the combat is a draw the fight continues


Skuti take a long shot at Orc Archer 7 (15,1)  hitting with a 17….but with 6 damage to its health it can keep shooting
Sigurd takes a double move and engage Orc Archer 3 fighting with Gord, hopefully this support with end it
Oleandra rushes into combat with Blackwulf with his support its even dice( 15,8) and she gets her 1st kill and some payback for the fallen at the convent the Orc takes 6 damage more than enough against its 3 health.

If the terror wing is on the table, every hero must immediately make a Will Roll
(TN12) or lose its next activation. If the terror wing has been killed, ignore this




Blackwulf activates Sigurd and Skuti in the Ranger Phase

Sigurd attacks Orc Archer 3 with Gords Support he’s +6 vs + 1 (10,14)  Whew barely Sigurd wins 16 to 15..4 damage is more than enough to put the archer down

Sigurd finished the job

Skuti puts an Arrow into Orc 2, (17,7)  nice he wins 20 to 9 but the Orcs 11 armor keeps him alive with one point.

Blackwulf , not wanting to risk melee, Fires an arrow himself at the Orc even dice with +2’s (10,12) a miss we will use Hand of Fate ability here and reroll (16) boom..the Orc falls dead.


Orc Archer 7 fires an arrow at the closest target which is Oleandra (11,7)  it misses


Gord double times out of the west exit into the wood with the Decanter MISSION COMPLETED
Now the rest must get out alive

Oleandra moves to the OaA Calistra and helps move her toward the exit..

The wind picks up and a heavy rain starts to fall. All shooting attacks are at -2
for the rest of the scenario



Blackwulf activates Sigurd and Skuti

Blackwulf fires and arrow and remaining Orc Archer 7 now -2 to hit (6,18) miss
Skuti follows his lead (20,19) even with the penalty there is its..21 to 20 but a critical for Skuti! The Last Orc Falls dead..a quite fall over the convent and the scenario ends.

Skuti coming thru in the end as usual......

The group quickly gathers its fallen and heads out the west exit following Gord and the Decanter.

Quick Medical attention is given to Thorvald and Calistra in a clearing as soon as the convet fades from sight.

Survival Checks

Thorvald   Rolling -5   Roll (10)  =5  Badly Wounded
Calistra Rolling at – 3  Roll  (11) = 8 Close Call , again
Enough where they can limp out of the shadow deep and back to the safety of Tor Varden

Having escaped the convent with your prize,you spent the next week dodging search parties
and moving as quickly as possible towards home. Thankfully, it felt as though the saint
herself was watching over you. Less than a week later, you made it back to the shattered
stairs. The long ascent was agonizing, as you pushed your battered and bruised body up that
last stretch, but, finally, you broke through the black clouds and breathed the fresh air again.
A few days later, you reported back to your captains and turned over the Decanter. That
night, a small celebration was held in the camp in your honour. The Decanter would be
sent back to Tallis, to one of the great hospitals there, where it would prove a blessed relief
to many sufferers. Having such a powerful artefact is sure to aid in the fight against the
Shadow Deep. Gain 150XP. Each of your companions gains 2 Progression Points. Your
mission ends here.

Experience  Blackwulf gets a boatload of exp here
150 returning decanter
59 enemies killed
15  Oleandra returning alive
10 return of Navigation Book from Library

234 exp total and he missed a few along the way including thins we used or lost… that puts him at 1084 And level 8 and close to level 9, at level 8 he gets and new ability and he takes Powerful Blow
Something I should taken from the start (note take abilities that don’t rely on die rolls 1st!)

As for companion they all get 2 plus the the standard 2 for surviving although Thorvald and Calistra get 3 each..
This levels Skuti and Gord with +4 Skill bumps…Skuti will take +4 Survival as since Guthrum died we need another Hero with Survival and Gord will take +4 to his climb which I hope is useful in later adventures…Calistra picks up a +1 health

That’s it for Burning Light we played 6 of 9 possible scenarios here making our total 14 Scenarios into Ranger Blackwulfs saga, as previously mention I’ll be back Blood Moon later this spring , Rangers will be on brief hiatus for some build, painting time and new interests!


Monday, December 30, 2019

Ranger of Shadow Deep, Mission : Burning Light. Scenario D: The Library.

