Wednesday, December 5, 2007

True Blue...

So Paul made a bet with our friend, Kyle on

BYU vs. Utah Game Day.

They bet that whoever lost had to wear the other teams tie to church and talk only good about the other team!

And since Utah lost in the last few minutes of the game.....

Here's the Result!

Clearly he's NOT happy about it, but is keeping his word!

At church Kyle informed the Bishop that Paul was wearing a BYU tie, so in Elders Quorom the Bishop asks Paul to stand. So Paul had to stand there in front of EVERYONE and say "good" things about the BYU football team. But at the end he said

"Now I need to go to the bathroom and throw up!"

To say the least Paul tried to lay low at church, and Kyle found much humor and joy in the day!

This may be the one and only time Paul is seen wearing BYU gear of any sort, so I thought it was worthy of a picture and a post!


Mary and Ryan said...

Poor Paul, Ryan joins you in your grief. He couldn't go to church the next day, so Paul got the flack for both of them.

Jana said...

Very funny. Go cougs! :)

jenny said...

but paul, i think blue is your best color! :)

jeannie said...

HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA that was about the funniest thing I've ever seen!! I'm so sad I missed it. Where in the fire did you find that tie???
Paul you are a sport but I think it looked good and you should wear it every week!

JaMie HeApS said...

paul i hate to break the news but blue is you color you might want to rethink your team!!!
im glad you were a good sport!!

GO BYU!!!!!!!!

Jana said...

I'm loving it! Now, Paul finally knows whose side the Lord is on!!

JessieC said...

Paul, we feel for you. It would make us sick to have to wear blue too!

Sharee Gariety said...

That's awesome! I think the tie looks great too. Paul's a good sport. Go BYU!
From some true blue through and through--the garietys

Anonymous said...

Paul has clearly been changing things in his life for the better.