Showing posts with label Grace Of The Passion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Grace Of The Passion. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Prayer For Grace

O Jesus nailed to the cross, I beseech You: grant me the grace always, everywhere and in everything to faithfully fulfill the most holy will of Your Father.

And when God's will seems hard and difficult to do, then I beg You, Jesus, to send me strength and fortitude from Your wounds so that my lips may repeat:

Your Will be done, Lord!

O Savior of the world, dedicated to human redemption, even when such pain tormented you, You forgot Yourself and remembered the salvation of souls.

Jesus full of compassion, grant me the grace to forget myself in order to live entirely for souls, helping You in the work of salvation, according to the most holy will of Your Father.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Prayer For The Grace Of The Passion

O Lord, for the redemption of the world, you willed to be born among human beings, subjected to the rite of circumcision, rejected by the people, betrayed by Judas with a kiss, bound with cords, led like an innocent lamb to slaughter, shamelessly exposed to the gaze of Annas as well as Caiaphas, Pilate, and Herod, accused by false witnesses, tormented by scourges and insults, spat upon and crowned with thorns, struck with blows of hand and reed, blindfolded and stripped of your garments, affixed to the wood and lifted high on the Cross, numbered among thieves, given gall and vinegar to drink, and pierced by a lance.

Lord, by these most holy sufferings which we, your unworthy servants, devoutly call to mind, and by your holy Cross and death, deliver us from the pains of hell, and be pleased to take us where you took the penitent thief who was crucified with you. You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever.