Showing posts with label oil search. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oil search. Show all posts

Santos, Oil Search of Better Value Than Woodside, JPMorgan Says  

Posted by Big Gav in , , , , ,

Bloomberg has an article on Australian natural gas and coal seam gas companies Woodside and Santos - Santos, Oil Search of Better Value Than Woodside, JPMorgan Says .

Santos Ltd. and Oil Search Ltd., which are developing liquefied natural gas projects in Asia Pacific, are of “superior” value to Woodside Petroleum Ltd., JPMorgan Chase & Co. said.

“Woodside is overvalued versus peers based on our capital expenditure estimates for its LNG projects, and also given greater uncertainties in LNG growth,” Mark Greenwood, a Sydney- based analyst for JP Morgan, said in a Jan. 22 note to clients.

Woodside, operator of Australia’s North West Shelf LNG project, is building a A$13 billion ($11.8 billion) LNG project in Western Australia, and planning new ventures at Pluto, Sunrise and Browse gas deposits.

“We do not think Browse and Sunrise are at a mature enough stage currently to secure heads of agreements, and timely exploration success is required for Pluto-2 to meet its target final investment decision date at the end of 2010,” Greenwood said. ...

East Timor will block Woodside’s plans to develop the Sunrise LNG plant, the Associated Press reported this month, citing a statement from Secretary of State Agio Pereira.

Tokyo Electric power latest to sign for PNG gas  

Posted by Big Gav in , , , , ,

Gas deals in Australia and PNG seem to be the hot topic of the week - the latest one is Wheatstone customer TEP signing up another supplier in Papua New Guinea. The SMH reports - Tokyo latest to sign for PNG gas.

THE $US15 billion ($A16.2 billion) Papua New Guinea liquefied natural gas project has signed another off-take agreement, this time with Japan, as the joint-venture partners prepare to give the development the go-ahead today.

Joint-venture partners ExxonMobil (which owns 41.5 per cent), Oil Search (34 per cent) and Santos (17.7 per cent) told the market late yesterday that Tokyo Electric Power Company had signed on to receive 1.8 million tonnes of LNG annually over 20 years.

This was two days after TEPCO signed Australia's largest trade deal to receive 4.1 million tonnes of LNG from Chevron's Wheatstone project in Western Australia in an agreement worth a reported $90 billion.

The TEPCO/ExxonMobil deal provided further evidence that the PNG project would get the green light today and came after China's Sinopec said last week it would take 2 million tonnes a year from the 6.3 million tonnes-a-year project, which would deliver first gas by late 2013 or early 2014.

Oil Search On The Hunt For Coal Seam Gas in Papua New Guinea  

Posted by Big Gav in , ,

Gas Today reports that Oil Search has begun looking for coal seam gas in PNG to supplement production from natural gas fields - Oil Search is on to find CSG in PNG.

Oil Search has been awarded seven exploration licences to investigate coal seam gas (CSG) potential in the Strickland Basin, Papua New Guinea (PNG). Oil Search has committed to spend approximately $A5.9 million over the next two years on evaluation of existing data as well as the drilling and sampling of three shallow wells.

The agreement between the PNG Government and Oil Search includes an option to extend the licences for an additional two years subject to relinquishments and an additional committed work program. Existing well data suggests the presence of thick coal layers and a large coal basin in the area of the licenses. The rank, gas content and producibility of the coals will be constrained by the proposed drilling program which is anticipated to reach a total depth of less than 900 m.

Oil Search Managing Director Peter Botten said “While substantial coal seams have been penetrated by previous petroleum wells in the Foreland area of PNG and estimated net coal thickness compares favourable to existing CSG projects globally, the potential for CSG in PNG has not been fully investigated. “Any successful discovery of CSG resources in PNG could be integrated with supply from nearby conventional gas fields, thereby reducing the risks for any development,” he said.

There is more at The Age - Oil Search eyes PNG expansion.
THE liquefied natural gas ''train gang'' rolls on after Oil Search said it hoped to add a third gas-processing train to the ExxonMobil-led Papua New Guinea LNG project.