 Finally back at it, been pretty busy the last few months with work and other pursuits but found some time to wrap up the Burning Light campaign , I have added the official new rules update, and go over the few brief changes to the existing campaign.


Blackwulf’s report-  “The Herb store was as evil and twisted as everything here, but we somehow  came thru unscathed. The sick and twisted plants here may be hiding something more, I am not sure, But the unearthed floor is soft and our only substantial clue points there. We have left to search the Library as the statues broken arm seem to be place pointing in the that direction. Coincidence? We will see but our time here runs short  I can the see it my companions faces.”

This report is a complete play-through

All die rolls are shown as (x) all combat rolls are shown as (x,x) with the heroes roll always being first.

Pre Game Notes

Its clear to me (Blackwulf) that our goal of the missing Decanter is highly unlikely to be inside the Hospital, Abbess Quarters or Dormitory
So I am not planning on playing any more of the scenarios after this other than the final scenario, (we will search a previous location based on what we find here , for better or worse and head into the final scenario)
I have the Library Tower laid out in 4 distinct sections, the ground floor which covers areas
E and F, the flooded lower lever which covers area A, and the Library level for areas
B, C and D , I have added an additional roof area which grabs a generic encounter from one the scenarios we aren’t going to do, just to add a bit more to this mission.

The game will last 9 turns , there is no target point in this scenario.

original map

                                                                       My layout:

 Special Rules

Event Deck – Shadow Deep cards added . Black 9 and 10

Official New Rules Update  (NRU)

Challenge Level-  per the NRU this increases the level of monsters  for an added challenge.
For this scenario it reads “During set-up, increase the number of water snakes to 3 and the number of blood bats to 3. Whenever a black event card is drawn, place a blood bat on the desk in addition to the other instructions given.”
House Rules – Russian Roulette

All the water on the lower level counts as deep water. Heroes may only exit the table through the entry point on the first level. Figures move up and down the stairs at no movement penalty.

There is no Target Point in this scenario.

Ranger Sheet

Companion Sheet- Companions were updated per New Rules Update

Opening the broken door to the tower, you see that much of the floor of the chamber near the stairs has collapsed, revealing a basement below that has flooded. A rickety ladder stands in the corner leading to the level above. Books and loose scraps of paper are everywhere, and pair of stout doors lead to two rooms here, what behind them unknown.
Peering into the basement, the water hasn’t quite filled all of the room and some objects lay strewn about. Everything seems still and lifeless, until something unseen causes the water to ripple…



Blackwulf activates Gord and Skuti for the Ranger Phase.

Blackwulf enters the tower peering down below to lower level avoiding the broken floor stands by the door to the right.  He puts a shoulder to it (STR TN8  rolls=9,) its gives but he does not open it yet.

Gord moves to door on left , checking it..he finds it locked. And picks its at +5 (TN 6. Roll=9)

He opens the door.

Room E
Apparently, this room was once a treasury of some type, although almost everything is now missing. In the centre of the room, there is a large, empty plinth. Place a treasure token next to the plinth. Place three blood bats around the plinth. Gain 5XP.

Skuti-  seeing the blood bats , Skuti fires a quick arrow at one of them +3 vs +1  (10,15) but the bird is startled by the heroes entrances and moves , the shot misses


The bloodbats immediately erupt from the room and each attack a different hero

Blackwulf is attacked and caught off guard (3.20)  the Bat is +1 vs Blackwulfs +4  the Bat digs into him
Ripping flesh! 21 vs AC 12..ouch!  9 damage what a way to get things going.

Gord is attacked  but sees  it coming +2 v +1 (17,4) he skewers it with his dagger killing it

Sigurd is not as lucky also surprised he is attacked  +4 vs +1 (16,19) and it’s a tie at 20, Sigurd kills the bird but not before it attacks him for 8 damage , Sigurd begins this scenario with only 9 health, he is quickly teeting on death with 1 HP!!!!


Thorvald steps over to Blackwulf and swats the bat with his hammer, (11,11) +6 vs +1 , the bat is squished.

Sigurd- wounded , Sigurd stays put

Calistra moves around Blackwulf and opens the right side door , she enters the room.

