I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Ms Kirkpatrick and Mrs Anderson.
Friday, 23 September 2016
Blog commenting
Today I blog comment on Avalons blog I like commenting because I get to know what others are learning.
Blog Commenting
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Character Trait Summary-Mum
LI To comprehend/ Inference information in a text.
Today I did my Writing I read the book Dragon's egg I had to do a Character Trait Summary of a character I picked Mum.This was hard to do because the Mum is not really in the story.
Today I did my Writing I read the book Dragon's egg I had to do a Character Trait Summary of a character I picked Mum.This was hard to do because the Mum is not really in the story.
Character Trait Summary-Mum,
Character Trait Summary-Nick
- LI To comprehend/ Inference information in a text.
Today I did my writing I read A book called the dragons egg.I had to pick one Character and create a Character Trait Summary on my drive I used a docs.This was easy because I knew about this character because I'v read the book and I could remember what the character was like.
Character Trait Summary,
Tuesday, 20 September 2016
Usain Bolt
Today In LS1 I had to pick A athlete to ask the who,where,when,why,What and how questions I picked Usain Bolt because he has inspired me to try my best and I wanted to learn more about him.This was easy for me because I knew some of this questions.
five w and H,
Procedural text-How to make and fly a airplan

LI:To Write A procedural text
Today In LS1 I did my writing I had to write a Procedural text on how to fly and make a airplan. This was hard to do because I did'nt know what comes up next after a step but I just went to see the video of hoe to make it and I got my memory back of what to do.
Procedural text,
Monday, 19 September 2016
Writing word problems
Today I did my maths I had to write the word problems and type what were the answers the questions.I found it hard to come up with a
sentences to go with the question but I had a buddy to work with and I will just ask her for help.
sentences to go with the question but I had a buddy to work with and I will just ask her for help.
Writing word problems
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Blog comenting
Today I wanted to blog comment because no one has comment on other students work so I decided to.I like blog commenting because you get to express your self to other students work and see what others are learning.
Blog Commenting
This week I finished all of my must dos. I played Prototec. I did my groupings of ten I liked the first row I did because I knew it off by hard and it was easy.
Personal Trainer
This week for Inquiry, Mr Ogilvie's group had to make a Training Routine. At the start of the week we did basic stretches to give us an idea of what to put in our routine. We had to choose 4 sports to do a training routine on. I chose Basketball, Netball, Rugby and Cricket.
How to grow a flower
Today I had to write something I have done at home or at school.I have done this about only once.But I managed to remember what I had to do.This was hard because I lost my memory but then my brain just came back to me right in time.
Procedural text,
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Word problem-Studdy Ladder
Today I had to answer subtraction word problems.On Studdy Ladder This was a little bit easy to do but still hard to do.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Character Chart-Nick

Character Chart,
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Blog commenting
Today I had to blog comment on others blogs .This is fun to do because you get to tell others what you think of their work.
Blog Commenting
Today I had to do inquiry I had to put in photos to match the words Agility,Strength and Endurance.I had to also Write in my own ways what does physical activity means.The one on the bottom is mine.And had to Write down Agility and stregth is worth on sports.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Education-acrostic poem
Today in LS1 I had to write acrostic poem About the word Education this was hard because I didn't know what kinds of words should I use so I just came up with anything that was on my mind.This was fun to do because I got to write what I think about school at the same time and remind me way I'm at school.
LI:To use a range of vocabulary to create a picture in the readers head.
LI:To use a range of vocabulary to create a picture in the readers head.
acrostic poem,
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Today In LS1 I had to go on A website called prototec this helps me on my Basic facts.This was kind of hard for me I didn't get 100% but as long as I tried my best.
Comprehend and Inferencing
Today I had to read A book then write my own Character Inference Chart this was hard to do but then I just went back and read the story.
Problem Solving-Studdy Ladder
Today I had to go on a website called Studdy Ladder.I had to solve Word promblems by using my place Values this was easy to do because I use my place Values and it helped me.I had got ten out of ten I was happy for myself.This was hard to do A little bit because if I Added then ones and it was over the number nine I would not know what to do so I asked others for help.
LI:To solve word problems using addition
LI:To solve word problems using addition
Word problem solving
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Poetry Name
LI:To use a range of vocabulary to create a picture in the reader's head
Today in LS1 I had to write A crossword Poetry I did my name.This was easy because I had write about myself and I know a lot about myself.I found this task a little bit hard but still easy and fun to do.
Today in LS1 I had to write A crossword Poetry I did my name.This was easy because I had write about myself and I know a lot about myself.I found this task a little bit hard but still easy and fun to do.
Poetry Crossword,
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