Showing posts with label Marian Prayers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Marian Prayers. Show all posts

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Entrustment Heavenly Mother

My Queen!

My Mother!

I give thee all myself, and to show my devotion to thee.

I consecrate to thee, this day my eyes, my ears, my mouth, my heart, my entire self without reserve.

Wherefore, O loving Mother, as I am thine own, keep me and defend me, as thy property and thine own possession.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

O Mary Bright Dawn Of The New World

O Mary
bright dawn of the new world,
Mother of the living,
to you do we entrust the cause of life:
Look down, O Mother,
upon the vast numbers
of babies not allowed to be born,
of the poor whose lives are made difficult,
of men and women
who are victims of brutal violence,
of the elderly and the sick killed
by indifference or out of misguided mercy.
Grant that all who believe in your Son
may proclaim the Gospel of life
with honesty and love
to the people of our time.
Obtain for them the grace
to accept that Gospel
as a gift ever new,
the joy of celebrating it with gratitude
throughout their lives
and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely, in order to build,
together with all people of good will,
the civilization of truth and love,
to the praise and glory of God,
the Creator and lover of life.

[Source: Pope John-Paul II, March 25, 1995 ]

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Consecration of the Sick to Mary

O kind and good Mother,
whose own soul was pierced by the sword of sorrow,
look upon us while,
in our sickness,
we arraign ourselves beside you
on the Calvary where your Jesus hangs.

Dowered with the high grace of suffering,
and hopeful of fulfilling in our own flesh
what is wanting in our sharing of Christ's passion,
on behalf of his Mystical Body, the Church,
we consecrate to you ourselves and our pain.
We pray that you will place them
on that Altar of the Cross to which Jesus is affixed.
May they be little victims of propitiation for our salvation,
for the salvation of all peoples.

O Mother of Sorrows,
accept this consecration.
Strengthen our hopeful hearts,
that as partakers of Christ's sufferings
we may also share in his comfort now and for evermore.


Friday, September 4, 2009

The Consecration Of Oneself To Jesus Christ, Incarnate Wisdom, By The Hands Of Mary

(By Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort)

O Eternal and Incarnate Wisdom,
most sweet and adorable Jesus,
true God and true Man,
only Son of the Eternal Father
and of Mary ever Virgin,
I adore Thee profoundly in the bosom
and the splendour of Thy Father through eternity,
and in the virginal womb of Mary,
Thy most worthy Mother,
at the time of Thine Incarnation.

I return Thee thanks for that Thou didst empty Thyself,
taking upon Thee the form of a slave,
to deliver me from the cruel slavery of the devil.
I praise Thee and glorify Thee
for that Thou didst willingly become subject in all things to Mary,
Thy holy Mother,
in order to make me through her Thy faithful slave.
But alas, ungrateful and faithless that I am,
I have not kept the promises I made Thee so solemnly in my Baptism.
Nay, I have utterly failed to do my bounded duty;
I am no more worthy to be called Thy son nor Thy slave,
and since there is nothing in me
that does not provoke Thy rebukes and Thine indignation,
I dare no longer approach alone unto Thy sacred and august Majesty.
Wherefore I have recourse to the intercession of Thy most holy Mother,
whom Thou hast given me to be my intercessor with Thee;
and it is by this means that I hope to obtain from thee the grace of contrition,
the pardon of my sings,
and the gift of abiding wisdom.

For which reason I salute thee, O Mary Immaculate,
living tabernacle of the Divinity,
wherein the eternal Wisdom lies hidden to be adored by Angels and men.
I salute thee, O Queen of heaven and Earth,
to whose dominion is subject all that is less than God.
I salute thee, O sure refuge of sinners,
whose mercy faileth none;
graciously hear my prayers for Divine wisdom,
and to this end receive the vows and oblations
which my lowliness offers unto thee.

