Showing posts with label button packs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label button packs. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2014


Good morning everyone how was your weekend? anything exciting?...we had a lovely sunday lunch surrounded by family and all ate way way too much of course...well if you cant do that at family meals when can you lol...I love watching my lovely Dad nodding off in front of a roaring fire after his lunch, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling if you know what I mean...I appreciate every single moment I spend with him, hes such a giggle and has a wicked sense of humour...our beautiful Daughter has a new black kitten and he is such an adorably cute affectionate sweetie, everyone has fallen head over heels for him and he fell asleep on my Dads knee but it must have been a little slippy as he fell off and of course did what cats do when they fall grabbed on for grim life with his claws, that certainly roused my poor Dad but bless him he just caught him and smiled...I love that man with all my heart but it did make me giggle a bit lol...right now my card for today, its for our new challenge at Bunny Zoe's Crafts monthly challenge, this month our lovely Sara chose the theme of I dont really do stitching but I managed a bit of faux stitching with a black pen and that's about all the stitching I would manage, of course everything I used for my card today is from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...this fabulous little Edwin is from the brand new Little Circus Moscow Magnolia release and is called Edwin Nutcracker Soldier I coloured Edwin with my usual distress inks and glittered him a little with some Stickles Glitter Glue - Star Dust, I paper pieced his outfit with the same lush papers I used for my card and the sentiment tag are also from the Kaisercraft - Marigold 6.5"x6.5" Paper Pad too...I added a ruffled bow made with Gingham Wired Edge Gold Thread Ribbon - Blue and finished with a bit of Sew Easy Floss Assortment - Green strung across the bottom and a couple of buttons from the Primary - 25g button bag, the fab sketch is from The House That Stamps built Challenge and Im also entering it for the Rogue Redhead Designs Challenge and the Just Us Girls Challenge too...I need to get a bit of crafting done today and my craft room and its in desperate need of a tidy...hhhhmmmmm I wonder which one I will choose to do (yeah right lol)...whatever your up to today I hope you manage to get a bit of crafting done too...have a great one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - black soot
crown - antique linen, ripe persimmon, black soot
shoes and sash edge - black soot
shading - pumice stone

Saturday, December 21, 2013

distress inks vs lady grey tea...

Good morning everyone how are you all...all finished then? your present wrapped and food bought...nope? me neither lol...well the curse of 2013 is still with us I'm afraid, my Niece was in Hospital and my Uncle then yesterday I found out my cousin had a heart attack and has to be transferred from our local hospital to a larger one for a pacemaker...they are all being sorted and on the mend hopefully and that's the three so no more hospital troubles...finger, toes, arms, legs and eyes crossed...I only have a few things left to buy and of course the big food shop...going around supermarkets at Christmas you could be forgiven for thinking they were going to be closed for a fortnight not just one day wouldn't you...its nuts how much food is bought and money spent on it at this time of year and looking around the shoppers there is always so many miserable faces, I sometimes thing if we spent less time and money worrying about food and gifts we might even remember the essence of Christmas and start to enjoy it...what do you think?...right now my card for today...can you see the smudging? that's what happens when your enjoying a cup of Lady grey whilst your gazing out of the window...just one little drip and its smudge city...I thought I had managed to save it until I saw these photos so will have to reink this cutie and this time no tea in sight while I'm colouring ignore the smudges and pretend its perfect...this little cutie is from the new CC Designs release...this is the gorgeous CC Designs Rascals Sking Henry coloured with my distress inks (and lady grey lol) and glittered with Stickles Glitter Glue - Star Dust...I teamed it up with some stunning papers from the beautiful Kaisercraft - Marigold 6.5"x6.5" Paper Pad although its not a winter or Christmas pad I think the colours and patterns work great for this one don't you...I added a bow made from Gingham Wired Edge Gold Thread Ribbon - Blue, a stamped sentiment from the C.C. Designs Naughty Or Nice Sentiments (the tag is from the paper pad) and a few buttons from the Primary - 25g button pack...everything I used today is from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I made the sketch up as I went along but am entering this for the Simon Says Stamp Wednesday Challenge, Brown Sugar Challenge and the Craftitude Challenge too...I'm off out to town today for a little mooch what you up to?...whatever it is I hope you have some festive fun
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - antique linen
outfit - stormy sky, shabby shutters, pumice stone
skies and poles - antique linen

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

not just for summer...

