Loving and wise Father, I pray for the light of Your wisdom and guidance as I search for true friendship that will lead me to find my suitable partner in life. Help me to patiently wait for the right person who will be my companion for all my life.
Bless me Lord, that I myself may grow in these virtues: deep respect for life and for people, kindness, sincerity and generosity. Teach me to become unselfish and forgiving of others. I ask for the grace to be prepared for the commitment that I will eventually make to the particular person who will be your gift to me.
Lord, accompany me all the days of my life. Draw me closer to you so that I will be able to discern your will for me. Give me the courage to decide not according to what others want, not even according to what I alone want. But may I always place my desires in accord with the designs of your heart so that may experience real peace and joy that can only come from you.