Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Too much information.....!!

Everywhere I drive in Perth these days I see way more information than I need or want to know about the people driving the car in front of me.. From what I can gather this family consists of Mum who might or might not be doing a course at TAFE,  Dad who spends too much time at the gym, a grommet (young bodyboarder), a surfer and a daughter who's always on Facebook, do we REALLY need to know that this family also have two cats, two dogs a goldfish AND a mouse! I apologize profusely if anyone reading this has their family tree on the back window of their car haha! Presumably they are sold separately to accommodate individual family groups, some clever person is laughing all the way to the bank (hmmm! maybe this is my problem, why didn't I think of this first) Is this a Perth thing or is it a more widespread phenomenon? Happy Wednesday, from 'grumpy chops.....!


  1. No, they are not exclusive to your neck of the woods. We have the same things here in the US, plus the "my chid is an honor roll student at...", and my personal absolutely hated one "save the tatas"! I cannot imagine spending as much as you have to for a car these days and then littering it up with all the stickers, etc. Glad to know someone else stands on my soapbox. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Lots of these around Seattle too. Religious and political affiliations; family units; favorite vacation spots. It seems over-sharing is widespread! Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  3. have to admit, that I never took much a look at it. will have to begin. please have a good wednesday.

  4. No, Grace, America is once again leading the world to ever lower standards. We see this stuff all the time. But, not on my cars.

  5. Yes, they are to be seen over here in the east. I like the way they can cater for a diverse family, but I don't know anyone who has them.

  6. I have seen some of them here in Toronto but try not to see them!

  7. Oh, I think this is pretty wide spread. I see these on the back of cars all the time. Although, I don't think I've seen such a large family represented before. You won't find any of these on my car and no bumper stickers either.

  8. These things are everywhere. You can even get them with a Dr Who theme. I don't quite get the point, but it seems to be pretty popular...

  9. Yes! Here too! Many variations, all passing strange. . .

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  10. Amazing! and WHY???? Things like this turn me into a 'grumpy chops', too!!


  11. From a financial standpoint for the designer, it might turn out to be a "goldmine." You absolutely correct about our societies needs for using all means to "advertise" ourselves or our family. Privacy keeps slipping away, and we seem to be culpable.

  12. We have these all over the place. They are decals, sold by the piece. Silly, silly, silly. I'm with you - don't give a hoot.

  13. "Grumpy chops"?! Love it and promise to use it at least twice in a sentence before Friday - hah!

    We would say that this is "cheesy" which is in lieu of the Southern (Alabama) term.... "tacky" (said as you squench up your nose)


  14. That's mild compared to what people share on Facebook. Nice capture.

  15. In the USA sometimes lawyers and judges will ask prospective jurors what bumper stickers they have on their car to help decide which jurors to exclude, as you can sometimes tell a lot about people form their bumper stickers.

  16. Yep, down here to seems to spreading like wildfire :-).

  17. You made me chuckle... really... out loud!

  18. How can anyone with such a diverse and disagreeable family find time to mess about putting annoying little stickers in their car? It's a close-run thing but it is a little less sickening than "Princess on Board", which can only mean spoiled little brat in back seat.
    Grumpily yours,

  19. Never seen that around here, but I find it funny!the little characters have a cute design!

  20. I must be odd one out...I have never seen this before at all! Maybe it doesn't happen in the holiday world of the Mornington Peninsula! This has really shocked me! But if I did see it, I would be joining the "grumpy chops" club too! Can't stand this kind of display!

  21. I've noticed these recently and wondered what it was all about because there were so many different ones out there.

  22. We don't have here such large families :-)
    (at least not on the cars)

    Funny shot, Grace.

  23. I like it, as long as the brats are not next door!

  24. a large familly , the car is too small for all

  25. Once again I can't see the pic (not your fault) but don't think I've seen anything quite like it1 You might get a laugh wathcing this

  26. I have never seen something like this, weird to put it on a car.

  27. Did you see the article recently that having these on your car can be considered an 'aid' to would-be criminals who would know if you were single, a solo parent or whatever? Then they said that it might be upsetting to those who can't have children or who are orphans (who uses that word these days)? Apparently the creator has made an absolute fortune from these stickers.

  28. Silly things spread quickly around the world and we are a fertile ground for any silliness!

  29. Ha. I've seen these here, too. I agree with Al about the 'aiding criminals' part. I prefer to remain more private.

  30. Usually I don't like stickers or any other stuff on cars but I find this one really cool and funny too.

  31. I dont know if its caught on here .. I dont own a car, so I am not out there on the road seeing the back windows, tail lights on other cars .. I wish you had thought of it .. heck, I wish I had.

  32. Such visible computations of family members and their minions appear quite commonly on vehicles in the U.S. also. It is beyond my comprehension why people do this kind of thing, but we live in an age when what used to be hidden is openly proclaimed.

    I'd say this family perhaps gave birth to too many in Perth! :-)

  33. Ha!! They're going to need a bigger car to accommodate their rear window stickers!

  34. Ein toller Aufkleber die Familie sollte nicht noch
    größer werden der Platz reicht nicht lange.


  35. We have some weird signs on cars as well. Have a look at this one...

  36. Hmmm, yes. If they get any more pets, I hope they are larger than humans as there is no space for small ones after the mouse.
    Maybe a horse, a giraffe and an elephant?

  37. C'est amusant. Une grande famille. !!!!!!

  38. «Louis» agrees - too much info!
    Evidently this phenomenon is global...

  39. This is very popular in New Zealand. One family I know, mum had remarried, and they deleted her from the family.

  40. I've never seen this before! It may be fun to see all the different families while being stuck in traffic :D

  41. oh your preaching to the choir. This is a very witty post btw

  42. hihihi. funny you are so annoyed you made a post about it.. :D
    but i dont understand that either. i dont like any of these signs on a car/ "baby on board", etc etc..
