Monday, November 23, 2009


X is for xerography. Couldn't manage an x-ray, thought XL a bit of a cheat, no xylophone around. Xerox becoming outdated.

X is a rather sad letter, a negation in English, an ex-whatever. As an initial, it holds so little space in the dictionary. A leftover from Greek, now homeless. Used to cross out, or admit illiteracy, or shorten longer words, a redundant letter now that K and S have reconciled. Or said like Z when it makes it to the front of a word, afraid of losing it's place.

Cross your fingers and wait for Xmas.


tattytiara said...

X deserves to be a word in it's own right like A is.

English Rider said...

X has power and style, it is reborn in modern marketing; Ampex, Informix, x-box, etc. X represents kisses at the bottom of the page and check marks in the box on a voting form.
Not to be underextimated :)

Phil Plasma said...


backstreeter said...

x should never stands alone xxxx