
Showing posts with label Maths. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Maths. Show all posts

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Adding Decimals by Rounding and Compensating

In maths my group was practicing adding decimals. We did this by rounding and compensating numbers to help us to solve these decimal problems. I have created this DLO to show others how to solve decimal problems. By learning how to solve these decimal problems it can help me to improve and to learn other strategy's.    

Wednesday, 11 April 2018

Pencil Code

Pencil Code is a maths game that helps me to practice angels. I get to move the turtle anyway and make it do turns. By doing this I get to rewind my learning so I can know my degrees really basically. But I could also use maths language do I can understand more.

Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Table Conga

This maths game is called Table Conga. Table Conga has helped me to learn my four times tables but also helped me a lot to learn the times tables that I don't know how to do. You can control Conga by using the arrow keyboards. So if you are doing the four times table like I am you go across the number four first and Conga will grab the number behind him. You keep grabbing the number after the number you have collected. For example you've just finish grabbing the number four next is the number eight. Do not touch the the grey circle with the X on it that is a virus you will die.

Friday, 23 February 2018

Place Value - Minus

In maths I was learning how to use this strategy. In this strategy I used place value but I also learnt how to use this strategy using minus and addition. This really helped me to answer these questions faster than before.

Wednesday, 21 February 2018

Place Value - Addition


Today we had maths in maths we were learning how to solve a strategy by using place value. By doing this task I can learn how to solve a strategy faster and easier from when I started.

Friday, 9 February 2018

Blog Post Record

I have made a chart showing how many blog post I have done over the years I have been in Panmure Bridge School. I had then made a DLO showing why I had less or more blog post a year. I can now focus on my goals for 2018.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Traditional Christmas Food

Christmas is coming up so we are learning about different cultures and foods. But we are also learning by using maths which I think is amazing. For this task we first had to pick one country. Since I did the Philippe's I thought I would do the Philippe's. Then I picked a famous type of food that is traditional to my family and to the Philippe's. I compared them both at the end.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Clean Up Crew - Maths

For Maths it was different because my class learning about Geometry. It was fun because we also got to learn how to draw a bulldog using the scales but also using numbers to help. One of our rules was to always count across then up the latter.  

Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Maths Strategy


For maths our focus is to know which strategy to use for a question. To do this we got into either groups of three or two. In my group was Brooklyn, Javeylor and I. Our task was to create a DLO about this question that Mrs Anderson put on a presentation. After we had finished this DLO we then created this screencastify. We are explaining what strategy we used to solve this question.

Tuesday, 15 August 2017


For maths I crated a flextangle this was fun and when I finished it looked even better then I thought. This was fun because it was something different then what I normally do for maths. I found it challenging to make sure that I created it correctly.

Wednesday, 5 April 2017

Strategy solving.

Today I had to answer a hard question but I used the best strategy to use for this problem. Which helped me a lot to solve this problem.

Thursday, 9 March 2017

E-ako maths

Today I went on E-ako maths.This website helps me on my subtraction,fractions,addition,
multiplication,Division and all sources like that. Today I earned my first trophy for this year I was really happy.

Thursday, 23 February 2017

E-ako Maths

Today in LS2 I went on a new website called E-ako maths.This site helps me on my maths this website helps me on my addition,subtraction,multiplication,fractions ect. I love using this site because it makes my maths easier.

Tuesday, 13 December 2016


Today I went on a game called Basic Addition 1 this game helps me to remember my basic facts and learn my facts off by hared.So when I get tested I could just answer straight away.

Accuracy Throwing LS1

Today I did my maths.For my maths I Measured students on how far they could throw a bean bag into a bucket this was easy because I had to make a graph on every student in my class and this is the year groups When I saw this graph I knew that the girls were the most accurate then the boys.

Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Accuracy LS1 Throwing/Measuring

Today in LS1 I did my maths for my maths I had to measure my class on how Accurate their throwing was.This was my result's and my partners.This was easy because I had partners to help me. 

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Free rice

Today I went on a website called Free rice.Free rice helps you under stand words and maths.I love this website because you also get to donate Rice to the other countries that need food.

Wednesday, 30 November 2016


Today I went on a website called Transum.I played a maths game called table conga.This helps me to remember my skip counting.I do know my five times but I play this game to just remember me my times.

Monday, 28 November 2016

Measuring/Accuracy LS1

Today in LS1 I had to Measure how far the students would throw a bean bag in a bucket.I was learning how to measure long destines.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Transum Addition

Today I went on Transum and I practices my addition and I got all my addition right for me this shows I know my addition.