Showing posts with label Washington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Washington. Show all posts

Monday, August 30, 2010


Paul came home earlier then planned, he was over it. We have a lot to do here before we go. No complaints here. I missed him so much, I felt like there was a huge chunk missing out of my side the whole time he was gone, I swear I couldn't breathe normal. Capri missed her daddy! I can breathe now and I am one happy women, I have been wanting 2 hours of pillow talk and cuddling every night since he got home, he is a trooper haha I love him.

We cleaned out our whole storage... we own my christmas stuff.. a few boxes of baby stuff under our beds, boxes of pics, yearbooks and keepsakes, we sold one car (I think.. cross your fingers) and we have one more to go. It seriously feels so good not to own anything. I feel so free. I love a simple life. I couldn't be more happy, and excited for our new chapter to begin! People ask if I am scared, Im not, I am just sad to leave family and good friends.. but its only a couple years! We leave 2 weeks from today! AH! SO exciting!

We have been busy, I swear I never have time to blog, or look at other peoples blogs, I have no idea what anyone is doing these days.. one day soon it will be fun to blog stalk and catch up on every ones fun lives!

Seriously these 2 are twins, they are so cute.. they are the best things in this world. oh they melt my heart

We went up to Ryan and Britts cabin with them, jon, and mark and aubrey, we did tinfoil dinners and I attempted dutch oven peach cobbler! It was a fun time, these are the only pics i got :( I love AF canyon, we are blessed to have such a pretty place so close to home!

The day after Paul got home we went boating, he was so excited to go, it was a good time!

Collins friend Cody

Mathis.. my new brother-in-law, we love him!

Me and my bee

I'm going to miss my best buddy. We hang out every day. :( What will I do with out him?

We are so happy he is home :)

Get barreled bra

Shreddin the danky gnar gnar

Helping Grandma drive


I love her.

crazy hair

Cam and Kar.. I will miss these two :(

The infamous pose

Im going to miss my mom so much and so is Capri! She adores her.. She is the best grandma!

Chillin with the girls

kaden and kelson...

I drove up 13 LONG hours to Washington, just Capri and I, it was hard, but of course she was an angel the whole time! I am grateful for 101 Dalmations and Baby Einstein... thank you portable DVD player! (THANKS BROOKE)

Paul got a golfing pass in Washington so we went golfin with the boys

Cuddling with dad

At the pool playing with her favorite!

JCW's with the Cummings, Grandpa Cummings with all the grandkids

Capris mom, grandma, great grandma, and great great grandpa. I feel so lucky to have my great grandpa here, he is so special to us. and of course I love my lunch days with my grandma.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

On the go

Sorry this is a long post with tons of pics
For the 24th we stayed at this place in the Canyon going into logan called Sherwood hills, my fam has been going here since I can remember. Its gorgeous, it has a golf course so my dad, Collins and I went golfing, and it has a super fun pool, its great to go motorcycling or snowmobiling depeinding on the season.. one day when we are back in Utah I wanna keep the tradition and go up there a couple times a year!

My pal Birdie.. she has been good to me

Sooo pretty.. It was fun motorcycling until I came upon cows in the middle of the path. I HATE COWS! they scare me.. Im not scared of much, but cows scare me.. i got chased by one one time. I ended up eating him for dinner a few months later... but thats a whole diff story. anyways Im glad my dad came and scared them or else I would have had a panic attack!

One of the days we all went and traded watching Capri... she had fun playing in the dirt and in the trailer

The other day it was just me my pops and Collins.. We had way fun, we went on some way fun, hard trails! We went to this site where a plane crashed forever ago on their way home from war in Korea.. H-J were all in it, can you imagine waiting for your hub/son/brother/dad ect., he was coming home SAFE from war and his plane freezes up and doesnt make it?! it made my heart ache for those families. On a lighter note... we ended the day with some good ol creamer ice cream.. aggie blue mint.. mmm

Watching the fireworks!! We couldnt see fireworks in Alaska (cause it was still light outside) so this was fun for us!

I have never seen my munchkin so still! She loved the fireworks.. She had this jaw dropped face the entire time! The only thing missising was a Paul to cuddle me :( At least I have my little Capri she is my little bestest friend.
Ridin the Alpine Slide in PC with the fam! Shopping and THE best root beer ever! and.. cheesecake factory to finish the funnnn day!

My mom and I took Capri and my great great grandpa to Wheeler farm in salt lake. It was a cute little place, its free and there are farm animals, old farm machinery and tons of ducks!

She was loving feeding the ducks

We love days with Poppy! He is such an amazing man! I love talking to him, he knows so much about the gospel!
AND now we are FINALLY with MY HONEY and I am SOOOOO happy!
We missed him sooo soo SOOOO much!

So happy to see her daddy!
Oh and this little cutie is WALKING! ( I was so suprised I thought she was %100 content with crawling!) She can take 5-10 steps all by herself! From person to person! It seems like she has just got it down the past few days.. but today she has been doing it so much easier! She wont just wander yet. when she walks we clap for her! We were in the office and she walked for everyone and they all started clapping.. she was pretty stoked that all of her boyfriends were clapping for her! Its crazy how much these little humans can change in just a few days! I am soooo happy she is doing it this week so Paul could watch it! Its hard to see her learn all this new stuff and know he is missing it

Being apart from Paul is so hard! EVERYTHING is better with my hub and baby!