Showing posts with label challenge #6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label challenge #6. Show all posts

Sunday, November 03, 2013

Design Team Delights for Challenge #6

***dee dee dee dit--dee dee dee dit--dee dee dee dit***

We interupt this regularly scheduled program for the following news bulletin---

Before I start I wanted to give a special shout out to Gloria Shirr who came up with a brilliant suggestion to try, to help me with my sidebar issues on this particular blog. For some reason I wasn't able to save any new changes to the gadgets. When I'd click save it would just sit there and nothing would happen, even if I left it for 10 minutes. She asked me if I was using Internet Explorer and said that sometimes when Blogger was giving her issues if she switched to Google Chrome or another platform it would sometime help. Well, I don't use Internet Explorer anymore, I was having too many issues with it being extremely slow and not loading a number of the blogs I visited so I switched to Firefox about a year ago. Well, thankfully I still have Internet Explorer on my system so I thought, why not. In all of about one minute both my sidebar links were up to date. Woo Hoo! Thank you Gloria for your brilliant words of wisdom!!!

Now back to our regularly scheduled program...

While we didn't have too many entries in Challenge #6, the ones we did get were fabulous.  Once again it was very difficult for my amazing Design Team to determine which one they preferred above all others.  You'd think it would be easier with fewer entries, but it wasn't.  As always, in each challenge you, the readers, get to voice your opinion by voting for your favourite and so it is right than my Design Team get to as well.  That is why we have a special DT Delights post just before we launch the new challenge.

Thank you to every ONE of YOU who took the time to join along our Path last month for Challenge #6.  While it was definitely a difficult decision, here are the creations that really stood out and inspired the team this month...
Julie Gleeson--chosen by Samara...
This is what Samara had to say:  

"I really love how she has done a timeline of her life through her art. I like the vulnerability of it and how she creatively made the most important elements of her life into a beautiful wall piece. It can be obvious to some, if she chooses to tell them what she has done, but to others, if she does not choose to tell them, it is just a wonderful little story - bit by bit. I myself thought that when I first saw it and was in awe. When I read her post, it became all the more rich."

To see the details of Julie's card and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.
Pat M.--chosen by Ike, Desíre and Sandy...
Ike had this to say:
"I love her creation but she was also very brave to write about and describe herself like that in her Blog post, and to portray oneself as a pig in a journal page !!! I was quite moved by her post."
Desíre stated this:
"My vote goes to Pat. I was affected by what she had to say":
After all, any artist will tell you that when you look at their work, you are seeing the artist.  When I look at what I've created, I feel like I'm looking in a mirror!  There's a wonderful and empowering blog in town called the Path of Positivity Blog.  I go there to get inspired, to lift my spirits when I feel down and to relax when I'm stressed.  How do they affect me this way?  By crafters and artists sharing their stories and projects and words! This month's theme is about Honesty. To me, honesty is letting you see the parts of me that aren’t pretty.  Because, let’s face it, no one is perfect.  I snore at night.  I am overweight.  I am loud.  I have skeletons in my closet (and they’re not Halloween decorations).  When  I create something—a card, a poem, a canvas—I am being honest.  I don’t know of a way to create without being honest, with both myself and with  others.  My personality, my beliefs, my fears,my history, my strengths and weaknesses—it’s all there in living color for everyone to see.  But  mostly for ME to see, because even if I decided to discard something I made, it is still burned in my mind.  It can never be erased (just like putting something on the internet).  So why throw it away, when it speaks honestly of ME – unique, imperfect, honest ME."
Here is what Sandy had to say:
"I liked Pat's because she fearlessly spoke of herself and expressed it in her card too…"

To see the details of Pat's card and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.
D~--chosen by Vicky...
Vicky had this to say:
"D~ was honest about something that is totally my issue...that's getting the newest thing... and then not using it!  So I salute her for her resolution to use her stuff!!!  And that's my resolution as well.  Well..... to use more of it at least. lol"

Vicky also made reference to a really great You Tube video on hoarding.  You'll definitely want to find some time to watch it.  It is hilarious but just as important, it makes us do some reflecting of our own.  Here's the link:  This video could easily have been an entry for the honesty challenge!