I, N., a faithless sinner,
renew and ratify this day at thy hands my baptismal vows.
I renounce Satan for ever
and all his works and pomps,
and I give myself wholly to Jesus Christ,
the Incarnate Wisdom,
to bear my cross after Him all the days of my life.
And in order that I may more faithful to Him than I have hitherto been,
I choose thee this day, O Mary,
in the presence of the whole court of heaven
for my Mother and my Mistress.

I deliver and consecrate to thee
after the manner of a bond-slave,
my body and my soul,
my interior and exterior goods,
and even the value of my good works,
past, present and future,
leaving thee the full and entire right to dispose of me
and of all that belongs to me, without exception,
according to thy good pleasure
and the greater glory of God both in time and in eternity.

Accept, O gracious Virgin,
this little offering of my bondage,
in honour of and in union with that submission
which the Eternal Wisdom willed to show toward thy Motherhood;
as a mark of homage to that dominion
which thou and thy Divine Son have made over me,
a wretched worm and a miserable sinner;
in thanksgiving for the privileges
with which the Most Holy Trinity has favoured thee.
I protest that henceforth I wish,
as thy true slave,
to seek thine honour
and to obey thee in all things.

O Mother most admirable,
present me to thy Son,
as His slave for ever,
in order that,
having purchased me through thee,
He may receive me through thee.
O Mother of mercy,
procure for me the grace of obtaining true wisdom from God
and of being set thereby in the number of those whom thou lovest,
whom thou teachest,
whom thou guidest,
whom though dost sustain
and protect as thy children and thy slaves.

O faithful Virgin,
render me in all things so perfect a disciple,
imitator and slave of the Incarnate Wisdom,
Jesus Christ thy Son,
that through thine intercession and example
I may come to the fullness of His stature on earth
and the plenitude of His glory in heaven.


Monday, August 31, 2009

Total Surrender

Blessed Virgin Mary, Most Holy Mother, guide my soul, accompany me in this spiritual adventure towards the Light. Towards the essence of the Holy Trinity.

Holy, Holy, Holy God, listen to my call. I knock on Your door, Your Son Jesus Christ, that door where You are right behind; where Your Light shines so brightly that my fragile human eyes cannot perceive it.

I then detach myself from my body, from my senses and from my conscience, so that I can talk to You and mobilize myself directly with my soul. I leave behind all material things, all that identifies itself with me and with the world.

I am the heart of my soul that has enlightened with the fire of Your Divine Love, that as a fertilized flower, has become Your fruit: The Spirit.

Lord, I speak to You with my spirit, I adore You infinitely, with all the mysterious strength that You have poured over me.

My words are needless, I am now an offering of Divine Love that You have placed on the earth and that is coming back to You, acknowledging Your Grandeur, Your Mercy and Your Wisdom.

Behind, there stays the dust, the world, and my ego. I am nothing.

All that there is left of me is consciousness that You exist, that You are Who You Are and I am nothing, because, even this awareness of my own existence, is that flame of Divinity that You placed hidden in my heart, which is your property, but that right now has become Light, and It does not find joy in the darkness of isolated existence and it feels attracted by the magnetism of Your Omnipotent Presence.

I open my heart completely to Your Majesty. The same way Christ on the Cross surrendered for us, I surrender now to You my God.

I am nothing. Because You are the One Who gives me Life, You sustain it, You are my sacred refuge, You are my company, You are the Spirit that guides me and You are Who waits for me at the end of this terrestrial journey; this little adventure that is insignificant in the Eternity of Your Existence.

My God, You are marvelous, only through the joy of my soul can I express my Love to You. You have made me happy when my tears of joy have expressed my spiritual emotions.

If this fire of Love has become Light, and You are the Light, then Lord, this little ray of light proclaims You and wants to kiss that infinite Celestial Sun that You Are: my origin.

Lord, I feel Your Divine Presence and Your Light shines on my soul.

Most Holy Trinity, anoint me with Your Holy Spirit, fill me with Your Love, and embrace me with the serenity of Your Peace, through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Allow me to lose my individuality in You, to penetrate profoundly in Your Infinite Being. Allow me to be One with You.

Lord, Live in me always, grow in me, support me with Your Strength, do not forsake me. Take command of all my actions, manifest Your Presence through Your servant, who lives in You, for You, through You and always with You.

Protect me Lord; make me a fort, impenetrable by sin; make me a soldier, apostle and bearer of Your Divine Word.

Make me fill the hearts of my brothers with this zeal, this fervour, this spirit of Love that You have gifted me with, make me a bearer of Your Light, to vanish darkness and to prepare the terrain for Your Kingdom. Not my will, but Yours be done.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Holy Names Of Jesus And Mary

Holy, Holy, Holy God,
holy name, Father Almighty,
Holy presence, holy joy,
in the wonder of a name

Holy Jesus, holy Mary,
holy names under the heavens,
Holy holy, holy presence,
holy wonders, holy names.

Holy, holy name of Jesus,
holy presence, holy joy.
When I call you, you are here,
when I need you, you respond.

Give me Grace to love and serve you,
to live faithfully for you.
Holy, holy name of Jesus,
holy presence, holy joy.

Grant my heart to burn with joy,
every time I hear your name,
Let my soul become desire,
every time I think of you.

Holy, holy name of Jesus,
holy name forever sweet.
Holy, holy name of Mary,
holy presence, holy joy.

When I call you, you are here,
when I need you, you respond.
Give me Grace to love and serve you,
to live faithfully for you.

Holy, holy name of Mary,
holy presence, holy joy.
Grant my heart to burn with joy,
every time I hear your name.

Let my soul become desire,
every time I think of you.
Holy, holy name of Mary,
holy name forever sweet!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Prayer To Mary Mother Of God

Father, source of light in every age,
the virgin conceived and bore Your Son
Who is called Wonderful God,
Prince of Peace.
May her prayer,
the gift of a mother's love,
be Your people's joy through all ages.
May her response,
born of a humble heart,
draw Your Spirit to rest on Your people.
Grant this through Christ our Lord.


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Acclamations In Praise Of Mary

By Saint Alphonsus Liguori.

O most sacred Virgin Mary,
O Queen of Angels, how beautiful,
accomplished, and perfect, has Heaven made thee!
O that I could appear to God as thou appearest to me.
Thou art so beautiful and gracious
that with thy beauty thou ravishest hearts.
When thou art seen, everything appears deformed,
all beauty is eclipsed,
every grace is lost sight of;
as the stars disappear at the rising of the sun.

When thy tenderly devoted servant,
Saint John Damascene, contemplated thee,
and when he saw that thou wast so beautiful,
it seemed to him that thou hadst taken the flower
and that which was best in every creature,
and therefore he called thee "the loveliness of nature,"
the grace and comeliness of every creature.

Saint Augustine,
the bright light of doctors,
contemplated thee,
and thou didst appear to him so fair and beautiful,
that he called thee the countenance of God,
and it did not seem to him adulation.
Thy devout son Albert the Great contemplated thee,
and to him it seemed that all the graces and gifts
which were in the most celebrated women of the old dispensation,
were all in a much higher degree in thee:
the golden mouth of Sarah, which, smiling,
rejoices Heaven and earth;
the sweet and tender look of the faithful Lia,
with which thou didst soften the heart of God,
hardened against sinners;
the splendor of countenance of the beautiful Rachel,
for with thy beauty thou dost eclipse the sun;
the grace and demeanor of the discreet Abigail,
by which thou didst appease an angry God;
the vivacity and strength of the valiant Judith,
for by thy power and thy grace thou dost subdue the most ferocious hearts.

