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Paris architecture
After the haircut (see above), I decided to walk home. A distance of a few kilometres, but I had the time. Saved a metro ticket (but spent some money on a glass of wine and later a cup of coffee).
I already had the idea, but a door photo yesterday on Lynn’s blog incited me to immediately take action and to take some photos of entrance doors to different buildings in Paris.
I took these photos without particularly looking for the nicest doors; they were just there on my way. Maybe one day I should do this study more seriously.
You can see a mixture of fancy doors and some more simple ones. The closer I got to the place I live now, the simpler they got. One of the photos is from where I live now. Please guess which one!
I already had the idea, but a door photo yesterday on Lynn’s blog incited me to immediately take action and to take some photos of entrance doors to different buildings in Paris.
I took these photos without particularly looking for the nicest doors; they were just there on my way. Maybe one day I should do this study more seriously.
You can see a mixture of fancy doors and some more simple ones. The closer I got to the place I live now, the simpler they got. One of the photos is from where I live now. Please guess which one!

Wow Peter! All them is just gorgeous! Really I love all them! But I don't know which one is your home's door. But I guess it is... the 18 (blue door) or the seconde (below to the top, the vine color)
Please, tell me soon...
Thanks so much for your visit and nice greetings to my son Fernando!
Compliments for this exquisite choice, for walking and walking and walking for us, for taking pictures of such a big array of doors. What a brilliant idea and so well executed!
Old and new, these are gorgeous! hmmm, thanks again for sharing these lovely doors.
Take care, have a great day. **Hugs**
Wow that's a lot of doors! I thought you meant you would do one, maybe another... lol. I like the shiny red one here at the bottom.
I will not say which doors are mine before I have got some more guesses.
Maybe because it's the one that looks the most British; nicely shining paint?
tu as pris en photo toutes les portes de Paris. Elles sons superbes, je trouve que c'est vraiment un tres beau theme. Mais que ce cache t-il derriere chaque porte ? quel secret ?
Oui, je voulais rajoute, non il n'y a pas de supporteur dans le stade, car ils sont autour de la pelouse, et en plus il n'y a aucune communication de la part de la ville d'Evry pour les matchs de Foot Us, donc a part qq fans photographes comme moi (et deux pigeons...) il n'y a personne
Paris est probablement la ville de France et la capitale du monde où on peut voir les plus belles portes. Il y en a tellement, et partout.
Très bonne idée. Et je viendrai voir la tienne un jour.
There're so many lovely-looking doors and so it's really tough to guess which one is yours. But I think it's the blue one (the 18th) or the red one at the bottom.
Do tell us which one is your door :p Maybe you should give a free treat meal or something if someone got it right :p
Wow nice work!
Oh, phantastic. I'm a fan of windows and doors and this is a great overview. I even would like to see some of them closer. When I was in Paris I took several photos of doors, too. There are so beautiful old ones in Paris ...
C'est comme une boite de chocolat!
Great collage and I recognize
quite a few of them...
Yours? Maybe the middle one, top row?
I did see the doors the first time I was here. There were so many of them that I was mentally blown away by it all. I like doors but I like the ladies better. You are only 64. When you get to be 73 like me, you will also understand.
Thanks, Peter, for visiting my blog. I do appreciate it a lot.
I also like the door post today.
Logically speaking, it should be the last one on the bottom, but who needs logic? I'm a fan of doors, and you might want to visit my Mazatlán,México blog to see some that I photographed over the winter months while I was living there.
I love the doors; you should see Maria McCarthy's blog devoted exclusively to doors and then send her some of yours to post:
Wow ! Lovely wonderful doors. Doors & windows always fascinate me as you must've seen in my St Gallen post.
Difficult to guess but I think it must be either middle blue one in 8th row or the middle one in 1st row.
Waiting for the announcement !!
nice work, this can be a wall picture on it's on. really not able to guess which is yours... let me hear from you.
I enjoy reading you blog.
Il me semble avoir reconnu ta porte, sur la 6ème ligne, la 3ème en partant de la gauche? isn't it? si ce n'est elle, c'est donc sa soeur!
Sans réponse. Ta réponse ne peut pas compter. Tu es déjà passée par ma porte. Trichage!
Une belle présentation de portes. Je l'aime bien.
My shot: last door.
I forgot to put a deadline. Anyhow, here is the answer to my question:
Number two from the left, bottom row, first slide. When I moved recently, I left one of those more fancy pair of doors, but I prefer the area where I live now.
No winner.
Anyhow, thanks for all visits, comment and good tries.
Even if you lost; if you come around, champagne will be offered!
clap clap clap...bravo...well done!
Thank you for the invitation! Your door is just beautiful!
Encore un superbe montage. Avec ces portes j'aurais fait un an de messages !
Que de beaux posts tu as fait en mon absence. J'ai peut être pris trois jours de repos mais pas toi et je dois à présent faire le tour de mes blogs chouchous et ça prend du temps !
Les mésanges m'ont OBLIGEE à publier aujourd'hui. Ce sont mon actualité brulante (remarque, j'en avais un peu assez de ne plus surfer sur internet et aller voir les copains)
Hey Peter...I would and perhaps should give a thought about Doors kekeke....wonderful sharing of doors pal.
Me comingggggg !!
So many doors! All of them shut!
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