To see the details of D~'s card and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.
Deanne--chosen by Suze...
This is what Suze had to say:
"I love the directness of the quote Deanne has chosen and the simple colour scheme that she has chosen so as not to distract from the quote."

To see the details of Deanne's card and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.
Pat M--chosen by Lisa (that's me)...
Besides a love for trying to promote Positivity, Pat and I share something else--our messiness.  We must have been separated at birth because out crafting areas basically look the same--mine is just spread out over three different levels and Pat has the courage to be more honest about hers.    Additionally, neither of has much in the way of extra money for something as extraneous as a crafting supply organizational tools.  What money we do manage to gather has to be spent on the supplies themselves.  Shoeboxes, items from the dollar store, anything we can find and make use of will keep our supplies together.  Now I do have a lot of things that I've managed to pick up over the years but to be honest most of it comes from the dollar store or when I could use a serious discount coupon and I certainly don't have everything I need.  And let's face it, when inspiration hits, everything gets dragged out so I can find what I need to put it all together and then I'm so excited to get started, I never put anything away. It took guts for Pat to expose her mess to the world.  I appreciate her honesty to expose that side of herself for all to see.

Besides all that, according to a university study put out by Forbes magazine, it looks like us messy types aren't all that bad after all.  The study concluded that, "participants in a disorderly room were more creative than participants in an orderly room.”  (Dale Buss, 2013, para. 8)I'll take creativity over straight edges on all my piles and everything lined up, any day!!!

To see the details of Pat's card and read more of what she had to say, click HERE.

Creative Congratulations to all of you!

Thank you to everyone who played on our Pathway during the month of September.  You all did an amazing job.  The hard work you put into your creations was obvious.  Now if you were chosen as a DT Delight, then we have a special treat for you.   Not only are you eligible for a special DT Delight badge, we will also be having a draw at the end of our first year for a special package of digital goodies.  So, if you are chosen as a DT Delight during any of our challenges, your name will be entered into the draw.  You get one entry per choice; so, if two members picked your card, you will earn 2 entries.  The draw will take place around the anniversary of when the Path of Positivity came into existence which will put the draw date sometime in April 2014.  The winner at the time will be notified by email.  In the interim you are more than welcome to copy your framed card above and add it to your blog to share with all your readers; and, don't forget to EMAIL ME for a copy of the special Challenge #6 DT Delight Badge.

Thank you for stopping by today.  We hope that you will join us again tomorrow to learn what the newest theme for Challenge #8 will be.

1. Buss, Dale. (2013). Messy-Deskers Unite: New Study Hints That We're More Creative. Available: Last accessed 3rd Nov 2013.

Monday, October 28, 2013

The People Have Spoken: Winners From Challenge #6

It is time to announce the winners from Challenge #6.  So, without further ado, let's get on with it...

Drum roll, please....BBBbbbrrrrrrrrr pish

The people have spoken and their choice for challenge #6 is....
Annie you have won your choice of ten images from Creative Bug Digital Stamps.
Annie, you will also be getting a cool and awe inspiring personalized badge for your blog as the Voter's Choice for Challenge #6.
In the category of Most Inspiring, our winner is...
Pat, you have won your choice of three images from Ike's Art.
Pat, you will also be getting a lovely, one of a kind personalized badge for your blog as the Most Inspiring choice for Challenge #6.
  The random winner for this challenge (chosen by, based on all eligible participants is:
D~. you have won your choice of three images from Scribbles Designs.
D~, you will also be getting a neat and unique personalized badge for your blog as the Random Winner for Challenge #6.
We also have a prize available for a random voter who left a comment.

 The random winner for this challenge (chosen by Mini Web Tool), based on all eligible participants is:

Denise Pustelniak with her comment:
I managed to vote but all the entries are fab!
Denise, you have won a Digital Designer Paper from Decosse's Dynamite Doodles.

Big Congrats to...

Annie, Pat, D~ & Denise

Please click HERE to send us an email with the subject, "WINNER PoP Challenge #6" to make arrangements to receive your prize and badge (where applicable).

