Showing posts with label Poppy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poppy. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

UTAH and picture overload

While Capri was still in Utah, Paul and I got to hang out just us 2 for a few days it was so fun to go on dates and hang out together!

We went and did one of our fav things.. cavediving in sharks cove! SO fun!

{my honey}


{lin lin}

Paul and Collin decided they wanted to go see how deep they could swim.. we went out sooo far! Im not gonna lie i got a little panicked haha... those two can hold their breath forever!

Tramp Stamps!

There is nothing like Utah summers they are amazing! I had so much fun, I could have stayed a few more weeks if I didnt miss Paul so much!

Kar and I took the girls to the Lindon Pool. I already miss my bffn, im stoked we got to hang out so much while i was there

Capri played with the kitty a little too much for its liking

We took Capri to Monkey Island a couple times! She LOVED it... its in lehi.. and its just a bunch of blow up stuff, if you live close to there, you should go.. If i lived there I would go a ton in the winter! Its $5 for the day.. worrrrth it!

Cam and Capri

swimming with lennon

the crew. so fun.

spanish fork splash fork with the fam! So fun

lots of swimming, Capri loves playing with gma

Capri loved going on the 4 wheeler and ADORES her papa. Every morning I would wake up to Capri in my saying "PAPA!!!" She would ask for him all day when he was at work and as soon as he got home she would say "bye mommy, bye gma". She would stroke his face, and give him millions of kisses. She is lucky to have such a fun papa

drive up the canyon

Capri and Cam dancing

Papa and Capri

My dad took the day off one day and we went to the zoo, it was fun to hang out

Visting poppy.. my great grandma, capris Great GREAT grandpa

Capri was amazing on the flight. This was her the whole time, she didnt make a peep.. until the last 15 minutes when we were landing! When she looked out the window and saw the water she started screaming "daddys water!! daddys water" dont ask me where she got that from? Then as soon as were out of the airport she said "awwwww palm trees!!!" What am I going to do with her? She missed "Waii" so too much.


Thursday, July 29, 2010

On the go

Sorry this is a long post with tons of pics
For the 24th we stayed at this place in the Canyon going into logan called Sherwood hills, my fam has been going here since I can remember. Its gorgeous, it has a golf course so my dad, Collins and I went golfing, and it has a super fun pool, its great to go motorcycling or snowmobiling depeinding on the season.. one day when we are back in Utah I wanna keep the tradition and go up there a couple times a year!

My pal Birdie.. she has been good to me

Sooo pretty.. It was fun motorcycling until I came upon cows in the middle of the path. I HATE COWS! they scare me.. Im not scared of much, but cows scare me.. i got chased by one one time. I ended up eating him for dinner a few months later... but thats a whole diff story. anyways Im glad my dad came and scared them or else I would have had a panic attack!

One of the days we all went and traded watching Capri... she had fun playing in the dirt and in the trailer

The other day it was just me my pops and Collins.. We had way fun, we went on some way fun, hard trails! We went to this site where a plane crashed forever ago on their way home from war in Korea.. H-J were all in it, can you imagine waiting for your hub/son/brother/dad ect., he was coming home SAFE from war and his plane freezes up and doesnt make it?! it made my heart ache for those families. On a lighter note... we ended the day with some good ol creamer ice cream.. aggie blue mint.. mmm

Watching the fireworks!! We couldnt see fireworks in Alaska (cause it was still light outside) so this was fun for us!

I have never seen my munchkin so still! She loved the fireworks.. She had this jaw dropped face the entire time! The only thing missising was a Paul to cuddle me :( At least I have my little Capri she is my little bestest friend.
Ridin the Alpine Slide in PC with the fam! Shopping and THE best root beer ever! and.. cheesecake factory to finish the funnnn day!

My mom and I took Capri and my great great grandpa to Wheeler farm in salt lake. It was a cute little place, its free and there are farm animals, old farm machinery and tons of ducks!

She was loving feeding the ducks

We love days with Poppy! He is such an amazing man! I love talking to him, he knows so much about the gospel!
AND now we are FINALLY with MY HONEY and I am SOOOOO happy!
We missed him sooo soo SOOOO much!

