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Showing posts with label hypocracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypocracy. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

His name should forever be ...

... "noted tax cheat Warren Buffet" :

Once again Warren Buffet is revealed to be nothing but a hypocrite. On one hand he is a proponent of higher government taxes on successful people, on the other hand companies under his control are refusing to pay their fair share of taxes. Berkshire Hathaway, the investment company which he runs and owns a major share of, owes close to a billion dollars to the IRS.

Of course, the MBM will continue to blindly repeat his bleatings about the rich not paying their fair share, all the while he and his continues to welsh.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Interesting ...

... information about PeTA:

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

He's finally tied Bush

Found this Politico article (via Hot Air) about something that Obama's as good as Bush about:
Today - Obama ties Pres. Bush in the number of rounds of golf played in office: 24.
Wow. Will we hear the great wailing and gnashing of teeth from the left that we heard from the left during the Bush years?

Somehow, I don't think so.