All entrant's in Challenge #6 are entitled to a special digital sentiment based on a quote related to the theme for the upcoming challenge.  So, if you were one of the individuals who entered Challenge #6 and would like to receive a free sentiment based on the theme for Challenge #8, which starts Monday, November 4, please click HERE to send us an email with the subject line, "PoP Challenge #6 Entrant Quote Request".
Don't forget, there is still one week left to enter into this month's challenge on HOPE.  Click HERE for details.  If you haven't linked up already, I hope that you will consider coming over to play with us.  As always, we'd love to have you join our Path!

Monday, October 14, 2013

Come Have Your Say! Voting for Challenge #6 now open!

Hello to you all. I hope that you all had an exceptionally good weekend. For those readers who live in the incredibly beautiful country of Canada, Happy Thanksgiving!

It is time to get the voting underway for Challenge #6. Now unfortunately, we only had 11 people enter our challenge so we had to make a decision as to whether to have a top seven or not. The consensus of the team was to not choose a top seven and to open up the voting to every single participant; so, all the entrants have the opportunity to be chosen as the Voter's Choice.

Now, unfortunately Inlinkz doesn't allow you to visit the blog until AFTER you have voted.  This makes things difficult because voting on this challenge blog is all about the project OR post that inspires you most and the person may not have created anything at all but instead had an incredibly inspiring story to tell in their post.  That is especially true in the case of Pat M.'s second entry this week so please make sure you go read what she had to say and not just place your vote based on the image that comes up in the linkup.  In the future I am going to provide links to each top seven entry so that you have the opportunity to actually  head over to the blogs and check out each post to help you with your voting.  For this week however, since there is no top seven, I am simply going to list each of the entrant's names which is linked up to their blog (order is reflective of how they entered the challenge and nothing else).

Have Your Say!
It is time for you, our readers, to vote for your favourite entry.  So take a look at all the entries linked up above by heading over to the blogs and checking out their posts.  Which participant most inspires you?  Remember, you are not necessarily voting on a creation that was made.  You might simply find what the person had to say in their post to be inspiring and optimistic.  For this particular challenge, the theme was all about HONESTY.  Which participant best conveyed this concept to you?  Please let us know who your choice is by placing your vote below using the Inlinkz feature. 

Voting open for 10 days:
October 14th to October 24th

So, come have your say in determining the Voter's Choice for Challenge #6!  Don't forget to leave a comment after you have voted.  There will be a prize for one lucky voter who leaves a comment (chosen randomly).  Why not pay a visit to your favourite and let them know how they inspired you.

Good luck everyone!

Important  Note:

Please note that in order for this to work, I must add all the entries but I can only do this AFTER I have published this post.  So there will be some overlap time between when this post is published and when you will be able to vote.  Once I have uploaded the entries there will be a total of eleven images below on which to vote.  If there are less than eleven, it means that I am still in the process of adding the images and you should come back in a little while to make your vote.  Thank you for your patience!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Challenge #6--Midway Reflection & Voting Reminder

Hello to all our wonderful readers and participants. It is the midpoint of our current challenge, where the theme this month is HONESTY. Today I am going to share a little introspection with you all that I am also presenting on my own personal blog in my regular, "Motivational Monday" feature. Hence, we are going to further delve into the concept of honesty.

Honesty is the Best Policy

If honesty is the best policy, then why is it so difficult for us to truly be honest? Last week I had the opportunity to visit one of the entries in our current HONESTY challenge. Deanne, from Little Bit ‘OPaper had a really great quote on her project:
“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving.” ~Faust
Many people are under the impression that simply not lying makes them honest. However, truth encompasses so many other variables and being completely honest with others and even ourselves can be quite a challenge.