It comes a week after Woodside's Don Voelte said work had begun on two extra LNG trains at its Pluto project off the West Australian coast, with locations for two more trains being considered. ...

Mr Botten said Oil Search had been granted seven exploration licences in PNG. If it proved to be a large gas resource, the joint venture would look to expand on the 6.3 million tonnes a year planned for the first two trains, he said. ''We have a number of our fields committed to PNG LNG, we have a number of our fields that aren't,'' he said. ''If we are successful in proving up our coal seam gas resource base, that resource base will be used to further fuel our gas expansion activities and hopefully those expansion activities will include a further train of LNG.''

Meanwhile, Mr Voelte has offered the use of a drilling rig to help stop the oil spill that began on Friday morning 250 kilometres off the West Australian coast. PTTEP Australasia, the Thai company that contracted the rig at the centre of the leak, has said it will take at least seven weeks to stop the leak. ''We have contacted the Government and have put all of Woodside's resources at their use if they want them,'' Mr Voelte said. ''We've got a rig they can take if they want a rig.''

The Queensland Business Review reports that another new power station fueled by coal seam gas has opened in Queensland - Gas power station officially firing.
Minister for Infrastructure and Planning, Stirling Hinchcliffe, yesterday officially opened the Braemar 2 power station.

The 450MW coal seam gas-fired power station, near Dalby in southern Queensland, will provide 3 percent of the combined electricity requirements of Queensland and New South Wales and produce less than half the emissions of an equivalent-sized coal-fired power station. ...

The facility consists of three 150MW open-cycle, gas-fired generation units and 110km high-pressure pipeline network. It is managed by ERM Power and supplied with coal seam gas from Arrow Energy’s nearby fields.

Arrow is currently supplying gas to the station at an annualised rate of around 5.5 petajoules (PJ). This will ramp up over the next 12 months to 15 PJ. The Tipton West Joint Venture (70 percent Arrow, 30 percent Shell) will contribute 3.5 PJ/a and the Daandine Joint Venture (70 percent Arrow, 30 percent Shell) will supply 11.5 PJ/a under a 12-year gas sales agreement.

The power station will operate initially as a peak and shoulder period generator that will aim to dispatch electricity during periods of higher electricity demand and capture the associated higher electricity prices during that time.

Peak oil hits new heights  

Posted by Big Gav in , , ,

There are a few items in the press this weekend worth noting - first off John Garnaut in the SMH with a high profile peak oil article - "Peak oil hits new heights and the view is not pretty".

The problem is simple, there is not enough to go around. China's devastating earthquake gave the people of Sichuan an early taste of a world that is running out of fuel.

Thousands of families slept in their cars outside petrol stations because the province's oil infrastructure had been disrupted and its remaining fuel supplies diverted to the rescue effort. Truck drivers loitered patiently for local officials to raise their diesel rations beyond a paltry 100 yuan ($14), while taxi drivers refused to take reporters from Mianyang city to the earthquake disaster zone because they could not get enough petrol for the ride.

Kevin Tu, an energy consultant in Canada, says the earthquake and Chinese Government efforts to build huge strategic reserves in time for the Olympic Games in August will have a "huge impact" on the international market.

And yet oil demand in China and other developing countries is growing so fast, and the international market is so stretched, that international oil prices smashed through to new records this week. Sydney petrol stations were charging as much as $1.60 a litre, but there may be much worse to come. Australian petrol refineries are yet to receive oil that was bought at the new record prices.

On Thursday the world benchmark oil price hit $US135 a barrel. It has more than doubled in a year and is now higher than during the oil supply shocks of 1974 and 1980, even after adjusting for inflation.

Many politicians and the OPEC cartel of oil-exporting countries blame hedge fund speculators for pushing up the price. But the reality is probably less complicated and more serious.

"The only way to [artificially] drive prices up would be to physically hoard more oil, but stocks are at an all-time low," says Peter Downes, a former Treasury official at the Centre for International Economics in Canberra.

