Monday, December 17, 2007

"Mommy Wow, I'm a Big Girl Now!"

We turned Raegans Crib into a Bed,

and she LOVES it!

She calls it her "Big Giwl Bed"!

I was curious to see if she would stay in it, fall out or just get out all the time.

I think she fell out the first night, but she hasn't had any problem going to bed or staying in it.


Aubrey said...

Isn't it such a relief when they love sleeping in a big girl bed? I know that was a big relief to me when Madi started slept in her bed with no problems... especially knowing that we needed her crib for Hyrum. Congrats to Reagan on her Big Girl Bed! She is darling! I love her quilt too!

jeannie said...

Darn that little cheesy grin, it gets me every time! The big girl bed looks like fun and with that cute quilt I would be grin'n too! Love ya Raeg!

Jana said...

So cute! I like how you just casually mentioned that she fell out of it the first night. Hilarious.

Mary and Ryan said...

She is such a doll!! it must be fate they made their big changes on the same day!

jenny said...

she looks so cozy! our babies are all growing up!

JessieC said...

Looks like fun! They're getting so big...time for another one? Okay, I won't bring that up, I know what Paul says. Good job Reagan!

Heather O. said...

Good girl, Raegan!

JaMie HeApS said...

oh i could eat her! and im so impressed your going for it hope it all works out