Room F

As you push open the door, you hear a scream from within and see a young woman huddled behind an upturned desk. She is thin and half-starved. For the rest of the scenario, any figure in the room may spend an action and attempt a Leadership Roll (TN12). This may be attempted as many times as a player wishes. If successful, see Note 992.

Blackwulf , leadership +5  (12)  Success!!!

The young woman was an initiate of the Order of Saint Emilia. She knows very little of what happened. She remembers a horrible earthquake and thick clouds of ash. The nuns that survived started rushing about, but none stopped to explain anything to her. Then the creatures attacked. Monsters, pouring out of every corner. She ran in here and locked the door. She found a bit of food and has drunk rain water. She doesn’t know how long she has been here. The young woman joins the heroes as a free companion. She has the Stats of a conjurer and knows two spells – Heal and Strong Heart. She is completely unarmed unless another figure gives her a weapon. If the young nun survives to the end of the mission, gain 15XP. She can continue to be used as a companion after this mission, gaining Progression Points as normal, but players will then have to pay her Recruitment Points.

Oleandra-  M6 F0 S0 A10 W+3  Health -12  hand weapon  (Keen Sickle, from Thorvald)
Spells -Heal , Strong Heart.



A pair of blood bats come flapping in from a hole in the ceiling on the second floor. Place two blood bats on the desk.

(random placement (1 in Room F, in near Entrance)



Blackwulf activates Gord and Calistra for the Ranger Phase

Blackwulf quickly moves and attacks the bloodbat behind him outside room F
In the entrance area (9.3) +4 vs +1 ..he wins  13 to 4, the Bat is AC 12 but they only have a single  health point so its just enough

Calistra- Attacks the Bat inside room 4 with her and new found companion Oleandra  +4 vs +1 (12,15) another tie!, the bat is killed but its rakes her face for 3 damage against here 13 Armor

Gord- Move into room E and secures the treasure token


No Creatures on the board


Oleandra  moves outside room  F and cast her Heal spell on the obviously wounded Sigurd
Sigurd  gains 5 health

Thorvald, Sigurd and Skuti all start to slowly decend the stairs to the towers lower level, “there is something down here” Thorvald, snorts



One of the heroes suddenly feels an inner strength. Choose one hero at random. That figure may activate in the ranger phase and receives three actions in its next activation.

(D3 for Thorvald, Sigurd and Skuti  roll= 1, Thorvald, that will be handy next turn.)



Blackwulf activates Gord and Sigurd for the Ranger Phase

All three head towards the ladder up to library section climbing thru the hatch ending the phase all using double move actions

CREATURE PHASE No active creatures


Thorvald- makes a double move down the stairs in the dim light cast from above he sees two rather large snakes and some boxes near a broken bookcase on the far side of the room , unfortunately due to the water being “deep” it would require a swim check and he cant quite reach one of the snakes to attack so the boon  of that extra action is wasted, bad timing..

Skuti takes a single action moving down the stairs following  Thorvald, he stops at Thorvalds hand signal and quickly fires and arrow at +3 at one of the snakes.  “20” ouch!
Have not had a good crit at key time in awhile that  bonus 5 damage  equals 20 more that the Snakes 8 armor, and double it 10 health..its very dead stuck thru eyeball and into the wall

Calistra makes a double move down the stairs as well slipping past Skuti and joining Thorvald at the base of the stairs

Oleandra is told to wait near where they found her, shes’ give the treasure token to hold and the remaining heroes clear and search the tower.



“With a deep rumble, the stairway between the two levels of the tower collapses. Any figure currently on the stairs suffers a +4 attack. To move between the levels, it is now necessary for a figure to spend an action and succeed at a Climb Roll (TN10). “

Ugh!! Karma for that critical is back in the way of retribution!
We will assume this only the stairs between level one and the sub level..but we have 3 companions all taking the +4 attack

“1” VS Thorvald = 5 miss!
“10”VS Calistra  = hit! 1 damage
“11” VS Skuti =15 , hit! = 4 damage



Blackwulf activates Sigurd and Gord, the three begin to search the library for Clues

Blackwulf immediately sees 2 Bloodbats and quickly attacks  +4 vs +1 (17,8)  he quickly kills it

