The World Nears Peak Fossil Fuels for Electricity
Posted by Big Gav in electric vehicles, energy storage, peak coal, renewable energy
Bloomberg New Energy Finance has a new forecast that plots out global power markets for the next 25 years. The article dubs this "peak fossil fuels - a turnabout that's happening not because we're running out of coal and gas, but because we're finding cheaper alternatives" - The World Nears Peak Fossil Fuels for Electricity.
The report notes that demand is peaking ahead of schedule because electric cars and affordable battery storage for renewable power are arriving faster than expected.
The report highlights a number of major trends:
1. There Will Be No Golden Age of Gas
2. Renewables Attract $7.8 Trillion in investment up to 2040
3. Electric Cars Rescue Power Markets
4. Batteries Join the Grid
5. Solar and Wind Prices Plummet
6. Renewable energy technology keeps improving - Capacity Factors Go Wild
7. India is the New Polluter to Worry About