Sunday, December 9, 2007

Brig's 4th B-Day!

bRiG is an amazing kid!
He has the best imagination, he can turn anything into a toy or a game!
He also has the most amazing kidding the kids remembers the weirdest things (most recently Tom Petty song lyrics)!
He has the best smile...especially when he cheeses it for the camera.
He wants to be JUST like his Daddy.
His pride & joy is his sissy!
He lives to make people laugh.
His current obsessions are: Transformers, Ninja Turtles...and yes, still Sharks!
He gives the best hugs and smooches!
He is very social...he loves to play with his sissy, friends and cousins.
He may be wild, crazy and a serious goofball...but he is also sweet, considerate and full of wonderful energy.

We Love You Brig-Man!
Happy Birthday!


jeannie said...

Happy Happy Birthday Brig! You are a pretty awesome 4 year old. That is a RAD cake too. Can I use the word RAD??

laura said...

Happy birthday Brigham! We love you. Hope you guys had a great weekend! Cute ninja cake Trish.

Jana said...

WE LOVE YOU BRIGGY! Tell your mommy her Ninja Turtle cake is AWESOME! What a lucky boy!

Heather O. said...

Happy Birthday Brig. Wow Trish, if you made that cake I'm impressed!

jenny said...

Happy Birthday, Brig!! Your mommy makes one mean cake!

JaMie HeApS said...

happy bday brig, i cant belive your 4. i love the cake did your mom make it? just a few more things i wanted to add to the list of amazing things of brig...
he is an awsome wrestler, amazing singer and knows every song out there, fast little runner, good at memerizing names, and can bite really hard!!!!!
we love you brig!!

jeannie said...

LMBO about the biting! OH MY rolling around on the floor peeing my pants!

JessieC said...

Happy Birthday Briggy!! We love you and miss you tonz! Good cake too!

Stacie said...

love the action shot of him blowing out his candles. i can't wait to see you all.

Mary and Ryan said...

Happy Birthday Brigham!!! What a quality cake your Mom made!! So glad we know Brig, we love him!

laura said...

Hey what does Brig want for his birthday that he didn't get? Looking forward to seeing you guys this weekend!