Showing posts with label young womens. Show all posts
Showing posts with label young womens. Show all posts

Sunday, May 24, 2009

What kind of example am I?

Today I am teaching a lesson to the young women titled, "A Righteous Example Influences Others". Sister Ardeth G. Kapp reminds us “When you keep the commandments and follow the Savior’s example, it’s like holding up a light. Your good example helps others to find their way in a darkening world. It takes courage to do what you know to be right even when it is hard, very hard. But you will never lose your courage unless you choose to” (“Stand for Truth and Righteousness,” Ensign, Nov. 1988, p. 94).

I know people are always watching us and our example whether it be postive or negative.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sprint Races after Mutual

I saw the young women running sprints on the grass after mutual. I told them to wait up for me because I wanted to join them. They were a little surprised - but I think I showed them that I still can run even though I have a few years on them. After two sprints, I was done! I think I need to add that to my workout. I use to run sprints all the time - boy does it get your heart beating fast. I wish I had a picture to share for you - it sure was a lot of fun.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

What Heaven Sees in You

I love this video. It goes right along with my lesson in Young Women's today. Do any of you know how to download youtube videos so that you can watch them on your own computer off-line (that way I could take a laptop to church for my class)? I did it for Mom and now it won't work for me!

Never mind...Paul figured out how to download it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

"If we don't stand for virtue who will?" - Sister Dalton

Last night I attended the General Young Women Broadcast (I am the Beehive adviser). Mary N. Cook (1st Counselor) invited all women to complete the new value, virtue. Here is a link to this new value with the virtue value experiences and the project. I am taking on challenge, will you join me?

Sister Dalton's talk was about a return to virtue. Never before in the world has there been a greater need for virtue. She said, "One virtuous woman led by the spirit can change the world." That powerful statement motivates me to be virtuous and to prepare myself spiritually so that I can be led by the spirit. Our country faces a very critical time, we need virtuous women, virtuous men, and virtuous leaders to stand up for truth and righteousness. That means we need YOU!

If you missed the broadcast, you can view it here.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A Return to Virtue

As you know we are discussing the 5000 Year Leap on the blog Seek Out the Best Books. I just reread Principle #2 which states: A free people cannot survive under a Republican Constitution unless they remain virtuous and morally strong.

Benjamin Franklin said, "Only a virtuous people are capable of freedom. As nations become corrupt and vicious, they have more need of masters. (Smyth, Writings of Benjamin Franklin, 9:569)

I find this very interesting, especially since the Young Women's Theme has recently added "virtue" to the previous list of seven values, including:faith, divine nature, individual worth, knowledge, choice and accountability, good works, and integrity. Why was virtue added and what does it mean? Sister Dalton explains, "virtue is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards. It encompasses chastity and moral purity. Virtue includes modesty—in thought, language, dress, and demeanor. Virtue provides an anchor on the path leading to our Heavenly Father’s presence. The paths of virtue lead to happiness in this life and in the life to come. The paths of virtue lead to strong families. The paths of virtue contain the foundation stones for the blessings of eternity. They lead to the temple. No wonder Joseph Smith said, “If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things” (Articles of Faith 1:13).

At our last General Conference, Sister Dalton spoke again about virtue. She said, "virtue is a prerequisite to entering the Lord’s holy temples and to receiving the Spirit’s guidance. It encompasses chastity and moral purity. Virtue begins in the heart and in the mind. It is nurtured in the home. It is the accumulation of thousands of small decisions and actions. Virtue is a word we don’t hear often in today’s society, but the Latin root word virtus means strength. Virtuous women and men possess a quiet dignity and inner strength. They are confident because they are worthy to receive and be guided by the Holy Ghost. President Monson has counseled: “You be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow. There is no friendship more valuable than your own clear conscience, your own moral cleanliness—and what a glorious feeling it is to know that you stand in your appointed place clean and with the confidence that you are worthy to do so.”

We must not be desensitized by the world and the wickedness that surrounds us. "Now is the time for each of us to arise and unfurl a banner to the world calling for a return to virtue. May we so live that we can be instruments in preparing the earth for His Second Coming, 'that when he shall appear we shall be like him, . . . purified even as he is pure.'"

