Ain't I a Woman

Ain't I a Woman
Pearl of Great Price
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blogging. Show all posts


Gimme' a kiss!

I decided to do another challenge from the Scraps of Color .ning site.  This time we had to make a wish list.  My Christmas wish list:
  1. To be healthier physically, mentally and spiritually
  2. to have enough money to be a philanthropist (all my craft buddies get craft room makeovers -lol)
  3. to have a kitchen and bathroom ADA makeover
  4. for my dog to stop itching
  5. for my family and friends to live joyfully and PEACEfully
  6. for God to shower protection, wisdom, salvation and blessings upon the children & the families in my circle

The one thing I really want, is a matehusbandlifepartner preferably chocolate, rich and sweet...

I guess these will have to do until the Lord sends me my dream man.   hahahahaha

They are chocolate, rich, and sweet!

These are Hershey's kiss candy holders that I made for my former co-workers.  I hope they like them.

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you come again soon.

O' Holy Night!

On the SOC .ning site I entered a challenge to blog about a Christmas song or movie and create a craft to go with my choice.  O' Holy night is my favorite Christmas Song.  I especially like the part: Fall on your knees! Oh, hear the angel voices! O night divine, the night when Christ was born; O night, O Holy Night , O night divine! O night, O Holy Night , O night divine!

I made these dishcloth/potholder angels.  I plan to give them as gifts.

I really love this song any time of the year.  
Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you come again soon.


A great little find in my town

I had the opportunity to attend a natural hair meetup in my area.  I went to Cupcakes and Curlfriends.  The event was held in the shop Suds Bar Soap & Essentials.  This was the first time I visited the shop.  Entering into the store was like being carried away on an aroma cloud.  The array of smells was just delicious.  While I am no journalist or photographer I just could not pass up the opportunity to blog about this shop and take a picture of the owners, Kim and her mother Aggie.

Typical of many small towns, the buildings in downtown Dover are bi-level.  Unfortunately, it was not a good day for me to attempt to walk down the steps.  Sadly, many of the vendors and hair demonstrations were on the lower level.  In spite of this situation, I was glad to stay because Kim and Aggie were so sweet and welcoming.   They answered all of my questions about the products in their store.  They really have some interesting items.  Most of the products are natural, organic and chemical free.  Ms Aggie was happy to demonstrate the body scrubs and lotions.  She even brought me some sparkling water while the rest of the attendees just had plain water(lol).  I also was given some soap samples that I can't wait to use.

It was a great idea to have the Cupcakes and Curlfriends event in the Suds Bar Soap & Essentials shop.  What a great mix of sisters adorning all types of natural hair styles, ethnic fashions, fabulous jewelry with aromatic soaps, soy candles and body lotions all against a backdrop of live music.   I am sure Aggie and Kim will host other events at the shop in the future.  I wish them much success!

Kim and Aggie waiting on customers.

Kim. Looking Fab!

Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you come again soon.


Blog comments...

I was wondering does the word verification on the comment section really cut down on spam comments?  I changed that setting in an attempt to make it easier for folks to leave comments.  So far no spam. Perhaps it's just me, but whenever I attempt to leave a comment on some blogs I have to go through the word verification process 3 times.  Silly me, I thought this was normal.  No wonder I built up a distaste for leaving comments-duh.  Now that I know that it should only take one try, I have been trying to figure out why I have been having so much difficulty.  Disclaimer:  I do not leave many comments anyway.  Yes, I am guilty of being a book marker, lurker, looker, secret service blogerita (LOL)  However, today...during this long weekend...I finally sat down to go through all the blogs I am following.  This time I purposed to leave comments and not just be a lurker (lol)  Well wouldn't you know it...I tried on 4 different blogs to leave comments, but I could not.  I am guessing there is a glitch with blogger.  So, uhhh...what to do?

Katie: I see no more tears on that art journal page.  Great work!  I missed the show last night, but cute piggy.

Nancy: Very creative to use hot air balloons for parachutes.  Clever!  Jumping out of planes is truly an adventure. (lol) How wonderful for you to see your girls living life!

Karen:  Lovely cards. It is easy to hoard our work, but that is great advice to give it all away!

Angela:  Loving the book of me challenge.  The teacups were awesome and so was the doily.

Ladies, I enjoyed your posts over the last couple of days.  For now I guess I will keep moving forward and looking, perhaps when I make time to leave comments in the future blogger will be functioning properly.   Sorry ladies...ArteDar/'re next on the list so here I come.
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