
Showing posts with label Math. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Math. Show all posts

Monday, 10 April 2017

Math strategy solving.

In maths my group made a DLO to show the best strategy to use for the question 21 x 15 =.___
 We worked as a group and managed to answer this question by skip counting, adding and using place value.

Thursday, 8 December 2016

Accuracy of Throwing in LS1

Today in LS1 I did my maths.For my maths I had to see who was the most accurate student in throwing.So in maths group we had to measure each student in the class room.Then we would record the students score on a form that my teacher made.My teacher put the scores on a sheet and I had to make a graph.This is my graph that I made.The most accurate thrower is the students that have zero for their score.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Prototec-Basic Maths

Today in LS1 I did my maths for my maths I went on prototec I was just practising my basic facts.So I could get faster and smarter at my basic facts.


Today I did my maths.For my maths I practices my basic facts this was easy because I remembered my basic facts.


Today for LS1 I had to work on paper.I had to measure curved lines this was hard to do because I had to measure with a string but it got easy because i had some partners to help me hold the string.I now know how to measure curved lines.

Thursday, 10 November 2016


Today I played A game called Conga on a website called Transum. This Helped me remember My times tables so I could answer time table questions fast.


Today I Practice my time's table by going on Transum and Playing a game.I like playing this game because Get to check what I need to improve on.


Today for maths I did measuring.For this task I had to measure lines on a paper that my teacher gave to me.This was hard because sometimes I forget to start from the 0 mark because I am used to starting at the edge.

Friday, 28 October 2016


Today in LS1 I went on A website which was Transum.I did my basic facts/Addition this is easy because I know my addition and basic facts.

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Problem solving: multiplication and division

Today in LS1 i did my maths.For my maths I had to answer questions that my teacher gave me.I had to type down what kind of question it is if it's a multiplication question or a division question.This was hard for me because there was a lot of questions to answer.But some of the question was easy and some were hard.

Thursday, 20 October 2016


Today I went on prototec I went on stage 2 two three this was easy for me to do because this was my basic facts and I know my basic facts off by hard.

Wednesday, 19 October 2016

Ten times tables

LI: to identify division word problems and solve using times tables.
Today I did my Maths I had to go on a website called mathsisfun.I love going on this website because it helps me remember my ten time tables off by hard.

Thursday, 13 October 2016


Today I did my maths.I went on A website called Prototec this website helps me with my addition and minus.I love using this site because it really helps me on my maths.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

StuddyLadder-10 and 5 Timetables

LI: to identify multiplication word problems and solve using times tables.
Today I did my maths I went on Studyladder to answer some questions this was easy for me because I know my 10 and 5 Timetables.

Monday, 19 September 2016

Writing word problems

Today I did my maths I had to write the word problems and type what were the answers the questions.I found it hard to come up with a
sentences to go with the question but I had a buddy to work with and I will just ask her for help.

Thursday, 15 September 2016


 This week I finished all of my must dos. I played Prototec. I did my groupings of ten I liked the first row I did because I knew it off by hard and it was easy.

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Word problem-Studdy Ladder

LI: to solve word problems using subtraction.

Today I had to answer subtraction word problems.On Studdy Ladder This was a little bit easy to do but still hard to do.

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Problem Solving-Studdy Ladder

Today I had to go on a website called Studdy Ladder.I had to solve Word promblems by using my place Values this was easy to do because I use my place Values and it helped me.I had got ten out of ten I was happy for myself.This was hard to do A little bit because if I Added then ones and it was over the number nine I would not know what to do so I asked others for help.

LI:To solve word problems using addition

Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Place Value

LI: to subtract by using ones and tens (place value).

Today In LS1 I was on a website called staddy ladder I was answering questions that was difficult to do but I pushed myself so I got all of my answers correct.

Thursday, 25 August 2016

Data Picture-Studdy Ladder

LI:To add by using ones,tens,hundreds (Place value)
Today I had to do my maths on A website called Studdy Ladder I had to Answer Questions that involve word problem solving this was hard to do but I pushed my self and manged to get ten out of ten.