"A Return to Virtue" talk by Sister Dalton
"Cherish Virtue" talk by Sister Dalton

What are you personally doing to return to virtue - (please give us some specific examples)?

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Cookie Bouquets

I had to scramble for a last minute mutual activity for the beehives. Tami saved the day by suggesting that we make cookie bouquets. They meet the criteria of easy, fun, and inexpensive. Take a look at what the girls created! HERE is a tutorial and step by step pictures.

After assembling the flowers, we delivered them to residents at Sunbridge Care Facility. Oh, we were all a little nervous at first but by the end we had made some good friends. One dear lady, Myra, had me take down her phone number. She really wants us to return to join them for bingo or a movie night. I think we will have to take her up on her offer. I could have stayed their all night visiting them.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Virtue is added to the Young Women Theme

This is the 2009 Young Women's Theme taken from 1 Tim 4:12. This year the Young Women's Motto has a new standard - virtue (to assist the young women in setting high moral standards). If you are looking for some great lesson helps (YW/Primary/RS) check out THIS site (Sugar Doodle) - I just love all the ideas and extra resources.

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father, who loves us, and we love Him. We will "stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places" (Mosiah 18:9) as we strive to live the Young Women values, which are:
Divine Nature
Individual Worth
Choice and Accountability
Good Works
and Virtue.
We believe as we come to accept and act upon these values, we will be prepared to strengthen home and family, make and keep sacred covenants, receive the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I'm a youth again!

I have the priviledge of being a Beehive Advisor in our ward. I love greeting the new young women and helping them transisiton from primary to the young women's program. It's another phase in their lives - I remember really enjoying mutual and having great leaders. I hope that I can be a positive influence in their lives. In the pictures above, we are enjoying black light miniture golfing, a combined activity with the young men. Do you recognize the boy in the brown shirt - I just noticed that he is the shortest one! He is growing by leaps and bounds according to grandma. Corbin had a wild swing- the ball would fly around, luckily it never hit anyone. Any young women reading this? Please leave me a note - I would LOVE to hear from you!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Special Fireside

Yesterday I had the opportunity to attend a YW/Leader regional fireside. Sister Barbara Thompson (2nd counselor of General Relief Society) reminded us to always be true and faithful. The Lord will never fail us. Even when life doesn't go the way we planned, it can still be joyful. With some self evaluation, we can be more in tune to what the Lord would have us do. In Alma 37:37 , we are reminded to "Counsel with the Lord in all thy doings, and he will direct thee for good..." In conclusion, she turned to Ether 12:41 where it says "seek this Jesus". Isn't that the key to living joyfully? As we center our lives on Christ, we will stay on the pathway that leads back home to Heaven.

We also had the great privilege of hearing from Sister Elaine Dalton, General Young Women's President (remember she was recently called). At the beginning of her talk, she had us all stand up and recite the Young Women's Theme:

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father who loves us, and we love him. We will "stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things and in all places . . ." as we strive to live the Young Women Values, which are:
Divine Nature
Individual Worth
Choice and Accountability
Good Works and
We believe as we come to accept and act upon these values, we will be prepared to make and keep sacred covenants, receive the ordinances of the temple, and enjoy the blessings of exaltation.
I could just feel my own worth as I recited this with the group. She said that people will ask the young women - "who are you that radiate such optimism and light?" And that we will recite our young women's theme with power. These are the ones who are preparing for the Lord's 2nd coming. Remember who you are! We each have a personal, unique mission to fulfill. Love who you are, right now! He has a plan for each of us. At the end of this message, she shared her 100% challenge. Before sharing it, she asked if we believed if the world could be changed with the example of one righteous young woman. Hands were raised as the young women agreed that one person can make a difference. So she shared her simple challenge:
1- Pray everyday
2-Read the Book of Mormon for at least 5 minutes everyday
3-Smile everyday
She wants each of us to live this 100% every day! So I share that challenge with you, and ask will you join me in this challenge.