So happy to see her daddy!
Oh and this little cutie is WALKING! ( I was so suprised I thought she was %100 content with crawling!) She can take 5-10 steps all by herself! From person to person! It seems like she has just got it down the past few days.. but today she has been doing it so much easier! She wont just wander yet. when she walks we clap for her! We were in the office and she walked for everyone and they all started clapping.. she was pretty stoked that all of her boyfriends were clapping for her! Its crazy how much these little humans can change in just a few days! I am soooo happy she is doing it this week so Paul could watch it! Its hard to see her learn all this new stuff and know he is missing it

Being apart from Paul is so hard! EVERYTHING is better with my hub and baby!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Goodbyes and Hello Alaska

this is a way long post and if i spell bad or things dont make sense its cause capri is crawling around doing her fake cry cause she wants my attention so Im trying to hurry!

Saying goodbye was soooo hard this time. Cause I know its going to be a long time before I see some people and I wont get to see my fam a lot in the next few years! Im going to miss them! My little bro will be going on a mish when we get back from hawaii! Crazy! I love my fam! They are the best, I love that collins is one of my bestest friends and so is my mom! My dad is so great and we have so much fun together... it has been the best thing ever living with all of them! Im lucky i got to hang out with them every single day!

Capri started crawling a couple weeks ago.. i tried to download a movie of her but it was taking hours so I just decided to skip it.. maybe later! Its so cute! she's getting fast! Its fun cause wherever I go she follows me.. like a little puppy! She is getting so fast and I just let her crawl wherever all day, she is in heaven cause she can go where she wants to go! She likes crawling under things.. like chairs, strollers ect, I dont know why she like this cause she always bumps her head!

Capri LOVES LOVES LOVES balls, I will buy her loops and rings but nope she likes balls and her baby doll!

ridin with grandpa

Meeting little Nixon! He is so cute and precious! congrats tay and ev!!!

Capri and Nixon

My mom and I took Capri and my great grandpa to the Tulip Festival soo pretty and fun.. it was kind of cold but so pretty

Saying bye to Avail Grade and Brooke

Zupas with Cera, Aurora and our moms

For my bday my fam took me to pf changs..mmm so good.. changs spicy chicken and lettuce wraps.. you cant beat that!

then we went and did one of my favorite things to do in salt lake.. the race cars! They are go carts that go 30 mph and you race! So fun!look how tall my little bro is! CRAZY!

A few days before I left my mom kidnapped me and we went and stayed in a hotel so we could spend some good quality time together! It was fun we tye-dyed.. painted our nails, shopped, and my dad and collins came up and played games with us at night! so fun... it made leaving less stressful!

And we went and saw how to train you dragon 3-D! Oh my! best movie ever.. I loved it!

We went and visited my friend josh before I left.. they just adopted a baby, his name is stetson! He was 3lbs when he was born! His whole story and how they came to adopt him is a miracle to say the least. He was meant to be in that family! They were able to bring him home after a month! He is a fighter! Never once wash he put on any breathing treatment, only feeding tubes! So happy for them!

Capri watching the wiggles while I was finishing packing. Then I found her like this, totally classic of her! She HAS to be smothered in her blanket! It scares me constantly, I move it off of her in the night and I come back and she will be like this again! When we put her down to go to sleep that is the first thing she does.. grabs her snuggles and nuzzles in!

And lastly good bye Cafe Rio.. I got to eat it right before I went to the airport! I will miss it! I will make it.. but its so much easier to go buy it!

It was crazy to fly in at midnight and it looked like 7! its pretty here, I havent got to do much ive been busy un packing and working but i did get to go running with capri yesterday! And this is our trail right behind our house! love it! Its a wildlife sanctuary, so there are moose and fox, and tons of birds, but no bears which is nice! Our appts are GHETTO! the first day I got here I wouldn't touch anything I had towels laid out everywhere so Capri wouldnt touch anything but with a little bleach and cleaner I feel a little better.. no laundry which will be hard with a baby going to the laundromat.. oh and we are on the third floor and it smells like smoke, our appts dont have ac and it gets to be like 80 degrees in the day.. but oh well, its not the end of the world. The mall has 4 stores.. claires, zumis, pac sun, and a fur place haha. probably a good thing :) The weather is nice! Perfect I think!

This is at 11:30 ish last night! Its trippy! Its hard to sleep but I LOVE the long sunny days, its hard not to be happy with the sun always shining!