As children we learn all the different outcomes from lying or simply avoiding the truth. The act of lying itself may prevent a child from getting into trouble immediately but the consequences of when the truth is finally discovered may increase the punishment tenfold. Then there are those occasions when telling the truth itself will result in punitive measures. If a five year old realizes that telling the truth is going to cost him or her in some way, are they likely to speak up with sincerity? Then, what about those times when it just might be possible that the child’s lies aren’t discovered? The praise and reward received may propel the child down a slippery slope of dishonest behaviour in order to achieve desirable results. As the child grows and tests the waters of where their honesty or dishonesty lands them, the negative patterns of conduct may already be too far ingrained and subconsciously they may come to a point where they don’t even realize how dishonesty is impacting their life. Face it, as humans if we can avoid facing emotional pain, our tendency will be to fall back on dishonesty if we believe that it can preclude us from experiencing the ramifications of distress. Thus, we end up falling into the pattern of deceptive behaviour given our desire to stay in our ‘happy place’ and to effectively avoid conflict or responsibility and get what we want. However, time has taught us that patterns can be broken and in order to live authentically, we need to adopt an honest lifestyle.

The problem is that walking the fine line of honesty can be a very difficult road to travel. As the quote says, it isn’t simply about not telling lies, it is also about coming forward and being truthful when we have done something wrong. It is about having the courage to speak up and tell the truth though we may be afraid to do so. It is about living your life with honesty being an important principle that you follow. Finally, it is about embracing and loving this truthful side to your nature. For some people, this means that they must ready themselves to deal with the potential pain that telling the truth can lead to and also learn that life isn’t always going to be about getting desirable outcomes. It takes true strength to be honest and if individuals have spent years immersed in negative behaviour, their patterns will not be broken overnight. However, with time, practice and perseverance, patterns can be broken. For others, the difficulty of living a truthful life lies in not wanting to hurt those around them. Many of us would prefer to avoid bringing distress to the people we care about. In these circumstances, we need to approach the situation with tact, be sensitive to the feelings of others, and exercise political correctness while still managing to bring honesty into the equation. None of these are easy tasks.

My personal goal is to live a truthful life. Sometimes I am not always so successful. For myself it is more a matter of not wanting to bring pain to others, not wanting to show anger and if I am being truthful with myself, avoiding conflict. Living a truthful life as Faust has laid out in his quote, is not an easy task at all. It can be arduous, distressing, uncomfortable and confusing, yet exalting and liberating all at the same. It requires determination, introspective thought and commitment. Additionally, it requires an individual to be accountable for their own life. That is not an easy thing to do but I believe that the rewards for living a truthful life are worth the efforts—better relationships, trust, less anxiety from having to keep all the different lies straight, knowing that you have taught others through example. These are all ideals worthy of the struggle, are they not?

Honesty may be the best policy but it is one whose implementation does not come without cost. Are you willing to put the time and effort into living the principles of "truth telling, truth speaking, truth living, and truth loving"? I may not always succeed, but I personally, am certainly going to try.

To help inspire you down the path of honesty, check out the wonderful creations some of my Design Team had the opportunity to create...

Samara used the image that was rather popular among the DT at the start of the challenge, the beautiful rose called Flower 6, from our guest sponsor this month Scribbles Designs. If you are interested in purchasing this ravishing rose, click on the watermark to head to its location in the store.

 Next up is...

Vicky has used a sweet image from one of our amazing regular sponsors, Creative Bug Digitals
Finally, that leaves our...

Lynda from  Positive Force, who is our guest designer this month, created this precious project...
Lynda has used the adorable image Ballerina, also from Creative Bug Digitals.  If you are interested in purchasing this sweet young lady, click on the watermark to head to its location in the store.

Clicking on the team members name (or in the case of our GDT, the blog name) will take you to their blog where you can check out the details for their inspirational creations!
So if you haven't entered already, what are you waiting for?  Create a project and/or post that is positive AND relates to honesty, provide an explanation of how your project and/or post relates to the theme somewhere in your post or come over and leave a comment with the explanation.  Easy, peasy!

Also, I know that the participants would love for you to go and pay them a visit.  Remember we're creating a Path of Positivity to follow one project at a time and we'd love to see you somewhere on that route even if it just by leaving a comment on an entry from someone who has touched you somehow with their project and/or post!

If you are new to this unique challenge, you can find out the impetus behind why I started it under the 'Introductions' tab and all the details you need to know in order to participate, in the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog).

Don't Forget...

