It was beautiful weater in Oslo this weekend. Freezing cold, but still white and beautiful winter-weather. We used the spare daylight to enjoy the great outdoors :) Here is a pic of DH and Sol on the sledge - must say this is the best kind of transportation these days. LOL
And because it is weekend we needed some yummy food to eat. We had hot cocoa and apple-cake. Mmmmmmm. Hope you have a wonderful weekend too. I'll leave you with my favorite apple-cake recepie. ENJOY!!
Gudruns favoritt-EPLEKAKE
350 g hvetemel - 12,3 ounces flour
2 ts bakepulver - 2 teaspoons baking soda
1 ts kanel - 1 teaspoon ground cinamon
1/2 ts salt - 1/2 teaspoon salt
200g smør - 200 gram softened butter
250 g sukker - 8,8 ounces sugar
50 g brunt sukker - 1,75 ounces brown sugar
4 egg - 4 eggs
1 1/2 dl melk - 0.6cup milk
4-5 epler - 4-5 apples
-Bland alle de tørre ingrediensene i en bolle
-visp sammen smør og sukker til en luftig krem
-tlisett ett egg av gangen mens du stadig visper smørkremen
-tilsett melken
-Rør alle de tørre ingrediensene forsiktig inn i blandingen.
-Del eplene i båter
-fordel kakesmeten i en liten langpanne og stikk alle eplebåtene ned i smeten.
-dryss over kanel og sukker.
-stek kaken på 180 grader celcius i ca 40 minutter.
-add flour, cinnamon, salt and bakingsoda to a bowl
-mix sugar and butter in another bowl until light and "creamy"
-add one egg at the time to the butter/sugar mixture
-add the milk
-gently mix flour, cinnamon and baking soda with the creamy mixture.
-Cut the apples
-add the mix to a small baking-pan and add the apples
-add a sprinkle of sugar and cinnamon on top.
-bake on 356 degrees Farenheit in aprx 40 minutes.
(I've tried to convert all the amounts and translated this recepie - I may have done things wrong, so please notify me if you find any mistakes, and I'll correct it)
See you tomorrow for a new "inspiration monday" :) :)