The tree is lit, the kids are asleep.
The decorations are up.
No fancy, trendy stuff, just good memories and warm and cozy.
I'm looking forward to the greatest, most magical day of the year.
Wishing you all the best too.
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The tree is lit, the kids are asleep.
The decorations are up.
No fancy, trendy stuff, just good memories and warm and cozy.
I'm looking forward to the greatest, most magical day of the year.
Wishing you all the best too.
And some free vintage pictures for you.
Just right click on the picture and save. ;)
It was a slightly gray, but still a nice winterday in Oslo that day. It was pure, new snow, and the kids wanted to sledge and go skiing around the house.
I was happy, and the plan was to just interact, and ask them to pose if needed….
Well, as you see – it is hard to be a mom … and a photographer…
Hubby planned to put up the outdoor Christmas lights that day, and Maybe this would be a good setting for Christmas-pictures…..
We tried a few different locations, and it was all good.
So hubby had made some hot cocoa, and we all gathered around our outdoor table and enjoyed the cocoa and the beautiful winterday.
I had some gingerbread lollies as gift for the kids for the “hard work” they did for me with the photo shoot.We decided we needed some photos of them with the lollies as well …
… I strongly recommend this setting for the most un-serious cristmas pictures …..
Now the short hours with daylight in Oslo was over. We packed the stuff and went inside for dinner and a fire.
We were all happy – and I promise – we had lots of good laughts looking at the result of the photoshoot.
Hope you’ve had some good laughts along the way too.
…. If you worry about my Christmas pictures ….
Yes, I got a couple of good ones too. ;)
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