
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reading. Show all posts

Thursday, 1 November 2018

Collaborative Comprehension

My class all did this task in groups of two or three. I worked collaboratively with Brooklyn and Nickaela.  Our task was to first read the text about the battle of the Battle of the Somme. After reading the whole text. We then read the questions then answered them. Before we answered the questions we made sure that each of us knew that the question was asking us. 

Tuesday, 30 October 2018


For reading our task was to research about the two theft who stole medals at Waiouru Army Museum. My partner was Fui we each wrote and combined each of our point of views. We wrote down each of our opinions about this situation and a whole summary of our DLO. 

Monday, 29 October 2018

The Highwayman-Summary

For my reading group we have been focusing on a poem from the 18th century. This poem is called "The Highwayman" We read this poem individually then worked in partners to write a summary about this poem. Some words in the text was very old some words were new to us. We learnt the meaning of the words that we did not understand.

As the moon shaded the purple moor, the highwayman came riding to the inn-door. His cocked hat was placed on his forehead and the bunch of white lace wrapped around his neck with a red velvet coat, breeches made of deerskin. His boots were thigh high and he rode to the dark inn-yard. The dark inn-yard was closed and barred so their he rode to the landlord's black eyed daughter Bess. She stood plaiting her hair in a dark red love knot. She then took her hair down and the highwayman told Bess his plan for that night. Her long black hair let off a strong perfume scent. The highwayman kissed her hair as he then galloped to the west. Tim the ostler had heard their conversation and had felt jealous of this. He had warned the king and his men about the highwayman’s plan. So king george’s men marched up to the old inn-door and hid by the landlord daughter’s window. Then they had tied her up awaiting the highwayman’s arrival. She tried to wiggle her way out but King George’s men had placed a gun under her breast. They had awaited the highwayman’s arrival and until then Bess still had tried to get out. She found a way and placed her fingers on the rim of the trigger. She had a choice. Live or Die. She had hoped the highwayman would never came for his safety. But… Klip- Klop- Klip- Klop… The noise of the highwayman’s horse came riding to the landlord’s daughter. She had no choice. She loved him so much, she decided to shoot herself to warn her love…. Blood dripped from the landlord’s daughter… Their the highwayman went riding off with his horse far away from the noise. Then when the highwayman heard the news he rode all the way back for revenge. But on his way he got shot down…


Monday, 3 September 2018

Josefa and the Vu

My reading group each picked a book that they would study on. We could also be in partners. Nyjah, Fui and I have been reading Josefa and the Vu. We have picked this book because it is based on pacific cultures which we found interesting. We are now up to chapter four. We have completed the character review and the author review and now up to creating our setting review. This book is mainly about Josefa who goes through a lot of trouble to get his Grandfathers Tabua back from his bully Jacks Bucksworth. I predict that Josefa would get his Tabua back from help from his fellow class mates.  

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Why is Sleep Important?

For reading our task was to create a DLO that explains why sleep is important. My reading group was split into groups to do this activity. In my group is Viva, San Kyaw, Joshua W and Tai. We all worked collaboratively to finish off this task. When all of our groups had finish creating our DLO's we presented our DLO to each other.

Tuesday, 31 July 2018

Definition (Sleep)

My reading group has split up into four groups. Our groups are named R E A D. I am in group A in my group are Viva, Joushua W, Tai, Alex and San Kyaw. We all decided on two tasks that we would need help on and added it into the time sheet. Our task was to define these words but we were not that good at defining words so we added into the time sheet. Once Mrs Anderson was finish with her first group it was our turn to have a guided session with Mrs Anderson. We all worked collaboratively to create a interactive presentation so others can learn from this presentation. 

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

ARB's - Flood Prevention

For this task I was doing the ARB's Reading task. After I had log in there was a page that gave me instructions you can see the instructions in my DLO. I read the text then filled in the blanks. I can now see that I have to read any books that I read properly and any of my writing properly so it can make sense. I had fun doing this task because I could see what I need to work with and what I did well in.  

Friday, 4 May 2018

The Unfinished Drink ( Ted d’Auvergne)

My class has been learning about Ted d’Auvergne because he was a young soldier and ANZAC has recently just happened but he has a interesting story behind him. In my group were Sky, Brooklyn and I. We learnt a lot about him and his unfinished drink. We re read this poem so we could know all the information I learnt that this poem was a narrative poem because it made us feel sad emotions as well as happy emotions. All of our information has been recorded on this presentation.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

Memorial - Family Tree

For Reading my class are focusing on a book called Memorial. We got into groups John,Affonso,Marieta and I were in a group. Mrs Kirkpatrick read us the story and we learnt about the layout,themes,text etc we recorded all this in a presentation. I learnt all about the story and how it all came together.