You still have 3 days to vote on your favourite entry for Challenge #5.  Voting is quick, easy and painless so I hope you will consider casting your vote if you haven't already.  Don't forget, if you leave a comment after voting, you have the opportunity to walk away with a digital paper created especially for you. To check out the Top Seven and cast your vote, click HERE.  You have until Thursday, September 19th at 11:55 pm to have your say in who walks away with the Voter's Choice prize.  If everything goes according to plan, the winners for Challenge #5 will be announced next Monday.

If you need some motivation to get you started, I've provided the Faust quote that I referenced above, free for you to download:
Font and Image Information:
Click on the font name to take you to a download location.  All these fonts are free for commercial use.

You will notice that the sentiment may appear huge depending on what software program you download it into.  You can always reduce the size without distorting the overall look. 

I've added a 'Download Instructions & T.O.U.' tab at the top of the page. If you use this image in your artwork and post it on your blog, please credit me and link your posting back to this site. NO sharing, or pinning of unwatermarked images allowed.  Please ensure that you familiarize yourself with my full terms of use before using.  

Whether you are new and need to familiarize yourself with all the details,  or a returning participant and just need to refresh yourself, you can always find out everything you need to know in order to enter this challenge in the 'Challenge Details' tab at the top of the page. You can enter the challenge by clicking HERE to take you to the current challenge post where you can also find a quick summary of the details related to this challenge, towards the bottom of the post.

Please show your support to our fabulous sponsors by going over and checking out their work and saying hi if you have the chance.  In addition to Fresh Brewed Designs, our guest sponsor for the month...
...we also have our regular sponsors:

That is me and I'd love for you to visit me
on my personal blog.

If you ever have any questions be sure to EMAIL ME or just leave me a comment.

We look forward to seeing you participate!


C., Jared; P., Martyn, et al.. (Date Unknown.). How to Be Honest. Available: Last accessed 16th Sept. 2013.

Letchford, Belinda. (Date Unknown.). Character Notes - Truthfulness. Available: Last accessed 16th Sept. 2013.

Mercer, Mark. (Date Unknown.). Don't Lie: Discussion and Criticism. Available:'t_Lie.doc. Last accessed 16th Sept. 2013.

Tangient LLC. (2013). Honesty. Available: Last accessed 16th Sept. 2013.

Wells, Jonathan . (Date Unknown.). Do You Have the Courage to Be Honest?. Available: Last accessed 16th Sept. 2013.

Monday, September 02, 2013

Challenge #6--Honesty: September 2 - October 6, 2013

It is the first Monday in September and that means it is time for the next challenge to start. This time around, for Challenge #6 the theme is "Honesty". Show us your interpretation of what honesty means to you. You can make any sort of project and/or post as long as it is positive in nature and relates to the theme. Now I realize that this theme is definitely challenging but a little creative thought and I know you guys will come up with something awesome.

Don't forget when you link up your project and/or post, to please leave a comment letting us know how your creation relates to the concept of honesty if it isn't readily clear within the design itself or clearly written somewhere else in your post. Remember, the creation must be positive/inspirational/motivational AND adhere to the theme of honesty in order to be considered eligible for this month's prizes. While you may easily see how honesty relates to your creation, it may not be as apparent to me or the DT members. That is why we ask that you clarify it somewhere, whether here or in your blogpost. This way it clears up any ambiguity that may exist.

Now it is time to meet our guest sponsor for this month...

Looking for a unique image or sentiment? Well then! Head on over to Scribbles Designs and check out Sandy's world of her funky imagination and quirky characters. Sandy has loved art, drawing, water coloring and doodling for many years... and with the digital image world she can now share it with all of you. Brrr (Penguin) was her first main character and her other quirky images followed not long after. We hope you enjoy the endearing images available in the store and add Sandy's images to your digital stamp collections.

 It is so great having the wonderful Scribbles Designs back as our sponsor this month.  They have so many fabulous images to play with and here are just some of them.  Our DT was lucky enough to work with the following amazing digital images...

The beauty of this image lies in its simplicity.  A single rose can say so much.  Several of our team chose to use this pretty image and I can certainly understand why.
 Here are two sentiments used by one of the team members.  If these sentiments don't convey honesty, I don't know what does!
 Now here is one area where none of us want to be honest.  So Carla is the perfect image choice to challenge our honesty in this region.
This beautiful tangle was also used this month.  In fact it was used by the person who created it.  I'm very lucky that not only is the talented Sandy sponsoring our challenge, she is also on our team.  Double bonus!