Good morning everyone how are you all doing?...thank you all so so much for the concerns about my hip but never worry it will get better soon I'm sure as to the thoughts of going to my GP...I tried a few months back to get an appointment and the wait was three weeks so I don't think I will bother lol...isn't that stupid though that you have to know your ill three weeks in advance, if I could do that I wouldn't need a doctor in the first place would I lol...I didn't get my craft day yesterday but had a lazy day instead, I think they are called a duvet day aren't they although no duvet was involved but my fluffy checked rug came in handy, it did my hip the power of good though, it feels better much much better you will have to excuse my rushed card I made for today as I only remembered it at 9pm last night and it took me all of 20 minuets to make so that's the excuses over lol...this little bit of sugary prettiness is from Sugar Nellie and is called Gingerbread Cookies...isn't she gorgeous?...I coloured her with my usual distress inks and used colours that your probably used to seeing summer rather than for a Christmas card but I couldn't resist using these stunning papers from the Kaisercraft - Lady Rose 6.5"x6.5" Paper Pad...I'm loving this pad the colours and designs are so lush

I added a tag from the same pad, its such a lovely sentiment I put a close up of it below...a lush ribbon bow made from Organza Ribbon - Dusky Pink (25mm Wide) and a button from the Primary - 25g button bag...the pad, ribbon and button are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...the fab sketch is from my favourite sketch blog Mojo Monday Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Crafty Girls challenge and the Challenges 4 Everybody Challenge too...I'm off out with my Dad today, yesterday would have been my Mum's birthday and in a couple of weeks its the anniversary of her death so this time of year is really hard for him and he gets very down, so coffee and chatting is needed I think...whatever your up to today have a brilliant warm one whatever your up to
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - antique linen
outfit - victorian velvet, spun sugar, shabby shutters, pumice stone
gingerbread man - frayed burlap

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

its becoming an addiction...

Good morning everyone how are you all?...well and happy?...bbbbrrrrr its freezing here and the ground is white with hailstones, so here it comes...oh no run away lol...poor Phil in the hope of kick starting my festive mojo got all the Christmas decorations from the attic, I had a little rummage through them but nope no festive spirit popped up yet...I seriously need help to get some festivity from somewhere so all suggestions gratefully accepted I mean for goodness sake even the Marks and Spencer's ads aren't working lol...right now my card for today...this Sugar Nellie Simply adorable is one of my all time favourites...hes called Nathan and like all the adorable's hes a dream to colour...I used my distress inks and teamed him up with some stunning papers from the Carta Bella So this is christmas 6x6 paper pad, I'm sorry to say that I bought the last one from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...oops lol...but there are loads of other Christmas pads to choose from...I added a spotty bow and finished with a mixture of buttons from the button packs at Bunny Zoe's...buttons are beginning to become a bit of an addiction for me aren't they...the fabulous sketch is from the Mojo Monday Challenge I love love love their sketches...I'm also entering it for the Cute Card Thursday Challenge and the Lady Anne's Challenge too...if the weather wasn't so white here I think I would go for a little mooch in town but the way my legs go from underneath me I'm as dangerous in snow as one the stairs so may just stay put...I think a bit of safe crafting sitting on my lush comfy office chair is called for instead what do you think?...whatever your up to today I hope wherever you are its warm and cosy, I wont be around tomorrow but will be back on Thursday with my Mo's Digital Pencil monthly blog hop post
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
eyes - tumbled glass
hair - antique linen, frayed burlap
top - antique linen, faded jeans
bear - stormy sky, pumice stone, spun sugar
Oh and before I forget theres a brand new Winter Wonderland release this weekend at Funky of course Sugar Nellie is having a unveiling so I will be back for that too xxx

Sunday, November 17, 2013

tree gathering...

Good morning everyone I hope your all well, yes I'm back finally, did you think I was stuck on my craft room floor lol, my hip is all better a bit stiff but at least I can sit and colour for a little while...yyyyyaaaayyyyyyy...I haven't been out much or even done much this week, see that's what you get for being a klutz isn't it, you get stuck on the house while everyone else is out enjoying that start of the festive season...I went out yesterday afternoon for a little mooch around and was gobsmacked at how many places have their Christmas decorations up, mind I haven't seen one in a house window yet...have you?...well what you been up to while I have been hibernating...anything exciting?...oh btw has anyone seen Gravity yet?, I would love to know if its worth going to the cinema to see...right now onto my card for today this fabulous little Edwin is from the new Winter Wonderland Magnolia collection, this is the so so cute Christmas Eve Edwin...I coloured him with my distress inks and used papers and a tag from the Kaisercraft - Holly Bright 6.5"x6.5" Paper Pad...this is such a lush pad isn't it, just perfect for all those traditional feeling cards...I added a stamped sentiment from the C.C. Designs Naughty Or Nice Sentiments set, the stamped snowflakes I used by masking off Edwin are from the same set too...a lush bow made from some Gingham Wired Edge Gold Thread Ribbon - Burgundy, a few buttons from the Primary - 25g button bag and finished with a couple of snowflake charms from the 5 x Snowflake 6 Charms (B024-W) bag...everything I used for my card today is from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...the lush sketch is from the Top Tip Tuesday Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Tilda's Town Challenge (my favourite Magnolia stamp is always the newest one) and the Sister Act Card Challenge too...I think Phil is baking cakes today as my lovely Dad loves Dundee cake but hates the ones in the shops and will only eat Phil's...I must admit he makes the best boozy creole Christmas cake ever, its so rich you can heat it up and eat it with cream like Christmas pudding...its scrummy...right I have made myself hungry now so I'm off for some toast lol...whatever your up to today have fun and watch out for those lethal stairs the last step is a big one lol
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - frayed burlap
dungarees - pumice stone
sweater, buttons, star and hat - barn door
tree - peeled paint, frayed burlap
shoes - black soot
shading - pumice stone