Sigurds moves to the second (10,2) and he as quickly slays his as well

With the bats dead , Gord strikes out for treasure

Gord Moves across to room and begins to search the book cases (Area D)

“As you touch a book on this bookcase, you hear a strange whirring noise. See Note 499. After reading that note, make either an Ancient Lore Roll (TN10) or a Read Runes Roll (TN10). If successful, see Note 927 “

Gord’s check (13)

 Crammed between several books on the growing of various wildflowers is a red-bound book of magic. The book may be given to any hero and takes up an item slot. It can only be used by a figure that can cast spells, however. A spellcasting figure with the book may choose any two spells from the rulebook to be contained within the book of magic. The figure carrying the book may cast those two spells at any time using an action. Once the two spells are cast, the book is used up and discarded. Alternatively, if the book’s spells are not used, it may be turned over to the heroes’ superiors at the end of the mission. If it is turned over, each ranger may either gain 10XP or give 1 Progression Point to one of his companions

Something real useful here! , Gord exclaims…

Meanwhile in the collapsing basement Watersnakes attacks while Skuti has killed one , two more remain.

2 snakes attack one attacking each of the Heroes on the Landing

Vs Calistra +4 vs +2 (8,20)  oof  Calistra loses 22 to 12 and takes a mean 9 damage, having 9 Health
She is OUT OF ACTION and she is POISONED

Vs Thorvald +4 vs +2 (19,3) opposite here, the big hammer squishes the snake to a pulp is 8 armor doing nothing vs 17 damage ( 23 +2 for 2HW =25 -8= 17


Thorvald quickly follows up against the snake that put Calistra down..
(18,14)  and he does it again… with 16 damage trashing the snakes 8 armor killing it in a single blow.

Calistra being OoA is a problem thou…

Skuti thinking the coast is clear dives in to deep water from the stairs and makes a swim check (17) he easily swims to the Island to investigate the potential clue/loot

The only bookcase still standing on this level sits on a little island. Make a Navigation Roll (TN8). If successful, see Note 269

Skuti rolls (11)

Quickly scanning the bookcase, you notice a rare and highly sought-after book on navigation. This book counts as an item, which may be given to any hero. While carrying this book, the figure receives +2 on all Navigation Skill Rolls. At the end of the mission, this book can either be kept by the heroes, or turned over to their superiors, in which case they gain 10XP.

Skuti quickly grabs the book.



Pick one random hero on the lower level. That figure should make a Perception Roll (TN12). If it fails, place a giant water snake in combat with the figure. If it succeeds, place a giant water snake anywhere within 3” of the figure. If there are no figures on the lower level, ignore this card

Skuti is randomly choosen, (17)  another huge watersnake appears,,,,

Uhhhhh Thorvald please start swimming……….



Blackwulf Moves to investigate the table in the center of the room. (area B)

“The body of a middle-aged woman lies on the floor behind the desk, an ink-stained quill still clutched in one hand. On the desk is a half-completed scroll written in some ancient language. Make a Read Runes Roll (TN8). If the result is 8 or more, see Note 502. If the result is 12 or more, see Note 846.”

Blackwulf’s check (14)

The hastily scrawled writing is difficult to make out, and you are unsure about many of the words. What it seems to say, however, is that they have removed the Decanter from ‘this place’ and buried it ‘in a corner’. Gain 15XP

Damn it that’s it!, the decanter is in the Herb Store, right under our nose! Im sure of it! Blackwulf thinks to himself, not yet alerting the others..

Sigurd moves to investigate the nearest bookshelf (area C)

“Most of the books on the shelf are obscure religious tracts that have no meaning to you. Make an Ancient Lore Roll (TN12). If successful, see Note 337 “

Sigurds check (2)…nothing here boss, just some priestess .nun, stuff…..

Gord moves to  ladder and heads to the roof he can climb the ladder and reach the roof in one action.
 Reaching the roof he sees a large cocoon surrounded by 3 large spiders whom immediately turn towards him

Gord pulls his trusty throwing knife and makes an attacks…(1,16) Oooof so much for that , Gord lets out a wimper then a call for help..