Thursday, 12 April 2018

Grey Angels - Summary

Keywords: All keywords in Summary will be highlighted in yellow
Nurse/s, World War 1, Sick, Injured, Edna Pengelly, Treated,


This text talked about the Nurses that Treated Sick and Injured World War 1 soldiers. It also shared World War 1 Nurse Edna Pengally’s story. It talks about what operations Edna was a part of, and how she felt during her working hours. Edna Pengelly was born on the 5th July 1874, and died on the 20th August 1959. It explains that patients would be Treated in tents, Hospital ships, and even trains! There was a part of the text that explained shell shock, and it’s symptoms.  

Jericho,Jack,Mataio,Zane and I have worked together to create a summary about the nurses who helped the soldiers.

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

What it Looked like to Have Been a Nurse in WW1

Jack, Zane, Jericho, Mataio and I have created a DLO on what it would have been like to be a nurse in WW1. This is also about Edith Covell a nurse who was in the WW1. My group worked collaboratively to finish off this task. We did learnt a lot about how the nurses helped the soldiers or how they would take care of them. We were learning about this topic because it is almost ANZAC day and to show respect to those who cared for our country  at World War 1. 

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

The Treaty - Kahoot

In Reading our task was to create a Kahoot about the signing of the Treaty. After finishing off this task we were to share our learning by using the Kahoot and casting it onto the screen. Fraidoon,Ofa,Chris, and I presented our Kahoot to our reading group. This helped us boost our confident but also to share our work with our class mates. We have done the other groups Kahoot there where some hard question but my group talked to each other and were able to help eath other. 

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Summary - Te Wiki

Yesterday afternoon Fui, Viva and I were in a group together for reading. We read the second part of Te Tiriti which was Te Wiki. After reading this we wrote all our vocabulary. Then we used those words to create a summary.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017

Political Party's

For this week my class is learning all about the elections and Prime Ministers in New Zealand because this Saturday is elections. This task was a collaborative task so I did this with four of my friends. We named all the leaders for the main party's.

Monday, 18 September 2017

Ebook Day

Today is a special day because it is Ebook day. For Ebook day my class went on to Tamaki overdrive to read a book. Ebook is a day to read a book online which I think is amazing. I do this most of the time to progress my reading skills. I love Ebook day it is just like telling the world to read online books to build your education levels.

Friday, 8 September 2017

Tamaki Overdrive

My class used the Tamaki overdrive  website. I love this website because it really help's my reading. I can chose any subject to read about for example I found this book by clicking the mystery and suspense. I also like this website because I have got a lot of books to read from on my Chromebook. Also I can find what I want to read about and I don't have to take a long time looking for my book I can just search it up.

Monday, 4 September 2017

Key into Inference-Monarch Butterfly Life Cycle

For reading I was finishing my key into inference I was up to the activity for text 6 which is the Monarch butterfly life cycle. I used information from the text to finish this activity. It really helped me to make sure that my writing was correct.


In my class we all have a account on ReadTheory because it really helps us to improve on our reading skills and grow our knowledge. But it also helps us to compare text, learn different text types and to upgrade our vocabulary skills.

Monday, 28 August 2017

Two Day Wonder

Two Day Wonder

There is a clever contrast between the way the poet describes yesterday and today. List all the words that give you a feeling of being sick, sad, depressed or bored.
Dragged, silent, still, dragged, sulked, yawned and garbled.
Now list all the words that describe feeling well, happy, bright and active from the second verse.
Shine, dance, better, hurry, flying, clatter, swish and gallops .
The lines from each verse match up also. List five of the opposite images. This first one is done for you.
The street stretched silent - Cars swish, skateboards clatter.
Washing dropped on the line - Shirts, sheets, socks stream in the breeze.
Clouds dragged low and slow - Clouds hurry high and flying.

The dog sulked in his bucket - The do gallops around the house.

My bike lay on the drive - My bike waits by the garage.
The world yawned and grumbled - The world shines and dances.
This is called juxtaposition. Look this word up in the dictionary and copy the definition here.

The fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect.

For reading my group had to each read a poem called "Two day wonder" after reading this poem I answered questions that my teacher Ms Kirkpatrick put on a document. I now know a new word called juxtaposition this word means when something is compered with something else that is the opposite.

Wednesday, 23 August 2017


For key into inference I am now on T5/Kim. When I finished answering questions I had to do a activity which was to make a map that says how many steps from my bedroom to the kitchen to get a drink of water.