Showing posts with label Rachid Khimoune. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rachid Khimoune. Show all posts

August 08, 2007

Children of the World

Referring to my yesterday’s post, there was one thing which I did not mention and which I think needs a special post.

If you climb the stairs around the “waterfall”, you will find a number of about 2 meter (6 or 7 ft) high statues, aligned more or less as the “moai” of the Easter Island. To gain space, I put them closer together in the below patchworks.

These bronze statues are by an artist called Rachid Khimoune. There are 21 of them, and they were symbolically put here at the start of the 21st century. They represent children from all continents, “Les Enfants du Monde”. I guess you can easily recognise who is Chinese, Swiss, Italian, Indian…

The artist spent years travelling around the world moulding different pieces of ground or buildings, often street manhole covers (what you can see on the top picture), but sometimes other significant local details. He then integrated these in the sculptures.

If you have some time over, I could suggest that you have a more detailed look on my photo blog.