On the roof, all three spiders move to engage Gord having plenty of Room to reach him, per the creature rules each moves one at time
Spider 1,  +0 vs Gords +2  (2,4)  wild missed for both
Spider 2, now getting +2 for an ally,  so +2 vs +2 (18,4)  Gord Wins! 20 to 6 easily gutting a spider…
Spider 3,, still at +2 due to 1 ally in Combat again its +2 vs +2  (11,3) Gord winds  13 to 5,  The Spider is Armor 8 and Health 4,  and  13 = 5 damage but his dagger is -1 damage so the resulting 4 damage is  just enough to kill it!, Gord did amazing here and is now 1 vs 1 with the remaining spider.

Newly appearing Snake down below is actually equal distance from both Skuti and Thorvald so I roll to see which it  chooses to attack and its Skuti!....reaching him in one move it attacks  +2 vs  +2  (19,7) luck is on our side and Skuti wins 21 to 9 -  the Snakes 8 armor leaves the Snake with 13 damage but Skuti is using a damage so it drops to 12 damage , Snake is Health 10 so it too is dead…

Skuti and Thorvald, lay claim to two giant water snakes each!


Treasure in hand both  Thorvald and Skuti must climb with injured OoA Calistra in tow back up to the ground floor  (TN10)

Thorvald (17) easily climbs up Joining the new rescued Oleandra on the main floor.

Skuti (9)  trying to help the injured Calistra Fails and is stuck below

Oleandra- Holds position

Black 9

The heroes feel an unnatural breeze, and then a thick cloud of ash moves across the table. For the next two turns, each hero must make a Will Roll (TN12) before it activates; if it fails, it receives a maximum of one action. Furthermore, the maximum line of sight for the next two turns is 8”

Challenge Rules

Whenever a black event card is drawn, place a blood bat on the desk in addition to the other instructions given

Blood bat appears right in front of Blackwulfl!



Blackwulf Activates Gord and Sigurd .

Gord  Must will Check at TN12  (19) pass responds with Dagger attack against the remaining Spider (5,1)  as miss the fight continues

Blackwulf Will Checks TN12 (8) =4 pass  He again attacks a Bloodbat that’s appeared right  in front of him…(14,6) and he kills it easily

He moves to the ladder and begins to climb it in case Gord should lose the fight..Blackwulf yells for Sigurd to return to the ground floor with the others…

Sigurd Will Checks TN12 (12) pass  a double move  leaving the 2nd floor and returning to the main level  entry area where Thorvald and Oleandra are.


Spider continues to Attack Gord,  this the only creature on the table..
(20,8) Gord with the Critical wow! Well he won that one…. The final spider is dead.


Skuti Will Checks TN12  (3) Fail , only gets on action . makes his climb check with injured Calistra  TN10 (4)  fails still stuck



Two skeletons appear adjacent to the staircase on the level that contains the most heroes. Roll randomly in the case of a tie.

In this case they walk right in the front door from the Courtyard and attack,  Thorvald, Oleandra and the now arriving Sigurd!



Blackwulf activates Thorvald and Sigurd

Thorvald Will Checks TN12  (18) pass attacks the closest skeleton  (14,11 ) and crushes it to dust

Sigurd Will Checks TN12 (5)+2 Fails  only get one action he engages the Skeleton with his “bone blade” but cannot attack this phase.

Blackwulf Will Checks TN12 (2) fails  begins moving down the ladder to level 1.


Skeleton attacks Sigurd +5 vs +1 ( 15, 17)  Sigurd wins 20 to 18, The Skeleton is shattered to loose bones!


Skuti  Will Checks TN12  (11) +1  pass,  Tries to Climb (10)..Fail , Still stuck..2nd action keep climbing…(18)! Finally they join the others

Oleandra Will Checks TN12  10 +3  pass… holds

Gord  Will Checks TN12   (6)  fail on the roof moves to examine the cocoon.

A giant web cocoon has completely enveloped the bed. Make a Strength Roll (TN8) to get inside it. You may attempt this roll as many times as you wish. If successful, see Note 598

Gord makes the Strength check (9)  revealing the contents but can do nothing else this turn

“You rip open the cocoon, but the only things inside are a few bits of metal, a belt buckle, and a few buttons”  wha-wha…..sounds of disappointment.



The heroes hear a deep growl, and suddenly a large wolf comes bounding in. Place the wolf in the centre of a randomly determined table edge. The wolf follows all the standard rules for evil creatures.

Once again in the front door,  “we must hurry they are coming!”  someone yells

Also lets not forget the 

Challenge Rules

Whenever a black event card is drawn, place a blood bat on the desk in addition to the other instructions given  Bloodbat appears on the second floor but there is no one there at the moment.



Blackwulf activates Thorvald and Sigurd

Thorvald on a epic hot streak this games moves first to challenge the Wolf +4 vs +1  (20,8)
Hah! He knocks back out in howling thud where it falls dead
(wow 3 crits this game…I have a feeling I will be crying for those on the final mission.

Blackwulf  climbs down the ladder and joins the others

Sigurd holds.


Only creature on board is a single Bloodbat on floor 2, its does nothing


Gord comes down the ladder but cant reach the bat in a single move, he quietly  makes his way past it toward the ladder to 1st floor  using his full 7” move twice

Remaining companions hold.



Select a random hero on the table. That figures sees a glowing rune. That figure must make either a Perception (TN14) or Read Runes (TN10) Roll. If successful, it recognizes the rune as a trap and avoids it. If not, the figure suffers an immediate +3 magic attack as do any other figures within 2” of it. If the trap is avoided, gain 4XP.

Comes up Skuti  who notices something on the wall near  the room on this floor they first entered he tries to read runes (17) and realizes it’s a trap….and warns the others to avoid it  +4 XP



Blackwulf activates Gord and Thorvald

Gord, quickly moves thru the hatch and down the ladders avoiding the last remaining blood bat.
Leaving on the 2nd floor behind the closed hatch

All Heroes exit the Tower

Blackwulf exclaims “Back to the herb store I know where the decanter is!!!”

The Heroes quickly move across the courtyard back to the safety of the cleared Herb Store where they have a brief time to rest and recover before the final search!

Survival and Healing

Out of Action,
Calistra  Survival Check at -2  (9)  = 7 “close call”

Close Call
The figure escapes with only minor injuries but does lose all its non-standard equipment (anything not listed on the Basic Equipment List).

This means she lost the “holy book” she was carrying that was recovered in an earlier mission is lost it was worth 10XP when returned..oh well..

Calistra returns 6 health but is currently poisoned, Blackwulf uses his heal spell to bring her to 11 points
A survival check from Skuti (12) makes full health and cures her of the poison.

Sigurd  current health 6 regains3  to a total of 9…a survival check from Blackwulf a +4 (15)  gets to full health at 13…

Thorvald, Gord, and Oleandra were not injured during the scenario
Blackwulf is at 11 health from taking 9 damage in turn 1… he regains 3 to go to 14 a survival check from Oleandra (18)  brings him to 15…..

Going into the final scenario everyone is at full health except for Blackwulf who is at 15 of 20…I could
use his gem of spellfire for a second heal odds are we will need Ill save it..


You scour the place from top to bottom and, just as you are about to give up, you spot a strange fold in the dirt on the floor. Grabbing hold of this, you pull up a cloth covering and reveal a dark hole. There, shining at the bottom of the hole, is a silver decanter covered in beautiful flowing script. You have found what you were seeking! Before you have any time to celebrate, however, you hear a horrible shriek and feel a coldness grip your heart. You must now play Scenario I to see if you can escape with your prize. The decanter must be carried by a specific figure. It does not take up an item slot. Gain 100XP.
Total Experience

 8 Bloodbats= 8
4  Snakes =12
3 Spiders= 6
2 Skeletons =2
1 Wolf = 2

30 XP

Blackwulf discovers the Decanters location +15
Room E +5
Skuti avoiding the Traps +4

24 XP

Finding the Decanter 100XP

Total 154 XP for Blackwulf bringing him to 850 total and level 7
All Companions get 2 progression point except Calistra who gets 1.

Should Oleandra survive the final mission Blackwulf will get an extra 15XP

Spellbook  - Oleandra
Navigation Book- Skuti
(ponentially worth either xp or pp at end of Campaign)

Treasure Token (16) weapon or armor
 Hand Weapon,  Light…. Well give that to Sigurd for now…

Final thoughts-  probably because I haven’t played in months I found this one particularly fun especially with multilevel way I set the  the scenario  up

Now its time to move on to ending the Campaign!



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