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

oooohhhh I love making Christmas cards...

Good morning everyone hows your week going...good I hope...I didn't have any luck with my baby shopping yesterday, I don't know if its a girl or boy yet so buying something fabulously girlie or cute and boyish is what do I go for, something to help the parents or maybe a gift card so they can shop when they need too...but that seems kinda impersonal if you know what I mean...did any of you get the perfect gift for a new baby and let me know what it was please...I want to get THE perfect my lovely Dad took me for coffee anyway and we had a laugh and a moan, I so enjoy our coffee chats, they are so special and always make me realise how precious my time is with him...he is a lovely man and that's not me being biased, well maybe just a teeny bit lol...right now onto my card for adorably cute is this Wild Rose Studio stamp, this is Bluebell with Robin and it comes complete with a sentiment stamp too so a real bargain...I coloured this cutie with my distress inks and used these lush papers from the Echo Park - Reflections Christmas 6x6 Paper Pad...the papers in this pad are so fab, they aren't just the traditional green and red but have soft blues and chocolate browns too...I added a stamp from the Wild Rose Studio - Christmas Labels stamp set, this set is a real bargain...I finished with some covered tabs from the Wooden Flourishes - Pennants FL441, a bow made from lush Gingham Wired Edge Gold Thread Ribbon - Green and added a button from the bag of Camouflage - 25g buttons, everything I used on my card today is from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...the fab sketch is from Mojo Monday and I'm also entering it for the Addicted to Stamps Challenge and the Crafty Catz weekly Challenge too...I'm going into my craft room for a mooch today, I'm going to sort out all my Christmas stuff, I love making Christmas cards don't you, I never seem to run out of ideas for them and that's always makes them a little bit easier...whatever your up to today I hope you have fun and spend some time with someone special
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
bluebell - antique linen, frayed burlap, spun sugar
robin - frayed burlap, fired brick
wreat and bow - peeled paint, bundled sage, fired brick
colouring on holly sentiment stamp - peeled paint, fired brick

Monday, October 21, 2013

Today is your day...

Good morning everyone I hope you had a fantastic weekend and your all well and happy...ours wasn't the best, poor Phil spent most of it at work while I lay around for most of it, not feeling not the best weekend lol...but never mind today is a new week and its onwards and thing I did see that made me smile ear to ear Dad needed milk so we headed to the supermarket and decided on a coffee the cafe there was a lot of running about with flowers, champagne and even setting up on part of it as a private party so of course I had to go find out what was going on didn't I, well it would have been rude not too wouldn't it lol...turned out one of the young fellas that work in the supermarket had arranged a surprise for his girlfriend and was going to propose in front of the staff, customers and loads of relatives that poured in over the next couple minuets, so we made a hasty retreat to get what my Dad needed and just caught the proposal and the asking over the loudspeaker too...its ok she said yes...wasn't that sweet...right now onto my card for today, I bet you don't need to guess who this sweetie is by...yes of course he's from Mo's Digital Pencil, this is the adorable Talk to the Bear (Boy)...isn't he just so so cute...I love the look on his face don't you...I coloured him with my usual distress inks and teamed him up with the perfect paper choice for him, these papers are from the Echo Park - All about a Boy 6x6 Paper Pad...I love the colours in this pad don't you?...I added just a single button from the Ice Storm - 25g button pack, the pad and button are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts and I finished with a knotted ribbon to finish...the fab sketch is from the Just Add Ink Challenge and I'm also entering it for the Sister Act Card Challenge and Inkspirational Challenge too...I'm having (another) duvet day today...poor Phil must be so fed up seeing me in my pj's bless him, but I will be back bright and early tomorrow with a card to show you all and hopefully feeling a lot better...whatever your up too today I hope is a fantastic one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - antique linen
t-shirt's - shabby shutters, scattered straw
jeans - tumbled glass, shabby shutters
trainers - shabby shutters, pumice stone
bear - pumice stone, spun sugar, black soot
shading pumice stone

Wednesday, October 09, 2013

christmas outfit sorted...

