Showing posts with label European Neighbours Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label European Neighbours Day. Show all posts

May 30, 2007

Neighbours Day

Since a few years, « Immeubles en Fête” is organised in France, as part of a European initiative, the “European Neighbours Day”. The intention is give everyone the opportunity to break out of the anonymity and to share a moment with the people you possibly pass every day, or seldom, or never… with something to drink and eat, in the courtyard, in the entrance hall or wherever there is some space. It’s spreading and this year it was held for the first time in the building where I now live since a few months. We met last night, May 29, in the courtyard and had a very nice moment together. Now I know my neighbours living just under or just above my flat. Nice people! We were some 25 and everybody had brought something to be consumed (actually too much!). I took a few photos, but unfortunately most of them failed, not very sharp (too much champagne, wine, vodka…?). Anyhow here are a few examples, unfortunately not the ones where you could see the whole group. I will try to do better next year..