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Showing posts with label GRE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GRE. Show all posts

Saturday, March 27, 2010

GRE round-up's ....

For the following dates:

March 23

March 24

March 25

March 26

March 27

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

GRE round-up

Gun Rights Examiner round-up for Mar 22.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Sharing the wealth

David asks that we spread the GRE words:
I love it when a writer ties in enduring principles with illustrations from popular culture. It not only makes for an interesting read, it automatically appeals to a broader readership and makes them receptive to learn more.

He also has Oregon, Oathkeepers and other updates as well.


Talk about the pieces falling into place!

Ed Stone, the Atlanta Gun Rights Examiner, has a great open carry story:
Meanwhile, conscientious Cobb County Police Officer D. Lowe had noticed suspicious cars sitting behind the restaurant in the dark and decided to investigate. He caught men with masks and rifles who had been preparing to rob the Wafflehouse. The criminals informed the police that they had changed their mind upon discovering armed customers and were waiting for Matt and J.P. to leave.

Matt and J.P. were the two openly-armed customers inside the Waffle House. The robbery scout saw the two armed men, and the crew thought better about robbing the establishment while they were there.

Open carry advocates have touted the deterrent value of open carry, something we knew intuitively. Now we know that it is indeed the case. It's also interesting that the armed citizens were not targeted for elimination, as is often claimed by open carry critics, even when the robbers knew where they were.


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Another UAH shooter update

David has a good Gun Rights Examiner, following up on Amy Bishop, and her enablers:

And here's one other revelation about Bishop, from The New York Times:

After she left the room, the police said, she dumped the gun — for which she did not have a permit — in a second-floor bathroom.

So not only did she ignore the campus gun ban, she didn't let Alabama carry laws stop her either?

And then we're supposed to believe the solution to preventing this is even more "gun control"?
Did you get that? Criminals ignore the law .......



New Gun Rights Examiner

Liston Matthews, the new Knoxville Gun Rights Examiner - here's his latest:

Yesterday about this time, Principal Elisa Luna and assistant principal Amy Brace were shot on campus at Inskip Elementary School in Knoxville. Their alleged assailant was a fourth grade teacher, Mark Stephen Foster, 48, of Clinton.

Inskip Elementary, like all schools in Tennessee is a Gun Free Zone (GFZ). Well meaning but hoplophobic legislators and administrators have banned guns in these areas as a safety measure for the children. Unfortunately, there can be unintended consequences to any action.

He has some great ideas .... read them!


Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Very cool .....

Saw this at Alan's site ..... a 1911 animation, that includes building the pistol:



Sunday, November 29, 2009

Spreading the word.

David has a new post up at Gun Rights Examiner ...... go look, cuz there's a cool pic by Oleg!


Saturday, November 21, 2009

I hate to say you were told, but ...... you were told.

David Codrea's latest Gun Rights Examiner column:
Today's Gun Rights Examiner column once more talks about something that not only won't the "Authorized Journalists" tell us about, but what they actively sneer at as unfounded paranoia.
LinkYeah, I know ......


Friday, November 13, 2009

Gun Rights Examiner

David Codrea has this article in today's Gun Rights Examiner:

‘There are really only two rules in life,” he tells us, “1. Do not initiate, or accept, force,” and “2. Keep your word.”

Might have to add to my reading wish list.
