Showing posts with label Grandma A.. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grandma A.. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


The other day we took Capri up to Sundance and my mom taught her to ski! I watched, took pics, and cheered. I was jealous it wasnt me teaching her but lets be honest, skiing at 7.5 months preg is prob not a good idea. Im grateful for my mom and all the time she spends with Capri and that she will take her up and teach her! 
Capri loved it, she is such a brave little girl, and caught on fast. Kids are awesome like that. 

The tow rope was the trickiest part and was really funny to watch

The normal slang for teaching is "fries and pizza" Meaning  fries to go straight and pizza for stopping. My parents take Capri on a date every friday night, and this girl is obsessed with Pizza Factory. She will pound a huge breadstick and 2-3 pieces of pizza. Its never even negotiable where they go. They always end up there. Anyways. My mom said she wouldnt let her say fries and pizza, it had to be "breadsticks and Pizza factory!" so funny

After a few times up the bunny hill she just wanted to go on the "big hill" the rest of the time. So after awhile my mom finally took her on the big hill! I cant wait to go with her later  in the spring or next Winter! Im so proud of her! So cute to watch! Love those two!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Where is Paul?

Lately there hasnt been any pics of Paul on my blog, this summer has been kind of crazy! Paul and I havent got to see each other a whole lot! At the first of the summer Paul moved to the other side of the island to sell, he moved in with roomates and we figured I could just come visit and then we wouldnt have to pay "married rent".  After going back and forth and being apart way too much, his roomates moved out and we moved in! I think we both realized its way too hard to be an hour away from each other but not ever get to see each other! And it was way too confusing for Capri to be living at one house half the week and the other house the other half.  We have got to spend a little bit of time together and it has been so nice! Capri missed her daddy, and I missed my hubby! He has been working so hard and I am so grateful for all of his hard work... I feel guilty, i get to be a mom and play with Capri while he works so hard. He says he loves selling in Hawaii, its always a good temperature and the people are so nice! Last Sunday (his only day off) we went on a walk on the beach and found this beauty. Who knew a little rope could entertain us for so long?!

{Capri stoked to be with her daddy}

{Capri comes in to our room in the mornings and says "hi daddy!!!" in the most happy surprised voice! then she gives him tons of kisses and strokes his hair.. so cute. we missed him}


{My little miss independent.  She always says "i wanna doit!" She wants to do everything herself. If Paul doesnt hear her she gets mad and says "BAAAABE! I wanna doit!" }

{grandma.. we did another rope swing across the river earlier in the week and lets just say I laughed my head off.. we had a hard time getting her back in hahah}

{Paul swinging from the tree}

{Capri and her grandma, see post below}

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Snowed in

We just got back from Utah! We had such a good time, I am so grateful for the time I got to spend with Pauls fam, Grant and Aubrey got married and they are so cute together! We had tons of fun with both of our families and friends.. we were so busy and were on the go every minute trying to see as many people as we could! It was actually pretty warm for Utah the whole time I was there... I packed you all a little sunshine and brought it with me :) thank me later :)
Sorry there are tons of pics haha

Capri didnt know what cold was until we got to utah now she says "cooooold!" (in a shivering voice) every time she went outside and its cold! haha too cute. She wasnt a fan of the snow, she cried most of the times she touched it.

Capri LOVES lin lin, she asks for him all day! She didnt sleep very well the whole trip and he got her to sleep most of the nights we were at my parents!

Avails fun V-day party

Trying to play in the snow.. she lasted 2 minutes

Cuddling with grandma

Visiting Uncle Todd and Uncle Andy! She LOVED Todd she even kissed him a few times!

My Valentine! For V-day we got to go to Tucanos (one of my favs!) and stayed at a hotel!


Chillin with BK and Sarah, Love these girls

4 wheeler rides with Grandpa

Snowboarding with my BFF's! So fun, brought me back to the old days! Kar came down for the whole week and it was the best thing ever to hang out with her tons... I needed a good dose of my bffn! Capri loved Cam! Cam kept calling Capri "Campri" haha oh I love her. Im gonna miss them!

Cuddling with auntie marlette


Capri and Aurora, Capri had sooo much fun playing with her!

Visiting Poppy, my great grandpa and Capris great great grandpa!

We went swimming with my mom and Kassie and Capri was in heaven! I know she will be so happy to get back to the beach! we missed it! She is my little water baby!

P and Capri! So cute together!

Grandpa playing with Capri, Capri calls his gotee (spelling?) his scruffy!

She loves this.. Grandma spoiled her and she wouldnt get off, so she didnt make her, she just kept paying for her to go on it over and over until I put my foot down :)

The ZOO! We went to the zoo with my mom Sarah, Shaina, her girls, and Sue! It was so fun, Capri is at the age where she loves monkey, lions, alligators, giraffes, pretty much any animal so she loved it!

Capri had a really hard time staying inside so we played with the bubbles outside a lot!

Lunch with Grandma and Grandpa

Me, Capri, Abuela

I know Paul was hoping I would go to Utah and it would "cure" my Hawaii addiction. But I think it only made it worse. The second I could see the island from the plane window I had perma-grin... I probably will for the next day or so haha. I think Capri was just as excited to be as home as I was! The second we landed she was yelling "pretty! pretty! da da! kennon! da da! pretty!" I am so happy to be back with Paul! he is at work right now but I cant wait to cuddle and watch a movie when he gets home! Home is where the hub is. Missed him too much!
This pic is of China mans hat on our drive home from the airport

XOXOX Love Lish