If you are interested in purchasing any of these incredible images, clicking on the watermark will take you to their location in the Scribbles store.

Now check out what my amazing design came up with to inspire you.  Clicking on the team members' name will take you to their blog where you can check out the details for their inspirational creations...


We are also pleased to have Lynda from Positive Force joining us this month...
My name is Lynda Lindley and I have been crafting for over twenty years; starting out first stamping and then expanding into all areas of paper crafting.  I live in Washington state with my husband, two daughters and one crazy smart girl dog.  A self proclaimed challenge junkie, I do not feel grounded unless I am creating something. When I am not coloring, stamping, painting, knitting, or scrapbooking, I can often be seen with inky fingers volunteering at my daughter’s school in the library and teaching art in the classrooms.  You can find me online at
 Here is the beautiful card that Lynda came up with for us...

 Aren't  all these creations just fabulous?  Each of them touches on the designers' own ideas as to what honesty means to them. 

So what are you waiting for?  Create a project and/or post that is positive AND relates to honesty, provide an explanation of how your project and/or post relates to the theme somewhere in your post or come over and leave a comment with the explanation.  Easy, peasy!

If you have some time, please visit other people participating throughout the month.  I've included the summary of the challenge details below.  If you are new to this unique challenge, you can find out the impetus behind why I started it under the 'Introductions' tab and all the details you need to know in order to participate, in the 'Challenge Details' tab (both tabs located at the top of the blog).

I hope to see you back on Monday, September 9th when voting will start on the Top Seven for Challenge #5.

If you need some motivation to get you started, I've provided a quote for you, which you can find below.

Font Information:
Click on the font name to take you to a download location.  Both these fonts are free for commercial use.

You will notice that the sentiment may appear huge depending on what software program you download it into.  You can always reduce the size without distorting the overall look. 

I've added a 'Download Instructions & T.O.U.' tab at the top of the page.  If you download any sentiments please ensure that you familiarize yourself with my terms of use.

Whether you are new and need to familiarize yourself with all the details,  or a returning participant and just need to refresh yourself, you can always find out everything you need to know in order to enter this challenge in the 'Challenge Details' tab at the top of the page. I've provided a quick summary below.  Please note that dates and times listed below are for this particular challenge only:
  • Each Path of Positivity challenge will remain open for approx. a full month.  Entries for this challenge will be accepted from September 2nd to October 6th.
  • Link up your inspirational post below using Inlinkz. You will be able to submit your link up to 11:55 p.m. on October 6th..
  • When you link up, leave a comment summarizing what it is about your post that you feel is inspirational  / positive / motivational and how it fits into the theme if you have not included this information somewhere within your post.
  • Don't forget to come back throughout the month and visit others that have participated.
  • Voting for this challenge will begin once the top seven have been determined.  There will be a separate post detailing the top seven.  You will then have the opportunity to vote on the creation or post that you have found to be the most inspirational of the chosen seven.  Be sure to leave a comment telling us what it was that inspired you or something in general if you uncomfortable disclosing any details of your vote.
  • This month, prizes will be the following:
    • Ten digital images from Creative Bug Digital Stamps for the person out of the top seven who receives the most votes during voting week.
    • Three digital images from Ike's World  for the post or project that the DT deems most inspiring of the bunch.
    • Three images from Scribbles Designs, this month's guest sponsor for a person chosen in a random draw based on all entrants.
    • One digital designer paper from Décosse's Dynamite Doodles for one lucky voter who leaves a comment.
    • One digital sentiment for every single person who enters the challenge.
Please show your support to our fabulous sponsors by going over and checking out their work and saying hi if you have the chance.  In addition to Scribbles Designs, our guest sponsor for the month, we also have our regular sponsors:

That is me and I'd love for you to visit me
on my personal blog.

If you ever have any questions be sure to EMAIL ME or just leave me a comment.

We look forward to seeing you participate!

Inlinkz collection begins below: