Showing posts with label Color - White. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Color - White. Show all posts

Crepe Ginger - Variegated Cheilocostus Speciosus

Crepe Ginger - Variegated Cheilocostus speciosus

Common Name: Crepe Ginger
Scientific Name:  Variegated Cheilocostus speciosus
Height: 6.5-10 ft (2-3 m)
Span:  3.3-6.5 ft (1-2 m)
Growth Rate:  Fast
Sun Tolerance:  Shade
ABP Index: 2.5 (Aesthetics 4.0, Solidarity 1.0)

Cheilocostus speciosus 'Variegatus' common name is Variegated Crepe Ginger. It is native to Tropical Asia. It is one of the spiral gingers and this species grows some of the best spirals in the group. It is an evergreen fast growing plant. The plant can grow in full sun or shade but well grow in the shady places. It grows 2-3 m (6.5-10 ft) in height. Most striking are the long pointed, glossy green leaves that grow spirally around the trunk. Some stalks grow upright; others turn into a spiral, which makes the appearance of this plant really interesting. The buds open into a large, tissue-paper-like flower over 3 inches in diameter. Flowers open singly or a few at a time through the summer. They are white and look as they were made of thin crepe paper. The flower is the reason this is sometimes called the Crepe Ginger.

Crepe Ginger

Crepe Ginger Leaves

Crepe Ginger Flower

Crepe Ginger Flower

Crepe Ginger Flower

Crepe Ginger cutting planing

Crepe Ginger
For more information: 

Video of Crepe Ginger: 

Tricolor - Stomanthe Sanguinea

Tricolor  - Stomanthe Sanguinea 

Common Name: Tricolor
Scientific Name: Stomanthe sanguinea 
Height: 2–3 ft (60 – 90 cm)
Span:  1–2 ft (30 – 60 cm)
Growth Rate:  Fast
Sun Tolerance:  Shade
ABP Index: 2.5 (Aesthetics 4.0, Solidarity 1.0)

Stomanthe sanguinea  common name is Tricolor. It is native to Brazil. It is mainly rain-forest plant. It is a very attractive and wonderful plant, so people like to plant it in their house indoor or outdoor houseplant. It grows 2-3 ft (60-90 cm) in height. The dark green leaves are variegated in shades of pink, red, white, or green. Each leaf has a mechanism for orienting the blade toward or away from the sun. The leaves fold up at night, making the rosy pink undersides more noticeable. But in the morning they face to the east so they will catch more of the early morning sun, and in the midday, they move to a more upright position so less of the blade is exposed to the intense sun. It blooms pink flowers in spring. 

Tricolor Leaves

Tricolor Flowers

Tricolor Flowers

Tricolor in garden

Tricolor as ornamental

Tricolor in tub
For more information:

Video of Tricolor:

Angel's Trumpet - Brugmansia Suaveolens

Angel's Trumpet

Common Name: Angel's Trumpet
Scientific Name: Brugmansia suaveolens
Height: 10 – 15  ft (3 – 5 m)
Span:  5 – 8 ft (1.5 – 2.5 m)
Growth Rate: Fast
Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
ABP Index: 3.0 (Aesthetics 3.0, Solidarity 3.0)

Angel's Trumpet scientific name Brugmansia suaveolens is native to South America. This is small bush flowering tree.  This is an evergreen moderate growing plant that grows to 10 – 15 feet (3 – 5 m) with ovate 6- to 12 inch long leaves, only slightly hairy. The flowers are remarkably beautiful and sweetly fragrant, about 24–32 cm (9–13 in) long and shaped like trumpets. It Blooms repeatedly in Fall, Summer, Spring, late winter. The flowers color is pink/yellow/white with trumpet shape. 

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet : Flower

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet : Flowers

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet : Flowers

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet : Seeds

Angel's Trumpet

Angel's Trumpet

Video for Angel's Trumpet:

For More Information:

Frangipani - Plumeria

Common Name: Frangipani
Scientific Name: Plumeria
Height: up to 8 m
Span: up to 7 m
Growth Rate: Slow
Sun Tolerance: Full Sun, Shade
ABP Index: 4.0 (Aesthetics 4, Solidarity 4)

The Frangipani is a mystical flowering tree that is present in most tropical countries and is intertwined with their cultures. Asia local folks believe it provides shelter to ghosts and demons. Hindus associate it with their temples. Polynesian women wear the flowers to indicate their relationship status - over the right ear if seeking relationship and over the left if taken.

The first thing that captures you is the flowers that come in bunches and in many different colors (different varieties of Plumeria). Each flower has 5 soft petals that ooze colors in gradient form from the middle to the edge.

The sausage like branches move vertically upwards and split to form beautiful branch architecture. At the end of each branch would be a cluster of thick green leaves that show distinct veins.

As the tree age, the branches and bark of the tree swell in irregular areas and resemble an old rhino skin, giving it character.

Whether it has many branches or little branches, with leaves or without leaves, with flowers or without flowers, the Frangipani's beauty can be enjoyed in all seasons and perspective. A truly architecturally beautiful plant.

Frangipani Leaves
Frangipani Flowers
Frangipani Red Flower (PlantWerkz Favourite)
Frangipani Branch Architecture Shadow
Budding Frangipani Leaves
Frangipani at poolside of Luxurious Home
Frangipani Grove in Singapore Botanical Gardens

More information on Frangipani:
All things Frangipani
US Department of Agriculture (pdf)

Desert Rose - Adenium Obesum

Adenium Obesum (Socotranum) in Socotra

Common Name: Desert Rose, Sabi Star, Kudu
Scientific Name: Adenium Obesum
Height: 1 - 3 m
Span: 1 - 2 m
Growth Rate: Slow
Sun Tolerance: Full Sun
ABP Index: 4.3 (Aesthetics 4.5, Solidarity 4)

The adenium obesum or desert rose is an evergreen succulent shrub that survives in desert to deciduous climates. The beauty of this shrub comes from the huge muscular roots and thick swollen caudex ('trunk') that gives the desert rose it's unique character. Among the different varieties, the socotranum, which comes from the unique island of Socotra (where the Dracena Draco comes from) is the biggest of them all. The leaves and flowers grows at the tip of the stems which further enhance the beauty of this plant allowing the flowers and caudex's beauty to be appreciated separately. The flowers can come in many different colors such as white, yellow, pink, red and a mixture. The Thais are crazy about this plant and develop many different hybrids.

Adenium Obesum Bonsai by Mr Jai Krishna Agarwal, Lucknow, India

Flowers and Leaves of the Desert Rose

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