In fine, O sovereign Princess,
from the immense ocean of thy beauty
the beauty and grace of all creatures flowed forth as rivers.
The sea learnt to curl its waves,
and to wave its crystal waters from thy golden hair,
which gracefully floated over thy shoulders and ivory neck.
The crystal fountains and their transparent depths learnt their tranquil
and steady flow from the serenity of thy beautiful brow
and placid countenance.
The lovely rainbow,
when in full beauty,
learnt with studious care its graceful bend from thy eyebrows,
thus better to send forth its rays of light.
The morning star itself,
and the sweet star of night,
are sparks from thy beautiful eyes.
The white lilies and ruby roses
stole their colors from thy lovely cheeks.
Envious purple and coral sigh for the color of thy lips.
The most delicious milk and sweetest honey
are distillations from the sweet honeycomb of thy mouth.
The scented jasmine and fragrant Damasc rose
stole their perfume from thy breath.
The loftiest cedar and the most erect,
the fairest cypress,
were happy when they beheld their image in thy erect and lofty neck.
The palm tree, emulous and jealous,
likened itself to thy noble stature.
In fine, O Lady,
every created beauty is a shadow and trace of thy beauty.
And thus I wonder not,
O sovereign Princess,
that Heaven and earth place themselves under thy feet;
for such are they,
and thou art so great,
that to he only under thy feet enriches them,
and they esteem themselves happy and blessed in kissing them.
Thus did the moon rejoice
when the evangelist Saint John saw her under thy feet,
and the sun increased in splendor
when it clothed thee with its rays of light.
The Evangelist, blinded by the brilliancy of thy light,
was lost in wonder and ravished out of himself
at the sight of so stupendous a miracle of beauty,
in which the beauty of Heaven and earth was concentrated, and he said,
"There appeared a great sign in Heaven."
A great miracle appeared in the heavens,
a miracle which filled the Angels with astonishment,
and caused the earth to tremble.
That miracle was, a woman clothed from head to foot in light and splendor.
The resplendent Sun itself chose her for His Mother,
and placed Himself in her womb;
the fair moon covers her feet as sandals edged with silver;
a multitude of stars crown her brow, and,
emulating one with another,
bind her locks together,
and form upon her head a diadem of precious gems:
"and on her head a crown of twelve stars."

Thus, O most sacred Virgin, the Saints,
considering thee in the midst of such splendor more beautiful than the sun,
and more fair than the moon,
which are the ornament and concentration of all beauty;
and considering the acclamations of joy which attend thee in Heaven,
can never cease their astonishment at thy beauty,
and can only exclaim and burst forth
in acclamation of wonder and astonishment.
Saint Peter Damian exclaims in his admiration,
"O holy and most holy of all Saints,
richest treasure of all sanctity."
Saint Bernard: "O admirable Virgin,
O woman honor of all women, the best,
the greatest that the world ever possessed.
Saint Epiphanius: "O heaven, greater and vaster than the heavens themselves;
O Virgin, truly full of grace."
And the Catholic Church, in the name of all, exclaims,
"O most clement, most pious, and most sweet Virgin Mary."

And I also, O heavenly Princess,
with thy permission,
although I am the least of thy servants,
I will also make my acclamations of wonder and astonishment.
O gracious and beautiful heaven,
more vast than the heavens themselves,
for they cannot contain God,
Who is immense, but He concealed Himself in thy womb;
O richest of all treasures,
in which was deposited the treasure of our redemption;
O Mother of sinners,
under whose mantle we are defended;
O consolation of the world,
in which all who are afflicted, infirm,
and disconsolate, find consolation;
O beautiful eyes, which steal hearts;
O coral lips, which imprison souls;
O generous hands, filled with lilies,
and which always distribute graces;
O pure creature, who appearest a God,
and whom I should have taken for a God,
had not faith taught me that thou art not so,
although thou hast a splendor,
and I know not what of Divine sovereignty;
O great Lady, empress of Heaven,
enjoy for a thousand eternities the greatness of thy state,
the immensity of thy greatness,
and the happiness of thy glory.
We only beseech thee, O compassionate Mother,
not to forget us,
who glory in being thy servants and children.
And since in thee are deposited all graces,
and the best and most privileged of all created things,
grant, O Lady, that we, thy devout children,
may be favored more beyond comparison than are all other men on earth.