The developed world is adjusting to a world of tight oil supply and high petrol prices. Australians are driving more efficient cars and drifting back to public transport. Even the United States, which consumes a quarter of the world's oil, reduced its oil consumption in 2006.

The International Monetary Fund's World Economic Outlook shows the rich countries that make up the OECD reduced oil consumption in each of the past two years. Japan, the world's efficiency leader, dramatically reduced petrol consumption in the 1970s and still managed to reduce oil consumption by almost 10 per cent over the past decade. But energy efficiency improvements in the rich world are being swamped by the developing world's rush towards rich-country living standards. ...

Traditionally, economists have been sceptical about the idea of "peak oil" - a point at which oil production will necessarily decline - believing that rising prices will drive oil companies to do what ever it takes to extract more oil from previously inaccessible places, such as Canadian oil sands or Brazil's offshore discoveries, kilometres beneath the seabed.

And yet oil prices have risen seven-fold in five years and there is little in new production or discoveries. Existing oil fields, meanwhile, are running out faster than anyone predicted. The further ahead that analysts look, the worse the problem gets. Investment bank Goldman Sachs now expects oil prices to average $US141 in the second half of this year, before rising as high as $US200.

Tellingly, this week the price of oil to be delivered years into the future rose three times as fast as prices for delivery this July. On Friday it cost more than $US145 to buy oil for delivery in 2016 - up an astonishing $US19 in just one week. While OPEC oil producers are deliberately curtailing production, they, too, will face physical limits.

Downes predicts world oil production will peak between 2020 and 2030. Some outlying commentators say the moment will arrive even sooner. Germany's Energy Research Group says the phrase "peak oil" is grammatically misleading because oil production has peaked. ...

And the "Kohler, Gottliebsen, Bartholomeusz" report in the Business Spectator has a long interview with Peter Botten from Oil Search, discussing whether or not production has peaked.
On May 22, oil and gas explorer Oil Search and its partners ExxonMobil, Santos and AGL Energy signed an agreement with the Papua New Guinea government that allows the companies to start engineering work on a $US11 billion liquid natural gas project in that country. While a final decision on whether to go ahead with the project is yet to be made, the agreement with the PNG government is seen as an important milestone for Oil Search.

Robert Gottliebsen: Peter, thanks for joining us. Do you believe that the peak oil forecasts of a looming world oil crisis are now starting to come into play?

Peter Botten: I don’t think there’s any doubt that supply/demand scenarios are extremely tight. For the first time ever you see a significant decline in production out of Russia for this year and you see the Middle East frankly struggling to maintain, let alone, increase its production. Put that against the backdrop of an average decline rate across the world of the world’s oilfield of about 11 per cent and there is no doubt that the fundamentals of supply and demand will remain tight. I do believe that we are going to struggle to continue to materially increase production based on an outlook for demand growth.

RG: So unless demand falls we could see an oil price two and three times the present level.

PB: Some people would say that’s probably a matter of ‘when’ rather than a matter of ‘if’ and it really is a question of how do we approach energy usage in a slightly different way, more efficient ways. Technology can help, but broadly speaking, unless there are significant discoveries around the world and there are people and money and time to develop those discoveries which I think will be a struggle, certainly there will be continued pressure in the medium and long term on oil prices.

RG: So you believe that the reason OPEC's refusing to lift production is simply that they can’t do it?

PB: I genuinely believe they have no capacity to do it. Based on our information out of the Middle East and from where we work ourselves, they’re struggling. Saudi Arabia has got enormous development programmes planned and in part underway, but like everybody else, they’re struggling to find people, struggling to find equipment and it all takes time.

When you look at production performance out of some of the key fields in the Middle East, you do start to question the potential reserves that may be there. Not in a dramatic way, but certainly the reserve statements that have been done generally by the Middle East countries has been somewhat less than Society of Petroleum Engineers classification. While their fields are giant, I think some of the complexities are coming home now when they try and turn up the production tap. ...


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