Good morning everyone...I need a little bit of advice, my Daughters cat isn't eating very well, she has hardly eaten half a bowl full of food since she arrived...any ideas how to tempt her...I have tried her favourite things like ham but she isn't having any of it...I reckon she is missing her owners even after all the fussing she is getting from us...should I be worried or will she eat when shes good and ready?...I didn't do any crafting at all yesterday, I had a little play of some things like cutting out stuff but didn't really get down to any card making fact I even cooked instead of crafting...I know shock horror eh, imagine cooking instead of crafting lol...I'm sure that urge will pass real soon though...right now onto my card for today...I love this fabulous little fella and he just goes to show you don't need to colour him black, let your imagination go wild or do what I did and colour some bits paper piece him a lush Christmas outfit...this is the fabulous new Edwin With Derby hat from the Little London collection ...hes great isn't he and look so dapper in his festive suit and hat...I coloured him with distress inks and the papers I used for the piecing and card are from the stunning new Echo Park - Reflections Christmas 6x6 Paper Pad...I cut some of the checked paper into holly leaves and used a sprinkling of red buttons (some from the Big Red - 25g bag) to finish...everything but a few of the buttons are from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...the fab sketch is from The Sweet Stop Challenge the Marvelous Magnolia Challenge and the Dream Valley Challenge too...I'm off out today I'm a little fed up babysitting (or should that be cat sitting) and need some fresh air I think, I'm sure the cat will be fine for a while without me fussing over her (although Phil is just as bad as me lol) I'm heading to Town with my lovely Dad for a little bit of retail therapy and get some things I have put off until I made a trip into town if you know what I mean...whatever your up to today have a brilliant one and any advice about the cat would be greatly appreciated
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose, spun sugar
hair - pumice stone
shoes - black soot
cane - frayed burlap
shading on piecing - pumice stone
shading around image - pumice stone

Monday, June 10, 2013

today is your day...

Good morning everyone did you miss me? you didn't even notice I was gone lol...I'm feeling a bit better and although I still have to take it easy I thought I would do a bit of creating but it was so hard sitting in my craft room when it was 24degrees outside and the sun blazing down but I managed not just to make a card but decorate the inside too...will wonders never cease lol...I must admit Im feeling a little bit out of loop after not being about for so long (you would think it was years wouldnt you lol), so whats happening in the world of crafting then?, give me all the gossip, come on you know you want too...I don't have much gossip at all really, I haven't been out hardly at all and when I have I have been so exhausted when I get back I slept for hours...poor Phil must be fed up looking at the top of my head as I fall asleep on the sofa bless him, although he never moans and has taken such good care of me...oh one bit of news I got the results of the scans I have a few weeks back but will tell you about them when I have told you about my card is for our new challenge at Bunny Zoe's Crafts monthly challenge, this months challenge theme is Wings. I used a fabulous stamp that has both these cuties on it with their tin can phones, the stamp is called C.C. Designs SN Fairwee Josie's and Jilly's Chat and I coloured them with my distress inks and cut them out to use one on the inside

the amazing paper pad I used is called Glitz 6x6" Paper Pack - Colour Me Happy , wow this is one stunner of a pad, I love it and the sentiment on the inside is from the same one...I finished with a thin cut of the gorgeous Section SMASH Tape, a lush bow made from Organza Ribbon - Dusky Pink (25mm Wide), buttons from the Big Red button pack - 25g and Camouflage button pack - 25g and Prima Butterflies - Divine pack...everything I used is from Bunny Zoe's Crafts...I made the sketch up as I went along but am entering this for the Crafty Calender Challenge, The Hobby House Challenge and the Stampin' for the Weekend challenge too...right now my test results...picture the scene I finally get to the docs and tell him whats wrong with me and he has diagnosed pneumonia...then he says I thought you might have been in touch before now...why says I...well for the results of your scans...but that was only four days ago the nurse said at least a week for the this time I'm wondering whats going on...well I have news for you he says, you have gallstones and quite a few too, you will need an operation pretty soon...ever wish you had stayed in bed...not only Pneumonia and tablets but now gallstones... now that's what I call greedy lol...oh well things happen don't they and all will be sorted I'm sure...whatever your up to today whatever you do don't make an appointment at the Doctors, you never know what you might come out with lol...have a good one
Mina xxx

distress ink colours used
skin - antique linen, frayed burlap, tattered rose
hair - antique linen on front image
black soot on the inside image
clothes - front - shabby shutters, wild honey
inside - victorian velvet, peeled paint
shading on wings and cans - pumice stone
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