The whole world should know that the dear children of Mary
are the best of Heaven and earth:
they are the spoilt children,
who enjoy all the choicest possessions of their Mother;
they are the beloved Benjamins,
who being caressed in the bosom of the Queen of Heaven,
are doubly favored and doubly caressed
by the Majesty of God.
This I hope, O most beautiful Rachel;
and this I am confident that thou wilt do,
O sovereign Princess.
In the name of what thou art, do it;
for all Heaven prostrate at thy feet beseeches thee,
and with importunity asks it of thee.
Say only yes, pronounce only a loving consent;
be it done, be it done, fiat, fiat!
O men, of what are you thinking?
How can you love earthly, deceitful, and lying creatures,
which betray you and cause you to lose your souls,
your bodies, Paradise, and God!
And why do you not love the most loving,
the most amiable,
the most faithful Mary, who,
after having enriched you with consolations and graces in this life,
will obtain you from her Divine beloved Son
the eternal glory of Paradise?
O Mary, Mary, more beautiful than all creatures,
lovely after Jesus above all loves,
more dear than all created things,
gracious above every grace,
pity this miserable heart of mine;
miserable because it does not love thee;
and it ought to love thee.
Thou canst inflame it with thy holy love.
Turn, O Mary, thy loving eyes upon me;
look at me, and draw me to thee;
and grant that after God I may love no other but thee,
most gracious, most amiable Mary,
Mother of Jesus, and my Mother.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Prayer Of Acclamations To Mary

O gracious and beautiful Heaven,
more vast than the heavens themselves,
for they cannot contain God,
Who is immense, but He concealed Himself in thy womb;
O richest of all treasures,
in which was deposited the treasure of our redemption;
O Mother of sinners,
under whose mantle we are defended;
O consolation of the world,
in which all who are afflicted, infirm, and disconsolate,
find consolation;
O beautiful eyes, which steal hearts;
O coral lips, which imprison souls;
O generous hands, filled with lilies,
and which always distribute graces;
O pure creature. who appearest a God,
and whom I should have taken for a God,
had not faith taught me that thou art not so,
although thou hast a splendor,
and I know not what of Divine sovereignty;
O great Lady, empress of Heaven,
enjoy for a thousand eternities the greatness of thy state,
the immensity of thy greatness,
and the happiness of thy glory,
We only beseech thee,
O compassionate Mother, not to forget us,
who glory in being thy servants and children,
And since in thee are deposited all graces,
and the best and most privileged of all created things,
grant, O Lady, that we,
thy devout children,
may be favored more beyond comparison
than are all other men on earth,
The whole world should know that the dear children of Mary
are the best of Heaven and earth:
they are the spoilt children,
who enjoy all the choicest possessions of their Mother;
they are the beloved Benjamins,
who, being caressed in the bosom of the Queen of Heaven,
are doubly favored
and doubly caressed by the Majesty of God,
This I hope, O most beautiful Rachel;
and this I am confident that thou wilt do,
O sovereign Princess,
in the name of what thou art, do it;
for all Heaven prostrate at thy feet beseeches thee,
and with importunity asks it of thee.
Say only yes, pronounce only a loving consent;
be it done, be it done, fiat, fiat!

O men, of what are you thinking?
How can you love earthly, deceitful, and lying creatures,
which betray you and cause you to lose your souls,
your bodies, Paradise, and God!
And why do you not love the most loving,
the most amiable,
the most faithful Mary, who,
after having enriched you with consolations and graces in this life,
will obtain you from her Divine beloved Son
the eternal glory of Paradise?

O Mary, Mary more beautiful than all creatures,
lovely after Jesus above all loves,
more dear than all created things,
gracious above every grace,
pity this miserable heart of mine;
miserable because it does not love thee;
and it ought to love thee.
Thou canst inflame it with thy holy love.
Turn, O Mary, thy loving eyes upon me;
look at me, and draw me to thee;
and grant that after God I may love no other but thee,
most gracious, most amiable Mary,
Mother of Jesus,
and my Mother.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Act Of Oblation To The Blessed Virgin Mary

My Queen! my Mother!
I give thee all myself, and,
to show my devotion to thee,
I consecrate to thee my eyes,
my ears, my mouth, my heart, my entire self.
Wherefore, O loving Mother,
as I am thine own,
keep me, defend me,
as thy property and possession.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Night Prayer To Our Blessed Mother

Night is falling dear Mother, long day is o'er;
Before thy image I am kneeling once more
To thank thee for keeping me safe this day,
To ask thee this night to keep evil away.

Many times have I fallen Mother dear;
Many graces neglected since last I knelt here;
Wilt thou not in pity, my own Mother Mild,
Ask Jesus to pardon the sins of thy child?

I am going to sleep now, day's work is done;
Its hours and its moments have passed one by one.
God Who will judge me, has counted them all;
He has numbered each grace, He has counted each fall;

In His book they are written against the last day.
Oh! Mother Ask Jesus to wash them away.
For one drop of His Blood for sinners was spilt,
Is sufficient to cleanse the world of its guilt.

And if er' the dawn I should draw my last breath;
The sleep I take be the long sleep of death;
Be near me Mother for dear Jesus' sake.
When at eternity shore my soul shall awake.


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A Farmer's Prayer To Mary

O Blessed Lady of the Fields,
who loved the land of your native Galilee,
who watched the tiller of the earth and the shepherd of the flock
go out and return from Nazareth,
who lived with and loved the rural folk of the village,
look down graciously upon the fields and pastures of this,
your adopted land.
Make our homes sanctuaries of Christ as was your home.
Make our fields fertile and abundant in the harvest.
Help us to understand more fully the dignity of our toil
and the merit it acquires when offered through you to your Divine Son,
Jesus Christ, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
lives and reigns for ever and ever.


Saturday, February 7, 2009

O Full Of Grace

By Pope Pius XII

O Mary, "full of grace and blessed among women," stretch out the hand of your motherly protection, we ask you, upon us who gather round your queenly throne as your handmaidens, obedient to your command and resolved with your help to bring to realization in ourselves and our sisters the ideals of truth and Christian perfection.

Our eyes are fixed on you in admiration, immaculate Virgin; you who are loved by the Heavenly Father above all others!

O Virgin Spouse of the Holy Spirit!

Tender Mother of Jesus!

Obtain for us from your Divine Son the grace to reflect your sublime virtues in our conduct, according to our age and condition of life.

Grant that we may be spotless and pure in our thoughts and in our behavior; gentle, affectionate, and sympathetic companions to our husbands; to our children solicitous, vigilant and wise mothers; prudent administrators of our homes; exemplary citizens of our dear country; faithful daughters of the Church, ever ready to allow ourselves to be guided by her in thought and deed.

Help us, loving Mother, to be truly devoted to the duties of our state of life; help us make our homes true centers of spiritual life and active charity, schools where consciences will be rightly formed, gardens where every virtue will flourish.

Give us your help that in social and political life we may be patterns of deep faith, of consistent and gracious Christian practice, of incorruptible integrity, and of well-balance judgment based upon the solid principles of religion.

Bless these our resolutions which you have inspired us to make and the trials you have helped us to bear; may we with your aid come to see their abundant fruits in time and in eternity.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Catholic Prayer in Honor of Mary

From the Liturgy of the Hours

Almighty God,
You gave a humble Virgin
the privilege of being mother of your Son,
and crowned her with the glory of heaven.
May the prayers of the Virgin Mary
bring us to the salvation of Christ
and raise us up to eternal life.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, forever and ever. Amen.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Sub Tuum

3rd Century; Oldest Known Prayer to Mary

We fly to thy patronage,
O holy Mother of God;
despise not our petitions in our necessities,
but deliver us always from all dangers,
O glorious and blessed Virgin. Amen.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Catholic Collect for the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God

New Saint Joseph Sunday Missal

Let us pray
[that Mary the mother of the Lord,
will help us by her prayers]
God our Father
may we always profit by the prayers
of the Virgin Mother Mary,
for you bring us life and salvation
through Jesus Christ her Son
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
One God, forever and ever. Amen.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Dear Guardian Of Mary

Verse 1

Dear Guardian of Mary! dear nurse of her Child!
Life's ways are full weary, the desert is wild.
Bleak sands are all round us, no home can we see.
Sweet Spouse of our Lady, we lean safe on thee.

Verse 2

For thou to the pilgrim art father and guide,
And Jesus and Mary felt safe at thy side.
O Glorious Patron, secure shall I be,
Sweet Spouse of our Lady, if thou stay with me!

Verse 3

God chose thee for Jesus and Mary, wilt thou
Forgive a poor exile fro choosing thee now?
There's no saint in heaven, St. Joseph like thee,
Sweet Spouse of our Lady, do thou plead for me.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

A Child's Prayer To Mary

Holy Mary, mother fair,
Filled with love for God,
Pray for us in all our needs.
Pray for us today.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Litany Of Saint Mary

St. Mary the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesus, hear us.
Jesus, graciously hear us.

God, the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, Have mercy on us.

Pray For Us

Holy Mary, Pray for us.
Holy Mother of God, Pray for us.
Holy Virgin of virgins, Pray for us.
Mother of Christ, Pray for us.
Mother of divine grace, Pray for us.
Mother most pure, Pray for us.
Mother most chaste, Pray for us.
Mother inviolate, Pray for us.
Mother undefiled, Pray for us.
Mother most amiable, Pray for us.
Mother most admirable, Pray for us.
Mother of good counsel, Pray for us.
Mother of our Creator, Pray for us.
Mother of our Savior, Pray for us.
Virgin most prudent, Pray for us.
Virgin most venerable, Pray for us.
Virgin most renowned, Pray for us.
Virgin most powerful, Pray for us.
Virgin most powerful, Pray for us.
Virgin most merciful, Pray for us.
Virgin most faithful, Pray for us.
Mirror of justice, Pray for us.
Seat of wisdom, Pray for us.
Cause of our joy, Pray for us.
Spiritual vessel, Pray for us.
Vessel of honor, Pray for us.
Singular vessel of devotion, Pray for us.
Mystical rose, Pray for us.
Tower of David, Pray for us.
Tower of ivory, Pray for us.
House of gold, Pray for us.
Ark of the covenant, Pray for us.
Gate of heaven, Pray for us.
Morning star, Pray for us.
Heath of the Sick, Pray for us.
Refuge of sinners, Pray for us.
Comforter of the afflicted, Pray for us.
Help of Christians, Pray for us.
Queen of Angels, Pray for us.
Queen of Patriarchs, Pray for us.
Queen of Prophets, Pray for us.
Queen of Apostles, Pray for us.
Queen of Martyrs, Pray for us.
Queen Confessors, Pray for us.
Queen of Virgins, Pray for us.
Queen of all Saints, Pray for us.
Queen conceived without original sin, Pray for us.
Queen assumed into heaven, Pray for us.
Queen of the most holy Rosary, Pray for us.
Queen of Peace, Pray for us.

St. Mary the Blessed Virgin Mary

Lord, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world.
Have mercy on us.
Pray for us, O holy Mother of God.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Christ, have mercy on us.

Let Us Pray

Grant, we beg you, O Lord God, that we your servants, may enjoy lasting health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, be delivered from present sorrow and enter into the joy of eternal happiness. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Act Of Oblation To The Blessed Virgin Mary

My Queen! my Mother!
I give thee all myself, and,
to show my devotion to thee,
I consecrate to thee my eyes,
my ears, my mouth, my heart, my entire self.
Wherefore, O loving Mother,
as I am thine own,
keep me, defend me,
as thy property and possession.