Wednesday, December 19, 2007
2 Times Is A Charm!

6 Days...and Counting!
(this one above is one of the ornaments I made)
Monday, December 17, 2007
"Mommy Wow, I'm a Big Girl Now!"
Friday, December 14, 2007
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Brig's 4th B-Day!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007
True Blue...
So Paul made a bet with our friend, Kyle on
BYU vs. Utah Game Day.
They bet that whoever lost had to wear the other teams tie to church and talk only good about the other team!
And since Utah lost in the last few minutes of the game.....
Clearly he's NOT happy about it, but is keeping his word!
At church Kyle informed the Bishop that Paul was wearing a BYU tie, so in Elders Quorom the Bishop asks Paul to stand. So Paul had to stand there in front of EVERYONE and say "good" things about the BYU football team. But at the end he said
"Now I need to go to the bathroom and throw up!"
To say the least Paul tried to lay low at church, and Kyle found much humor and joy in the day!
This may be the one and only time Paul is seen wearing BYU gear of any sort, so I thought it was worthy of a picture and a post!
Monday, December 3, 2007
You Better Watch Out....
They got to push a button to a meter that told them if they have been NaUgHtY oR nIcE ?
(they both passed),
And then they got to sit on Santa's lap!
Raegan was a little scared, so Santa had Mom & Dad sit with them.
It was great fun...
We Love You sAnTa!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
All In A Days Work...
I was home with the kids on a Saturday with not much to do.
So I tackled a project that I have been really wanting to get done. I went to Target bought some sheets on clearance ($5) and made curtains for my bedroom with them and some leftover fabric from my kitchen curtains (thanks to Stacie for teaching me how to make them last time she was out here). I also hung some pictures that have been sitting in my closet waiting to get hung!
Anyways...here's the final project: